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Donald Trump and his Mexican Wall.



  • edited December 2015
    The USA is one of the greatest countries on earth and as you might expect with such greatness also one of the worst. Rather have them with me than against me.
  • limeygent said:

    limeygent said:

    You'd likely be humourless too, if you had to deal with what they deal with,

    What ? Being American ?

    So many on here toss around insults at America and Americans, any chance they get, usually the same posters. My son was born in the U.S., so he's an American, his mother was an American, my partner of the last 18 years is an American. My sister is married to an American and her daughters and grand-daughters are Americans. My employees are Americans as are most of my clients.
    So maybe you could think what you are saying before you toss out your crap on here, just to get a rise out of others of similar ilk, and stick to football, something about which you have a vague chance of having a little knowledge.
    Cool story bro.
    He's right though. The hypocrisy on here at times is a joke.
    To be fair, I wouldn't really disagree with that.
  • Donald Trump is an hysterical white supremacist nutjob. When he gets the republican party nomination we should all be very scared indeed. Obtaining the nomination is a result of wealth plus industrial connections. Trump is rich beyond comprehension, buying his way in presents no obstacle. Our only hope of him not waltzing into the White House as one of the most powerful and dangerous men on the planet rests with the republican party's apparent inability to get a plausible candidate legitimately elected.
    In Senator John McCain the republicans had a decorated veteran and we all know how much weight that carries in USA. Standing against him was Barak Obama, much younger, not white, not an ex-serviceman. It was the clearest open goal in american political history and the republicans missed! Even Ronnie Rosenthal in a blindfold with his legs tied together would have struggled to mess that one up.
    American society is racist to a depth and degree we Brits cannot comprehend. A very large tranche of american voters won't care how extreme Trump really is, a similar proportion won't understand, so long as he isn't representing the supposedly "liberal" democrat party he will get their votes. All the republican party animals have to do is get people to vote. He'll make us nostalgic for intelligent, moderate statesmen like George W Bush and Genghis Kahn.
  • In Senator John McCain the republicans had a decorated veteran and we all know how much weight that carries in USA. Standing against him was Barak Obama, much younger, not white, not an ex-serviceman. It was the clearest open goal in american political history and the republicans missed! Even Ronnie Rosenthal in a blindfold with his legs tied together would have struggled to mess that one up.

    Not so much an open goal as an own goal. Picking Sarah Palin as his running mate was the death of his campaign. She secured the votes of the Tea Party nutters, who were never going to vote Democrat anyway, but lost pretty much every undecided and even a lot of moderate Republican votes.

    Trump makes Palin look like Corbyn!

  • Well Nellie the elephant likes him.
  • IA said:

    Trump is rich beyond comprehension

    Start with his ex-wives, blend with his various bankrupt businesses and garnish with a seemingly never-ending list of law suits and you'll probably serve up the difference.
  • I'm more worried about the potential for his precarious syrup slipping off and landing on the 'launch' button.

    Is it a syrup ?
  • If it ain't it's a blueprint for one.
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  • He's advocating a new one to keep out Muslims .. the two combined to be the 'Anti Mexi-Muslim Alamo Maginot Line'
  • Before you get menstrual, look up the 1783 treaty of Paris on wikipedia.

    That will calm all your fears.
  • Mr Johnson said police officers were doing "excellent work" in London.

    "Crime has been falling steadily both in London and in New York - the only reason I wouldn't go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump," he added.

    Mr Trump was also attacked by Labour candidate for London mayor Sadiq Khan, who said the billionaire "can't just be dismissed as a buffoon - his comments are outrageous, divisive and dangerous".

    Conservative mayor candidate Zac Goldsmith said Mr Trump was "an appalling creature... one of the most malignant figures in politics".
  • If Trump becomes President I'm sure he can make things in the Middle East far worse. He reminds me of the most ignorant pub bore and I find it terrifying that anyone can take him seriously.
  • The other Republican candidates don't seem serious.

  • edited December 2015
    I love America, have American family and might even qualify for a green card.

    People's sweeping generalisations of all Americans are as abhorrent as those made about any other nationality or ethnic group be bit Muslims, Gypsies or "chavs" (sic).

    America also has a huge number of problems which, because of their hard and soft power, impact on the rest of us.

    Their guns laws/culture are bizarre and the influence of the fundamentalist Christian right wing is potentially a huge threat to world peace and individual liberty.

    But I still love America as the home of liberty and the pursuit of happiness, of rock and roll, blues and soul, of baseball and of Hollywood.
  • Magnificent country with a gun and religion problem
  • Americans are lovely people but the problem is they vote in Governments that will attack anyone who doesn't want the same happiness and Liberty they think they have, and that likes to have their share of everyone else's wealth and natural resources.
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  • IA said:
    And what does a TV chef know about US politics !

  • trump is the republican's worst nightmare. If he wins the nomination then there's no way "swing" voters would vote for him and if by some miracle became president would fuck it up so bad the republicans would spend another age out of the whitehouse. If he doesn't get the nomination, he'd run as an independent, effectively splitting the republican's vote base leaving an open goal for hilary to win (that's assuming bernie sanders doesn't do the same and runs as an independent...).
  • I believe Donald Trump doesn't want the nomination and this is a huge wind up and attention seeker on his part. He has the money, time and power so he can do what he wants. As it has been getting closer and closer to the nomination he has been getting increasingly more bizarre and controversial and I believe that is all part of his plan. I think when the time comes he plans to have pissed off so many people on both sides of the political spectrum that there won't be a chance in hell of him getting the nod. In the meantime though he is stirring the pot and welding his power which he loves to do.
  • I hate lefty bullshit tweets like that

    So because we're all immigrants somewhere along the line, nobody is allowed an opinion that calls for any control.

    No I'm not advocating Trumps weird opinions

    This, I also hate when you have a pop at what muslim extremists are doing and the lefties say "but in 1095 Christians did this.."
  • As someone who is always desperate for a Democrat to occupy the White House I am nonetheless sickened to the stomach reading the comments of political and religious leaders from Muslim countries around the world criticising Trump for his comments and accusing him of being racist and intolerant. American citizens brought up with American values and educated from a young age to fully understand the American constitution and the importance of religious tolerance written into that constitution have every right to condemn his remarks. But Muslims from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan? Please, just shut the F*#k Up!
  • The USA is one of the greatest countries on earth and as you might expect with such greatness also one of the worst. Rather have them with me than against me.

    I am about to find out for myself leave weds for Christmas there,
  • As someone who is always desperate for a Democrat to occupy the White House I am nonetheless sickened to the stomach reading the comments of political and religious leaders from Muslim countries around the world criticising Trump for his comments and accusing him of being racist and intolerant. American citizens brought up with American values and educated from a young age to fully understand the American constitution and the importance of religious tolerance written into that constitution have every right to condemn his remarks. But Muslims from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan? Please, just shut the F*#k Up!

    What are American values? Because I don't think trump displays many of them
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