over the news here in the U.S today. This is one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen and I cannot imagine what would make anyone want to do something like this. I'm very frightened to know that I have people like this living in my country. Please keep your thoughts and prayers with the families of the victims
Perhaps more alarming is that it's being put down to a "disgruntled employee".
Thoughts with the family, no one goes to work without expecting to get home safe of an evening, let alone a journalist.
I don't understand America a lot of the time.
What is the NRA of America going to say?
It is beyond comprehension that they know the solution but won't do anything about it.
RIP to the victims today.
They see anything in absolutes, people like this killer are the "bad guys" and the way to stop them is to arm the "good guys". They seem to have a childlike nativity about how complex human nature really is, how someone can appear to be a good guy, or actually, to all intents and purposes even be one, but the right combination of circumstance can cause them to do bad things. Unfortunately the NRA are willing to keep pressing for laws that allow "bad guys" to easily get guns, so that the "good guys" (which in the world of the NRA is them and their members) can continue to have them.
On the insanity of gun control in the U.S. it's worth watching Jim Jefferies' rant if you haven't already.
you know, i once said that news reporting is getting so close to the news, when it's actually happening, that i wouldn't be surprised, if one day, we actually saw someone killed on tv and now we have!
r i p those who have died so tragically.
So many innocent deaths can be attributed to that Second Amendment.
Words fail me why anyone would think that's acceptable.