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Katie Hopkins reported to the police by the Society of Black Lawyers.



  • kentred2 said:

    Whatever your politics or your views on immigration, or your fears for the common man, or your sense that Britain is losing its tradition; calling desperate human beings cockroaches and suggesting that they be treated as such is utterly indefensible.

    These are people whose crime is to have been born in a country which is now in a terrible situation from which they're desperate to escape, it's reasonable to debate the extent to which we should be looking to intervene but whichever side of the spectrum you fall on in that regard, the least we should be able to do is agree to empathise rather than dehumanise them.

    Hopkins has the right to say whatever she wants but both her and the 'click-at-all-costs' media outlets that purvey her sh!tty views would feel utterly ashamed of themselves if they had the decency.

    You have knocked on the head there Pass it.

    That awful woman and the majority of Tories like her do not have the basic human ability for empathy or for compassion. It is all about self for them. Not their fault, they should be pitied.
  • edited April 2015
    Is it just me or is it odd that we all (well most of us anyway) think it is unacceptable that this female Jeremy Clarkson has called a certain group of people "cockroaches" when we would all be quite happy to use the same word or similar even more derogatory ones to describe another group of people#?

    Cockroaches are amazing survivors. Once in Florida, unbeknown to me, a nice large fat brown one did a full 60°C cycle in the dishwasher with whatever nasty chemicals they use in the tablets and came out looking as happy as Larry. (Who is Larry BTW?)

    # I refer of course to Millwall supporters.
  • vffvff
    edited April 2015
    There is only a few that talk about Millwall supporters in this way, and that is a big use of 'We'. Would not support it for Millwall supporters either. Millwall supporters are largely able to defend themselves though. It makes a difference the strength of the group you are a calling name. I don't know if that is what you are getting at.

    Calling people who are extremely vulnerable, and finding it difficult to defend themselves a negative term is definitely different because of their extreme vulnerability. There are differences in power and status of people, that should not come as a shock that negative attacks will likely have a greater negative affect the more vulnerable and powerless a person and group are. You can shout a rude name at a strong group and it is likely to have much less impact.

    Interesting story about the survival capabilities of cockroaches though. No one is talking up their survival capabilities as a good thing. Cockroaches are pests that spread diseases and need to be exterminated. When people are likened to cockroaches in a discussion, that discussion is going in the wrong way.
  • cafcfan said:

    Is it just me or is it odd that we all (well most of us anyway) think it is unacceptable that this female Jeremy Clarkson has called a certain group of people "cockroaches" when we would all be quite happy to use the same word or similar even more derogatory ones to describe another group of people#?

    Cockroaches are amazing survivors. Once in Florida, unbeknown to me, a nice large fat brown one did a full 60°C cycle in the dishwasher with whatever nasty chemicals they use in the tablets and came out looking as happy as Larry. (Who is Larry BTW?)

    # I refer of course to Millwall supporters.

    They don't do Goliath Gel; works a treat on em
  • ....well, it does on the Cucaracha germanica, but not so much on the Orientals
  • cafcfan said:

    Is it just me or is it odd that we all (well most of us anyway) think it is unacceptable that this female Jeremy Clarkson has called a certain group of people "cockroaches" when we would all be quite happy to use the same word or similar even more derogatory ones to describe another group of people#?

    Cockroaches are amazing survivors. Once in Florida, unbeknown to me, a nice large fat brown one did a full 60°C cycle in the dishwasher with whatever nasty chemicals they use in the tablets and came out looking as happy as Larry. (Who is Larry BTW?)

    # I refer of course to Millwall supporters.

    Larry is a fecking big cockroach with a-tti-tude .. he's a sur-vivor, the Eye of the Tiger ((:>)
  • vffvff
    edited April 2015
  • dit dit
  • cafcfan said:

    Is it just me or is it odd that we all (well most of us anyway) think it is unacceptable that this female Jeremy Clarkson has called a certain group of people "cockroaches" when we would all be quite happy to use the same word or similar even more derogatory ones to describe another group of people#?

    Cockroaches are amazing survivors. Once in Florida, unbeknown to me, a nice large fat brown one did a full 60°C cycle in the dishwasher with whatever nasty chemicals they use in the tablets and came out looking as happy as Larry. (Who is Larry BTW?)

