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So where are we all now with Luzon?



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    Yes, I was not happy about the way he came in but in the second half on Saturday I saw some things that I have not seen a Charlton team do before so am currently very happy. Now excited about the Derby game as we need to know where QPR are in relation to other teams at this level.
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    Derby will once they get in their stride be the team to watch in my opinion. Playing them early might just be a good time. Before they settle. Will be tough but will if nothing else be an early education for our new boys just how tough the Championship is.
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    For now at least I think it's time to put behind us the way he was shoe-horned in and accept and enjoy what he appears so far to have achieved in a relatively short time. His teams play with vigour, on the front foot, and attempt to play attractive football. That RD appears to trust him with more funds than were previously made available is a bonus which he seems to be using to his and our advantage. Let's hope results in six months make his moving on unthinkable.
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    ChiAddick said:

    Greenie said:

    I cant get enough of the man. He don't take any shit, he plays good football, he's bat shit crazy in his technical area, he can pull a cracking looking woman and he goes raving.

    Man love level = 100%

    I love that expression!!

    What is there not to like? He is the boss, as proved when he dropped Watt.
    No crap will be taken. He as brought in players he knows and wanted, so he's not a puppet then???
    He heads and kicks every ball, so his passion is evidence that he cares about our club, we've had managers who just stand and stare not showing any passion.
    He appears to have excellent man management, is tactically strong, is trying to play attacking football, understands the balance of skill v strength players that are required in this league, and the players like him, finally he got a song on Saturday, yep I like the bloke.
    What I want to know is where did he go raving? Good lad Guy.

    He went and met his missus at EDC at Milton Keynes Bowl. Went straight up there in his Charlton tracksuit after the Welling game. Absolute Chap.
    Haha brilliant. A good festival as well. Respect would have been lost if he went wireless ;)
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    Nice how the club played Sweet Dreams during fan cam @ 2.50 on Saturday... Just had to be put in there somewhere
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    ChiAddick said:

    ChiAddick said:

    Greenie said:

    I cant get enough of the man. He don't take any shit, he plays good football, he's bat shit crazy in his technical area, he can pull a cracking looking woman and he goes raving.

    Man love level = 100%

    I love that expression!!

    What is there not to like? He is the boss, as proved when he dropped Watt.
    No crap will be taken. He as brought in players he knows and wanted, so he's not a puppet then???
    He heads and kicks every ball, so his passion is evidence that he cares about our club, we've had managers who just stand and stare not showing any passion.
    He appears to have excellent man management, is tactically strong, is trying to play attacking football, understands the balance of skill v strength players that are required in this league, and the players like him, finally he got a song on Saturday, yep I like the bloke.
    What I want to know is where did he go raving? Good lad Guy.

    He went and met his missus at EDC at Milton Keynes Bowl. Went straight up there in his Charlton tracksuit after the Welling game. Absolute Chap.
    Haha brilliant. A good festival as well. Respect would have been lost if he went wireless ;)
    Have you not seen the video of him uncomfortably singing along to a remix of 'Sweet Dreams'?? Its class.

    No. Got a link? Cheers
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    ChiAddick said:

    ChiAddick said:

    ChiAddick said:

    Greenie said:

    I cant get enough of the man. He don't take any shit, he plays good football, he's bat shit crazy in his technical area, he can pull a cracking looking woman and he goes raving.

    Man love level = 100%

    I love that expression!!

    What is there not to like? He is the boss, as proved when he dropped Watt.
    No crap will be taken. He as brought in players he knows and wanted, so he's not a puppet then???
    He heads and kicks every ball, so his passion is evidence that he cares about our club, we've had managers who just stand and stare not showing any passion.
    He appears to have excellent man management, is tactically strong, is trying to play attacking football, understands the balance of skill v strength players that are required in this league, and the players like him, finally he got a song on Saturday, yep I like the bloke.
    What I want to know is where did he go raving? Good lad Guy.

    He went and met his missus at EDC at Milton Keynes Bowl. Went straight up there in his Charlton tracksuit after the Welling game. Absolute Chap.
    Haha brilliant. A good festival as well. Respect would have been lost if he went wireless ;)
    Have you not seen the video of him uncomfortably singing along to a remix of 'Sweet Dreams'?? Its class.

    No. Got a link? Cheers

    Here ya go.
    Haha cheers VG what a nutcase.
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    He won me over on Feb 14th last season after performing a 4 day miracle.

    On Feb 10th we had lost at home to Norwich 2-3 - the thirteenth game on the spin without a win. I recall leaving that day unable to see through the gloom - certain that relegation was looming.

    Just four days later we beat high flying Brentford 3 0. It wasn’t just the win, but the manner of the win. The football was fast, flowing and attacking - hadn’t seen the likes for ages.

