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General Election 2015 official thread



  • I hope UKIP do well in terms of share of vote as it will be a big reason to change our voting system.
  • Great, solid performance on The Marr Show, Sir Farage
  • I hope UKIP continue to take votes from the Tories so labour do even better.
  • edited May 2015
    The problem for me is that first past the post doesn't work anymore. It needs to be changed, but when changing the political party in power will try to devise something that suits them best. What we need is true proportional representation (irrespective of who benefits from it or not). You wouldn't be able to work this out anyway as everything would change.That means people can vote for the person/party that represents them, not to keep this one or that one out? This will change politics and the two main parties could suffer. So what, this isn't about them, it is about the country and us and votes for UKIP (even though I disagree with them) will make this all the clearer.
  • edited May 2015
    Belgium only has a labour force of 5million people and with unemployment at 8%, poverty at 15%, I'm not sure a planning federation would work well in the UK. Whatever the result next week, I really hope for stability.
  • Something occurred to me whilst watching yesterday's game:

    Is Yann Kermorgant a non-dom?
  • The worst publicity stunt in a generation

    Let the jokes begin... #edstone
  • I hope UKIP continue to take votes from the Tories so labour do even better.

    If you lived in the north, you would be saying:

    I hope UKIP continue to take votes from Labour so Tories do even better.
  • Shocking SHOCKING news: Top Labourite Chukka Umunna has just come out as a PALACE SUPPORTER live on radio5 .. Eagles, Eagles he chortled .. terrible news .. can I now still vote Labour ??
  • If he is like Cameron, he might be a Charlton supporter next week!
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  • vff said:

    From a purely footballing perspective, I will not be voting for the party that has handed the Olympic Stadium under conditions of State AId which will directly adversely impact on Charlton Athletic. From season after next there will be with lots of free and cheap tickets in direct competition which will undermine Charlton. It appears to be a bit of a stitch up between the Conservatives and WHU with Baroness Brady (Conservative) and Gold / Sullivan contributions to the party.

    Another reason not to vote Tory.

    Well that's interesting. Can you confirm that you will not be voting for the party responsible?

    Because as I understand it E20 Stadium LLP is a joint venture between two other entities, The London Legacy Development Corporation and Newham Investments Ltd. The latter is wholly owned by The London Borough of Newham. A Labour controlled council, which by most measures is the second most deprived borough in the UK. But, as I understand it, still managed to find a nice little £40mn contribution to West Ham's new stadium. (You'd think they might have better things to do with their money wouldn't you?)
    I'd suggest that it's not just Conservatives who are culpable on this matter. So, it looks like it's LibDems, Green or UKIP for you.
  • DiscoCAFC said:

    I hope UKIP continue to take votes from the Tories so labour do even better.

    If you lived in the north, you would be saying:

    I hope UKIP continue to take votes from Labour so Tories do even better.

    Er, would you really?
  • Prediction time from me: Polls pointing to small Conservative majority in terms of seats, as they have been for weeks.

    That's not what I have seen in any polls so far. In fact, i am not sure I have seen *any* polls indicating a majority for any party, so far.

  • Chizz said:

    Prediction time from me: Polls pointing to small Conservative majority in terms of seats, as they have been for weeks.

    That's not what I have seen in any polls so far. In fact, i am not sure I have seen *any* polls indicating a majority for any party, so far.

    I think he mean that the Tories will be the largest party by a small margin not that they will hold a small majority.

  • DiscoCAFC said:

    I hope UKIP continue to take votes from the Tories so labour do even better.

    If you lived in the north, you would be saying:

    I hope UKIP continue to take votes from Labour so Tories do even better.

    Er, would you really?
    I think it would depend on who you asked, if it was unemployed factory worker for example, who would've been a typical 'old' Labour voter, I'd say yes to what Disco said
  • vffvff
    edited May 2015
    cafcfan said:

    vff said:

    From a purely footballing perspective, I will not be voting for the party that has handed the Olympic Stadium under conditions of State AId which will directly adversely impact on Charlton Athletic. From season after next there will be with lots of free and cheap tickets in direct competition which will undermine Charlton. It appears to be a bit of a stitch up between the Conservatives and WHU with Baroness Brady (Conservative) and Gold / Sullivan contributions to the party.

    Another reason not to vote Tory.