    # I refer of course to Millwall supporters.

  • Sponsored links:

  • What goes around...
  • Of course, there are other ways to deal with epilepsy. Having had a febral convulsion at the age of 2, it has always been dormant, yet in later life it has manifested itself on a few occasions quite harshly, predominantly stress related. So therefore there are a couple of ways you deal with it. Seek medical advice, find appropriate medication that your metabolism can handle to prevent seizures as much as it can (and there are many out there, one of which I was given that didn't quite do the trick), trust a decent neurologist, who does give me the occasional rollicking. Or be trephinned to stage yet another publicity stunt and denigrate a recognised disability. Thanks Katie.
  • She is such a twat. Jack Monroe only wanted her to apologise. But she wouldn't. Cost her loads.

    I have an impeccable source for this.
  • She is such a twat. Jack Monroe only wanted her to apologise. But she wouldn't. Cost her loads.

    I have an impeccable source for this.

    Twitter. And almost every newspaper. And the court case!

  • The 131k is what she has to pay Monroe and Monroe's fees, she still has to pay her own solicitor's fees on top of that
  • Surely Katie should give the money to charity instead. As a fervent anti capitalist Monroe would surely hate to be given so much money. Unless her principals have suddenly changed.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Katie do everybody a favour and just keep your gob shut.
  • Surely Katie should give the money to charity instead. As a fervent anti capitalist Monroe would surely hate to be given so much money. Unless her principals have suddenly changed.

    Nah , she'll probably play the victim instead , usually does.
  • buckshee said:

    Surely Katie should give the money to charity instead. As a fervent anti capitalist Monroe would surely hate to be given so much money. Unless her principals have suddenly changed.

    Nah , she'll probably play the victim instead , usually does.
    Well in this case she clearly was the victim which is how she won the case.

    I'd never heard of hear before this case but it was a nasty and false slur. Yet Monroe is the one you're attacking?
  • edited April 2017
    I have absolutely no sympathy with someone who said:

    'David Cameron uses stories about his dead son as misty-eyed rhetoric' to legitimise NHS privatisation.

    Both two different gobby sides of the same shit covered coin.
  • buckshee said:

    Surely Katie should give the money to charity instead. As a fervent anti capitalist Monroe would surely hate to be given so much money. Unless her principals have suddenly changed.

    Nah , she'll probably play the victim instead , usually does.
    Well in this case she clearly was the victim which is how she won the case.

    I'd never heard of hear before this case but it was a nasty and false slur. Yet Monroe is the one you're attacking?
    Monroe isn't as innocent and lovely as you'd like to think.
    A privileged gobshite who attempted to use migrants as a way of humiliating Hopkins to settle a personal dispute.
  • buckshee said:

    Surely Katie should give the money to charity instead. As a fervent anti capitalist Monroe would surely hate to be given so much money. Unless her principals have suddenly changed.

    Nah , she'll probably play the victim instead , usually does.
    Well in this case she clearly was the victim which is how she won the case.

    I'd never heard of hear before this case but it was a nasty and false slur. Yet Monroe is the one you're attacking?
    Monroe isn't as innocent and lovely as you'd like to think.
    A privileged gobshite who attempted to use migrants as a way of humiliating Hopkins to settle a personal dispute.
    I have no view on her as I've never heard of her before this.

    I dont think she's innocent or lovely and never said she was. Why did you need to make up that I did think that?
  • buckshee said:

    Surely Katie should give the money to charity instead. As a fervent anti capitalist Monroe would surely hate to be given so much money. Unless her principals have suddenly changed.

    Nah , she'll probably play the victim instead , usually does.
    Well in this case she clearly was the victim which is how she won the case.

    I'd never heard of hear before this case but it was a nasty and false slur. Yet Monroe is the one you're attacking?
    Monroe isn't as innocent and lovely as you'd like to think.
    A privileged gobshite who attempted to use migrants as a way of humiliating Hopkins to settle a personal dispute.
    I've never heard of Monroe before but was interested so did a search. I can find nothing from wiki that would indicate anything other than an entirely bog standard upbringing rather than a privileged one. Dad a Cypriot who served in the British Army and Mum a nurse. Doesn't strike me as a silver spoon jobbie.
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