    Luzon then went on to accumulate 21 points from 27 within the group of nine consecutive games, and ensure Championship status for the following season. OK the season flatlined a bit there on (taking six points from 21)

    However Luzon had done the job. He not only transformed the team - a tough enough task - but he also transformed my opinion of him - which I thought was virtually impossible (yeah I know, miserable old sod)

    If he is given the tools, I’m confident he’ll do the job.
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    edited August 2015
    seth plum said:

    I hated him with a vengeance when he was appointed. I hated the work permit thing, the angling for the job whilst Peeters was there thing (courtesy Jimmy Stone), the Mrs Luzon signing up to follow Charlton whilst Peeters was in place thing (that was a false account said Katrien, errrm no it wasn't), the Israeli leak thing well in advance of the Peeters/Luzon switch, the apparent nepotism within the Israeli FA thing, the façade of interviewing thing, the way Liege fans thought of him as a joke thing, the video of 'who are Charlton/laugh at Riga' thing, the post match interview video where he blamed the ref ('no coincidence') thing.

    Phew what a list, which individually did not build up to a big deal, but collectively put me off Luzon big time. It was also in the context of our play and league position at the time. I freely admit that Luzon started with a big minus respect from me, very very big...the only smidgen of respect however is when he said 'I like to win, don't like to lose'.

    So now?
    I like and respect him much more, I have met and spoken to him and his family and in that context he is very likeable. In speaking one on one he is unlike his TV persona, and has a generous spirit when interacting personally, amused and amusing, direct without being arrogant, and really quite easy to like.

    In terms of the football these are the things I like:

    Assemblage of players to be effective.
    Training ground routines which are put into effect.
    The good relationship he has fostered with Damian Matthew and the other background staff.
    The results right up to the last few matches of last season.
    A certain exotic freshness of continental ideas he has introduced (like the Dutch total football doubling up on the oppo when they had the ball which we saw on Saturday).
    The signing of Kashi which recognises that every team needs one or two players of talismanic quality and potential.
    The way he has encouraged Morgan Fox to be more adventurous and brave going forward, and similar positives on others KAG and RCC are two cases in point, there are likely to be more.
    His degree of Israeli street confidence, and his degree of uninhibitedness in showing it.
    (there are probably a few more of these which I can't think of now)

    And to finish, the excellent thing he said in the post match conference after QPR which I really really like and admire and agree with, it was something along the lines of:

    'In football you can either dare to win or fear to lose, I want to dare to win'.

    Excellent that (it might be a 'borrowed' phrase but still excellent to hear).

    I think there are imperfections, and some trips and dangers on the path ahead, and with regard to his youthful impulsiveness, but right now I am content with Guy Luzon, he does not make me want to vomit as he did at the start, I actually like him, and I hope that he succeeds. One thing I feel is that he is not a wishy washy character, or even a marmite character...he is who he is, and I would like him even more if I were a bit more convinced that he is being a little bit seduced by the Charlton Athletic experience.

    Apology accepted ;0)

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    seth plum said:

    I hated him with a vengeance when he was appointed. I hated the work permit thing, the angling for the job whilst Peeters was there thing (courtesy Jimmy Stone), the Mrs Luzon signing up to follow Charlton whilst Peeters was in place thing (that was a false account said Katrien, errrm no it wasn't), the Israeli leak thing well in advance of the Peeters/Luzon switch, the apparent nepotism within the Israeli FA thing, the façade of interviewing thing, the way Liege fans thought of him as a joke thing, the video of 'who are Charlton/laugh at Riga' thing, the post match interview video where he blamed the ref ('no coincidence') thing.

    Phew what a list, which individually did not build up to a big deal, but collectively put me off Luzon big time. It was also in the context of our play and league position at the time. I freely admit that Luzon started with a big minus respect from me, very very big...the only smidgen of respect however is when he said 'I like to win, don't like to lose'.

    So now?
    I like and respect him much more, I have met and spoken to him and his family and in that context he is very likeable. In speaking one on one he is unlike his TV persona, and has a generous spirit when interacting personally, amused and amusing, direct without being arrogant, and really quite easy to like.

    In terms of the football these are the things I like:

    Assemblage of players to be effective.
    Training ground routines which are put into effect.
    The good relationship he has fostered with Damian Matthew and the other background staff.
    The results right up to the last few matches of last season.
    A certain exotic freshness of continental ideas he has introduced (like the Dutch total football doubling up on the oppo when they had the ball which we saw on Saturday).
    The signing of Kashi which recognises that every team needs one or two players of talismanic quality and potential.
    The way he has encouraged Morgan Fox to be more adventurous and brave going forward, and similar positives on others KAG and RCC are two cases in point, there are likely to be more.
    His degree of Israeli street confidence, and his degree of uninhibitedness in showing it.
    (there are probably a few more of these which I can't think of now)

    And to finish, the excellent thing he said in the post match conference after QPR which I really really like and admire and agree with, it was something along the lines of:

    'In football you can either dare to win or fear to lose, I want to dare to win'.