    Well that's interesting. Can you confirm that you will not be voting for the party responsible?

    Because as I understand it E20 Stadium LLP is a joint venture between two other entities, The London Legacy Development Corporation and Newham Investments Ltd. The latter is wholly owned by The London Borough of Newham. A Labour controlled council, which by most measures is the second most deprived borough in the UK. But, as I understand it, still managed to find a nice little £40mn contribution to West Ham's new stadium. (You'd think they might have better things to do with their money wouldn't you?)
    I'd suggest that it's not just Conservatives who are culpable on this matter. So, it looks like it's LibDems, Green or UKIP for you.

    Fair point about Newham Council's donation which sucks as well. (Though they may claim having a premiership team in their Borough, they may claim will bring in a lot of business / prestige etc). Nice deflection onto National Labour though. That is the usual Conservative response for everything. Distraction technique to evade discussing an accusation / issue. Ever thought about a career in politics ?

    IMO, the Conservatives are the governing party and bear the ultimately responsibility. Boris Johnson is the Mayor, Baroness Karen Brady is a Conservative. Sullivan is a Conservative donor seen at the White & Black Ball. Trevor Brooking. The whole things stinks.

    Your post made me laugh though, thanks for that. I take it you won't be voting Conservative either @cafcfan because of their Olympic Stadium decision ?
  • vff said:

    cafcfan said:

    vff said:

    From a purely footballing perspective, I will not be voting for the party that has handed the Olympic Stadium under conditions of State AId which will directly adversely impact on Charlton Athletic. From season after next there will be with lots of free and cheap tickets in direct competition which will undermine Charlton. It appears to be a bit of a stitch up between the Conservatives and WHU with Baroness Brady (Conservative) and Gold / Sullivan contributions to the party.

    Another reason not to vote Tory.

    Well that's interesting. Can you confirm that you will not be voting for the party responsible?

    Because as I understand it E20 Stadium LLP is a joint venture between two other entities, The London Legacy Development Corporation and Newham Investments Ltd. The latter is wholly owned by The London Borough of Newham. A Labour controlled council, which by most measures is the second most deprived borough in the UK. But, as I understand it, still managed to find a nice little £40mn contribution to West Ham's new stadium. (You'd think they might have better things to do with their money wouldn't you?)
    I'd suggest that it's not just Conservatives who are culpable on this matter. So, it looks like it's LibDems, Green or UKIP for you.

    Fair point about Newham Council's donation which sucks as well. (Though they may claim having a premiership team in their Borough, they may claim will bring in a lot of business / prestige etc). Nice deflection onto National Labour though. That is the usual Conservative response for everything. Distraction technique to evade discussing an accusation / issue. Ever thought about a career in politics ?

    IMO, the Conservatives are the governing party and bear the ultimately responsibility. Boris Johnson is the Mayor, Baroness Karen Brady is a Conservative. Sullivan is a Conservative donor seen at the White & Black Ball. Trevor Brooking. The whole things stinks.

    Your post made me laugh though, thanks for that. I take it you won't be voting Conservative either @cafcfan because of their Olympic Stadium decision ?
    I'm almost but not quite certain that I'm not voting in the general election because no party appears to reflect my views. I'll be pitching up though at the polling station to vote conservative in the local election because at the local level I think they do a good job.
  • brogib said:

    DiscoCAFC said:

    I hope UKIP continue to take votes from the Tories so labour do even better.

    If you lived in the north, you would be saying:

    I hope UKIP continue to take votes from Labour so Tories do even better.

    Er, would you really?
    I think it would depend on who you asked, if it was unemployed factory worker for example, who would've been a typical 'old' Labour voter, I'd say yes to what Disco said

    Yeah, but there's no way that 'typical' 'old' Labour voter would want to see the Tories prosper. He'll no doubt remember that it was the Tories that decimated their factories and their livelihoods back in the 80s, result of which some areas still haven't recovered fully.
  • Fiiish said:

    The worst publicity stunt in a generation

    Let the jokes begin... #edstone


    The fact is, having a set of pledges that the leader is accepting that he is accountable for is a big change from what we've had from David "this is going to be the greenest government ever" Cameron and Nick "there will be no tuition fee rise" Clegg.

