You know your getting old when you poodle up to the supermarket checkout without a care in the fucking world failing to notice (refuse to make eye contact) the 8 people queuing for the same checkout behind you.
Neighbour just knocked on the door. I assumed he wanted eggs. In a fluster he said his printer had broken and had we got one he could use. I said we had and he was welcome to use it. He said he assumed it worked off the wifi. I've no idea but I bet it doesn't. Went up to the loft and came down with the huge old inkjet printer I use once in a blue moon. He looked horrified and staggered back across the road with it. I felt old. He's just staggered back over to return it - probably leaving a suitable amount of time to look like he'd tried it. I asked if it had worked. Apparently not quite. He did have some eggs though.
@Arsenetatters you’ve just reminded me when we had our eggs delivered we buy them in bulk as the dogs have two a week in their diet so we normally have 90 delivered at a time. Seeing them on the side our Granddaughter asked why we had so many, I replied “They are dogs eggs” she told me dogs don’t lay eggs they have puppies. I think you’re getting a bit old and silly Grandad 🤷♂️
When I see Charlie Barker's name I think of Piggy Malone.
When I looked it up on youtube it turns out that Charlie Barker is Charley Farley and Charley Farley is Ronnie Corbett ... he isn't even Ronnie Barker ffs.
@Arsenetatters you’ve just reminded me when we had our eggs delivered we buy them in bulk as the dogs have two a week in their diet so we normally have 90 delivered at a time. Seeing them on the side our Granddaughter asked why we had so many, I replied “They are dogs eggs” she told me dogs don’t lay eggs they have puppies. I think you’re getting a bit old and silly Grandad 🤷♂️
Never knew dogs ate eggs. How do your dogs like their eggs? Scrambled, poached, fried?
@Arsenetatters you’ve just reminded me when we had our eggs delivered we buy them in bulk as the dogs have two a week in their diet so we normally have 90 delivered at a time. Seeing them on the side our Granddaughter asked why we had so many, I replied “They are dogs eggs” she told me dogs don’t lay eggs they have puppies. I think you’re getting a bit old and silly Grandad 🤷♂️
Never knew dogs ate eggs. How do your dogs like their eggs? Scrambled, poached, fried?
Lol, puppies are normally weaned onto solid grub by feeding scrambled eggs. Likewise if they’ve been off their grub with an upset stomach but in normal circumstances we feed them raw eggs including shell which is great for calcium especially in young dogs, Bow was fed 2/3 a week in his first year as he had Pano (growing pain) but now it’s just two a week.
When you can remember the registration number of your first cars but struggle to remember the registration plate of your current or any recent cars.
Even worse is when you you type your reg number correctly in the car park ticket machine, then realise you’ve come in your wife’s car when you go to put the sticker in the window.
When you can remember the registration number of your first cars but struggle to remember the registration plate of your current or any recent cars.
Even worse is when you you type your reg number correctly in the car park ticket machine, then realise you’ve come in your wife’s car when you go to put the sticker in the window.
I’ve gone one better (worse). I got my first parking ticket for years because I chose the wrong car when I paid by phone. So, not only did I pay to park but I got fined as well.
you find yourself watching Antiques Road Show primarily for Fiona Bruce
Advanced Stage 2
you find yourself watching Antiques Road Show primarily out of interest in the items brought in for valuation.
I haven't ever really liked cricket. 🏏
When I looked it up on youtube it turns out that Charlie Barker is Charley Farley and Charley Farley is Ronnie Corbett ... he isn't even Ronnie Barker ffs.
Why is life so confusing?
How do your dogs like their eggs? Scrambled, poached, fried?