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Another Shooting In America?



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    America is a sick and diseased country.

    No truly civilised country can allow this to repeatedly happen and yet do NOTHING to stop it.

    Innocent kids gunned down again and again and yet the US Government will do absolutely nothing.
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    I'm going to be flamed for this but .........

    Sad as it is nothing can be done until guns are banned in the US. And as the gun lobby is so big over there nothing will change. Its not news any more & doesn't shock me. 

    If millions of US citizens openly want to own a gun & more importantly see it as a RIGHT then there is no point being shocked when some teenager decides he is going to shoot up a school.

    Remember "I dont like Monday's". That was over 40 years ago. 
    Golfie that is an absolute fact mate, I lost faith in something changing after Sandy Hook. The right to bear arms was an inconceivably short sited piece of legislation and one of the worst in American history. 

    We are at the point of no return, and this has been accepted as the new norm
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    Excusing my ignorance, but what are the top few reasons for school shooting in the US?
    I can imagine a grudge against school mates and teachers or ex school mates and teachers, but what else and why would an 18 year old, murder 4-11 year olds?
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    Yes, they are deluded. Of course gun reforms are the way to prevent such crimes. Absolute political lunacy!
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    19 dead now including 1 teacher.
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    The total is 18 children dead, the shooter (killed by police), the shooter's grandmother and one teacher. All of the dead are age 8-11, apparently. The shooter is Hispanic and 18 years old. Word is that he waltzed into a gun store and bought two AR-15s on his 18th birthday.  This was the 3rd to last day of school before the summer break. I wish I could say this would finally allow politicians to be elected who want to end this but in reality the GOP will probably take control of both of our Legislative branches this November. Greg Abbott, the Texas Governor and Donald Trump are set to speak at the NRA Annual Conference as soon as this week.
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    The same governor who a few years ago posted this on twitter. What hope do they have when that is the mindset?

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    the shooter clearly had issues. this is heartbreaking. Cruz was on the news saying the best solution is armed security on campus….

    frstly - where we’re they?
    secondly - is the best way to stop this to supply more guns?  

    Fucking hell they have some fuzzy logic!

    ”guns don’t kill people, people kill people” is the argument!  Well stop giving people deadly weapons at the drop of a hat!
    this makes me so angry
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    edited May 2022
    Once Sandy Hook passed and America chose guns over children, this was never going to stop. 

    Their solution is arming teachers, what a backwards country. 
    Absolutely correct. When America decided it would do nothing after the horrific Sandy Hook attack, it decided the massacre of young children was an acceptable tradeoff for lax gun laws.
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    Death toll now 21, including 19 children.

    Quite a few more are in hospital.
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    A spokesman on Sky news has just said that in America ten times as many people under the age of 25 have died from guns than from Covid during this pandemic. 
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    Such a tragedy - I feel desperately sorry for the victims and their families and friends. I hope one day the US wakes up from this madness.
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    edited May 2022
    For those of you who have read Sapiens will understand this.

    Being “American” is no different to following the “rules” of Islam, Christianity or anything else. 

    Nationalism is a religion.

    It’s based on control and power and there are far too many who won’t shake it off to rid this weird obsession over there.
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    Posted without comment
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    The same governor who a few years ago posted this on twitter. What hope do they have when that is the mindset?

    You reap what you sow. 
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    It's so bizarre and alien to me that a majority of Americans would rather put up with this as a consequence of gun ownership being legal (and easy) than just do the sensible thing and ban guns.

    We had this happen once in Dunblane and that was that, complete ban.

    Apparently the most likely cause of death in an under 18 year old in American isn't car accidents, cancer, SIDS... it's being shot.  Barmy.
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    Even then, 90% want background checks.

    Who are the 10%?

    Why don't 90%+ want guns banned?  Crazy country.
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    WSS said:
    Will anything make a politician/president actually risk it all and sort this out?

    So backwards.
    You would hope so....but I bet it doesn't happen.
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