    If you mean them, why not carve them in stone, in public, so that the electorate will remember them?
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  • Just heard another lovely little chat from that nice lady who leads Plaid Cymru (Welsh Nats for those non Welsh speakers) .. every time I hear her though I am expecting a :'Good morning campers, welcome to Maplins and hi de hi'
  • Chizz said:

    Fiiish said:

    The worst publicity stunt in a generation

    Let the jokes begin... #edstone


    The fact is, having a set of pledges that the leader is accepting that he is accountable for is a big change from what we've had from David "this is going to be the greenest government ever" Cameron and Nick "there will be no tuition fee rise" Clegg.

    If you mean them, why not carve them in stone, in public, so that the electorate will remember them?
    The jokes are still going on social media...

    Plus there's the actual issue that the council may not even grant planning permission for this monstrosity to be installed at Downing Street. Awkward...
  • So, it turns out that meeting with Russell Brand was a good idea..! Who knew?
  • Fiiish said:

    Chizz said:

    Fiiish said:

    The worst publicity stunt in a generation

    Let the jokes begin... #edstone


    The fact is, having a set of pledges that the leader is accepting that he is accountable for is a big change from what we've had from David "this is going to be the greenest government ever" Cameron and Nick "there will be no tuition fee rise" Clegg.

    If you mean them, why not carve them in stone, in public, so that the electorate will remember them?
    The jokes are still going on social media...

    Plus there's the actual issue that the council may not even grant planning permission for this monstrosity to be installed at Downing Street. Awkward...
    You don't *really* think that's the point do you? You don't *really* think that the landscaping of Downing Street is the story, and not the fact that Miliband has got six pledges in front of millions of people, via newspapers, TV and - as you point out - social media?

    It's a brilliant bit of PR. Hence we're talking about it now. And not Cameron's pledges; or Clegg's. Whatever they are.
  • the entire stone thing is a bit cringe, you gotta be honest
  • It is a bit, but it establishes the idea of a Labour government. Like Chizz mentions it is being talked about. It also showing Labour has having a more overwhelmingly positive campaign with pledges as opposed to a largely negative and defensive campaign from the Conservatives. How you view it probably depends on your voting perspective. It is how it plays with the undecided that counts. If it convinces more than it it doesn't then it will be considered a success.
  • We can only see how it goes on polling day if it was a good move. At the moment though, Miliband has only been making headlines for being a clown, but to be honest how far can you take the mockery of a clown? What are you going to make fun of, his red nose? His giant shoes?

    I hope that if Ed does make it into No. 10 that this thing does go up. The pledges on it are very subjective in terms of the necessary criteria needed to meet them, but I imagine he'll end up failing pretty much all of them and in 2020 it will come back to haunt him. Maybe a good short-term strategy but will haunt him for every day after polling day unless, by some miracle he does manage to keep his pledges.
  • vffvff
    edited May 2015
    That's your opinion Fiish and the line that the Conservative press / party has been pushing. The thing is though that this image doesn't match the reality with what has happened. Miliband has mostly has had a pretty good campaign. The stereotype does not fit the real person. Miliband has benefitted as a result.

    In pictures of the leaders, Clegg looks as if he is about to cry and will be better when its all over. Cameron doesn't look all that good either. He looks a bit tired and the manufactured passion to Conservative party workers and local supporters did not look that great. Lots of mini slips. Boris Johnson is looking pretty happy as he knows he is a good position to be the next leader (even though he got rattled and taken apart by Miliband on Andrew Marr, BBC).

    (Watch that interview, Milliband is looking confident).

    It has not helped the Conservatives to focus on Miliband. They would have been better off to focus on a more positive campaign. Hopefully that will be the end of Lynton Crosby in this country if as it looks likely the Conservative campaign does not succeed.
  • Fiiish said:

    At the moment though, Miliband has only been making headlines for being a clown, but to be honest how far can you take the mockery of a clown? .

    That's funny because I thought the only headlines he has been making is that despite being portrayed as an incompetent fool by the right wing press and as someone who would never appeal to the British electorate (and I must admit I was of this opinion before the election campaign) he has established himself as a very credible leader of the Labour Party and credible potential leader of the country.

    if there ever was a more narcissistic bellend than Russell Brand...

    At least he's changed his position on not voting, but i can't help but feel it's just cos cameron called him a joke. Playground stuff, and i thought Brand was tired of the circus politics has become?
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