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Donald Trump and his Mexican Wall.



  • rananegra said:

    Trump is clearly an idiot but he shouldn't be banned from the UK.

    Quite the opposite. Trump's is tapping into American's fear of another 9/11 type of attack. More than four in 10 Republican primary voters say the most important quality in a candidate is strong leadership, and these voters heavily favor Mr. Trump. In addition, Trump's message resonates within certain demographics within the Republican party: those that are less educated, less affluent (40 % support from voters who earn less than $50,000 and 33 % from voters who earn more) and those 50 to 65.

  • edited December 2015
    Used this in class Friday in values lesson about free speech. CL is now educating young people in this country and making them laugh out loud on occasion. Cheers.
  • Used this in class Friday in values lesson about free speech. CL is now educating young people in this country and making them laugh out loud on occasion. Cheers.

    Could we use "whose rack" for your anatomy lessons ?
  • cafcfan said:

    IA said:

    rananegra said:

    Trump is clearly an idiot but he shouldn't be banned from the UK. I'm not sure that most people signing that petition believe it either, they are making a point about how the British state is happy to allow in people with bigoted opinions if they fit certain profiles (and are rich). It's a stunt.
    I haven't been to Bow for about a year, but has it really changed that much? I had a few beers and stood outside a pub and no one said a word. It's not the same as walking down a street holding a can of lager, but still. I've been in Whitechapel and Stepney more recently and just don't recognise the picture of these being "no go areas" for white people (and they are far more Muslim than Bow was a year ago).
    I read the Daily Mail article and it does seem to be taking two different issues and trying to mix them up, can't imagine why. One is that police officers are told to not wear uniform/partial uniform when not on duty. Given what happened to Lee Rigby, that seems like a sensible precaution. I can see why some coppers would be annoyed at it and it fits in with the "health and safety gone made" narrative that the Daily Mail likes.
    And there are a handful of coppers speaking off the record saying there are places they are afraid to go. None of them sound particularly convincing to me, but I will concede there have always been some places that the police are reluctant to go - Broadwater Farm, parts of Brixton in the early 80s, spring to mind. But the reasons for all that were complex - and not related at all to Islamification. But I think this paints a dangerous picture of a monolithic Muslim culture and is in danger of being a self-fulfilling prophesy. The reason that police (and indeed non-police) can go anywhere in London is that the Jihadists are a tiny minority. Yes, they can probably mobilise some youths who want to have a go at the police - but this is actually true of any tendency and many areas: it wasn't that long ago that it was universally assumed about football fans as well. But painting everyone Muslim as "the enemy within" is just plain wrong and likely to be counterproductive.

    The other thing about the Daily Mail article is that it takes the anonymous posts of five members of an online police forum and presents them as fact. There are several journalistic issues with that.

    I'm always very suspicious of stuff the plod come out with. (That's partially because my sister is one.) There's often a hidden agenda. Remember the less than honest contribution from the federation and individual officers during the plebgate fiasco? (In this case it's probably trying to persuade their local inspector that it's not safe to wander around by yourself, so they can go mob-handed and end up with lots of nice extra overtime payments.)
    When was the last time you saw any policeman either wandering around or on their own ?
    The days of the local Bobby on the beat are long gone. I doubt any policeman would respond to any incident single handed. Quite right too.

  • se9addick said:

    Used this in class Friday in values lesson about free speech. CL is now educating young people in this country and making them laugh out loud on occasion. Cheers.

    Could we use "whose rack" for your anatomy lessons ?
    I believe nb on countdown is already part of the curriculum in maths and English. Would ya is philosophy and ethics but as yet no room for whose rack in science still firmly rooted in design tech and the end of term claim it or lose it session.
  • edited January 2019
  • Ahhh forgot we had a seperate forum for politics now. Cheers mate
  • Rossman92 said:

    Ahhh forgot we had a seperate forum for politics now. Cheers mate
    It's more a place for quiet contemplation. One can wander around in there for hours without coming into contact with anyone else while the hubbub of the transfer window gossip, last night's tele or whether @Curb_It is actually having a birthday or not, goes on over the wall. I highly recommend a visit..

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