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Donald Trump and his Mexican Wall.



  • How about prohibiting all American citizens from encroaching within 100 meters of schools and colleges in the UK? Given events in the USA this could be seen as a wise policy!

    I don't really think it would do any good but it might show America how ridiculous they sometimes look to the outside world!
  • edited December 2015
    The Republicans may never again, or at least not for a long time, send a President to the White House. The ethnic make up of the USA has changed to the extent that the majority of the Republican party voters are WASPs, rednecks, very rich people and those 'non whites' who have right wing opinions allied to some who have become unemployed due to the 'exportation of American jobs'. This last group may be ignorant of the fact that Republicans generally are against paying social benefits to the poor and needy.
    The Democrats appeal to 'new' Americans, especially Asians, Mexicans and many young people who are sick of wars and seeing poverty and desperate people all around them, the technocrats who are far seeing and know that a totally isolationist/we're all right jack USA is anachronistic.
    The problem may be however, that a new loving, caring and principled USA will still be a target for fanatics and political extremists spread over the rest of the globe. No American president of whatever party can afford to be too magnanimous
  • If you need a gun to defend your property, those attacking your property will feel they need guns too. And if everybody needs guns, there are more in the system so easier for idiots to get hold of. We are proof that America's gun laws don't work - but it is about culture rather than truth.
  • I generally like Americans ( I could say the same abount any country) though their foreign policy is poor in my opinion. The gun debate however is something else. Everytime they have another shooting incident, another statistic pops up. A recent one was that 89 people a day are shot and killed in the USA, including suicides. And after every shooting, the gun lobby ( and #limeygent ) turn up saying how great it is that everyone can own guns.
    You have to diferentiate between Americans generally, and NRA. But put simply, no one group in the world is killing as many US citizens as Americans themselves. And they worry about Isis.
  • IA said:
    And what does a TV chef know about US politics !

    Well he works in an industry where a manufacturer of rubber tyres (Michelin) is the ultimate arbiter on whether something tastes good!
    And how does that work?
  • Would be "interesting" to inhabit a planet where a barm pot like Trump was the most powerful man in the free world.

    Aktar Sanchez
  • Trump 4/1 to be next president with Hills, it would be funny just for the absolute melt down from lefties. Why can't I LOL my own post ffs.
  • He's a Democrat party plant.
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  • As someone who is always desperate for a Democrat to occupy the White House I am nonetheless sickened to the stomach reading the comments of political and religious leaders from Muslim countries around the world criticising Trump for his comments and accusing him of being racist and intolerant. American citizens brought up with American values and educated from a young age to fully understand the American constitution and the importance of religious tolerance written into that constitution have every right to condemn his remarks. But Muslims from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan? Please, just shut the F*#k Up!

  • It's a joke that has gone on too long, that is slowly turning into a nightmare. Like Jeremy Corbin.
  • EastStand said:

    I don't believe it is a case of Left or Right, more a case of either being sane or a complete and utter moron.

    Well if the alternative is Hillary Clinton then I'm not sure there will be a sane option.
    Sanders 2016
  • EastStand said:

    I don't believe it is a case of Left or Right, more a case of either being sane or a complete and utter moron.

    Well if the alternative is Hillary Clinton then I'm not sure there will be a sane option.
    Sanders 2016
    Agreed, would much rather see Bernie get the Democratic nomination but that looks unlikely at this stage.
  • Hilary's OK. From a Democratic standpoint I'd be interested to know what you don't like about her.

    Republicans don't like her though, although they really, really, really don't like any Democrats.
  • Looking more and more likely to be Republican candidate, surely won't win the election for the reasons @kentaddick said - but scary he could well be in a 2 horse race for president. Could do a huge amount of damage in 4 years.

    Actually banning him from the UK is stupid I think, but it's kind of good counter-publicity to all of his scare-mongering bullshit.
  • IAIA
    edited December 2015
    Banning him from the UK is pointless in my opinion, but they could give the people of Balmedie (Michael Forbes etc) back their stolen land, access and sunlight.
  • As someone who is always desperate for a Democrat to occupy the White House I am nonetheless sickened to the stomach reading the comments of political and religious leaders from Muslim countries around the world criticising Trump for his comments and accusing him of being racist and intolerant. American citizens brought up with American values and educated from a young age to fully understand the American constitution and the importance of religious tolerance written into that constitution have every right to condemn his remarks. But Muslims from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan? Please, just shut the F*#k Up!

    What are American values? Because I don't think trump displays many of them
    Bad dress sense
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  • Just saying

    What has the world come to when Trump makes Johnson seem both moderate and intelligible?
  • Why on earth would we want to ban him from the UK? It would be hilarious to see the public reaction to his antics over here.

    Justin Beiber had the same problem - came over here and acted like the pointless human he is. The press and population got him so riled up he embarrassed himself nationally.

    I say bring Trump on, get him over here and he wont know what to do with the reaction. The petition should be for him to get over here as soon as possible.
  • Banning Trump could be about a 20% chance of banning the next President of the USA.
  • Addicted said:

    Why on earth would we want to ban him from the UK? It would be hilarious to see the public reaction to his antics over here.

    We've already seen his antics in the UK. Google Michael Forbes and a BBC documentary (I think it was called "Trumped") to see how he was treated and the public reaction.
  • "Glad you like Katie Hopkins. She is indeed a respected columnist, much in the way you are a respected political figure."

  • Rizzo said:

    "Glad you like Katie Hopkins. She is indeed a respected columnist, much in the way you are a respected political figure."


    He has put pay to any further arguments on CL about anything to do with him.
    Now just a true laughing stock.
    It's all clearly the work of a comic genius the likes of whom the world has never seen before.

    All I can see is this going round in my head
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