    Excellent that (it might be a 'borrowed' phrase but still excellent to hear).

    I think there are imperfections, and some trips and dangers on the path ahead, and with regard to his youthful impulsiveness, but right now I am content with Guy Luzon, he does not make me want to vomit as he did at the start, I actually like him, and I hope that he succeeds. One thing I feel is that he is not a wishy washy character, or even a marmite character...he is who he is, and I would like him even more if I were a bit more convinced that he is being a little bit seduced by the Charlton Athletic experience.

    Seth, if there's one thing I wouldn't associate with you, it's knowing what Israeli street confidence looks like. I now have misplaced visions that you've spent some time hanging with the homies on the Gaza strip
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    edited August 2015
    He has won me over. Tactically sound and is excellent with the media.

    Can someone please post the Makienok sweet dreams video ?
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    wmcf123 said:

    He has won we over. Tactically sound and is excellent with the media.

    Can someone please post the Makienok sweet dreams video ?

    Is that the royal "we" ?

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    wmcf123 said:

    He has won we over. Tactically sound and is excellent with the media.

    Can someone please post the Makienok sweet dreams video ?

    Is that the royal "we" ?

    Error; thanks for pointing it out
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    All I know is, frozen and miserable at Watford, since then the whole set up is winning me over.
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    edited August 2015
    Well im loathe to be reactionary, but Saturday ticks all the boxes. So does telling Staprix I want a squad of X, seemingly fit, tough lads who can play. We set up to be good in both boxes, a useful tactic on a limited budget.

    his post match interview was superb. Love his winning psychology and squad Dicta, it's just like Mourinho but his sayings and quotes are original, not plagiarism

    "You have two choices in football, you’re afraid to lose or you dare to win. I dare to win and my players are the same."

    Fooking brilliant, cute. No risk. Can't be used against him later a la bob "I'm as thick as I look" wankeers

    Did I scoff at this appointment? Yes. No track record. Laughable process by the club. But they can't exactly say to the fans, do one, we kbow better.

    He could go all the way. Some serious talent there in man managing
    management. Just waiting.for a hissy fit because that was his downfall in Israel. As long as he remembers,

    "when you win, it's never as good as it seems, but when you lose, it's not the end of the world." or "dont get carried away with success nor despondent in defeat " all curbisley -isms, Alan c doesn't have the Raw charisma Luzon is blessed with.

    Totally wrong about this guy. Now he is our guy my guy, the go to guy.

    Him and Karanka best managers in the division
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    I'm not yet ready to change my user name to Mary Wells but the boy done very good on Saturday and deserves credit for that.
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    Seth has covered exactly what I would say on Luzon. Credit where credit he knows what he is doing and doing it well.

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    The two main events that turned our season around and gave Guy Luzon a chance of being a success was JJ's support and endorsement of his methods at sparrows lane, and the big one was the introduction of Tony Watt at H/T against Norwich at the valley when we were 2-0 down and clueless. (you had to be there)

    The funny thing was i didn't join in with "you don't know what your doing"
    but the 1st time ever during a game at H/T decided to walk alongside Guy(right side of the barrier) and asked him to play Tony and Igor together. hey presto, looked back to the tunnel and Just like on Saturday Tony came on, he played alongside Igor and they both scored even thou we lost 3-2.
    When i went back to my seat i was asked if i was Roland !

    The next home game we won 3-0 against Brentford and Guy has been spot on since. 12th was decent really as Igor was only 90% fit. it was great that Guy is giving and receiving affection from the crowd.
    I would like to hear from Roland that he feels Guy is doing a good job.
    Or Katrien can say it on behalf of him.
    It felt that we were all in it together on Saturday, long may that last.

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    From the little of the games I've seen I've been impressed. In terms of what he says and his general management of the team I think he's been top notch. At the beginning I was willing to give him a chance and I just wish more of our fans had as well. Some of the comments on social media (and some still continue) are just embarrassing. I said since Roland appointed Riga to give each manager a chance, it may not be what we're used to but it does seem to be working. I think with each manager since CP the play has got better (well under Bob he attempted to improve it and in the beginning he did) so I hope this trend continues and I think that's reflected in the general feeling around the club and on here.
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    Some interesting comments. What really struck me about Saturday was that it felt like the old premiership days again with the team fighting for everything. Don't get me wrong we had that with Powell too. Early days but good signs
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    I liked he's ways after our run last season, he has a Mouriniho about him and that is a good thing in my book
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