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Powerpoint response to our CEO



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    Love that - especially the final slide.
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    Being shared all over social media.
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    That is very good @Nug
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    Shared on my fb news feed and RT'd on Twitter! Brilliant work!
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    Well done @Nug have a promote :-)

    I made some suggestions, can I have one too?
    So did I but I haven't been begging for a promote!

    Danny I think you should take off a promote from Ben, oh wait...
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    Get it on the big screen next home match! :- )

    That would be absolutely brilliant!
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    And the oscar for the presentation of the year goes to .......

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    edited January 2016
    But her powerpoint was brilliant too..... wasn't it? :wink:
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    Great work nug very good

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    Wonderful stuff!!
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    This is brilliant. Exactly the type of short, concise content that covers all the main points we need to make the wider footballing community (journos, other fans etc) aware of what is going on.
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    Stig - you know what to do.

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    Great work. You've got the job. I vote for Nug as our next CEO.

    Airman - you will have to take another job. As brilliant and galvanising as your well organised and controlled protest was, your powerpoint skills just werent up to it and visible for everyone to see. All is not lost though, you can be our next chief scout...we need one of them too.
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    Great stuff!

    Miere's original presentation was even more toxic than 'Advancing the Addicks', which is really saying something
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    2:39 @RedPanda you're gunna be famous hahaha
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    Nug said:

    Great work. You've got the job. I vote for Nug as our next CEO.

    Airman - you will have to take another job. As brilliant and galvanising as your well organised and controlled protest was, your powerpoint skills just werent up to it and visible for everyone to see. All is not lost though, you can be our next chief scout...we need one of them too.

    Head coach please, I played in the Orpington & Bromley Sunday League so more than qualified.
    Please do not make that known to the current regime because they may see you as just the man to take us there!
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    would be good to project this
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    Bloody ace.
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    Excellent work!
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    Well done @Nug have a promote :-)

    Well I've never had a promotion.

    About the only thing I've got in common with this Belgian lot!
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    Getting worried about my 'Like' record.

    Can see a sink coming up....

    I'd tell you that I have more likes than you but you'd only delete them like you did my 37 promotes
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    edited January 2016
    Great bit of work Nug. It really shows that in 2 years the woman really hasn't learnt anything about how a football club should be run, and that it is so different from other business's where people just stop coming when they don't like the product. Her lack of knowledge on fan commitment is a very basic miscalculation and if she has anything to do with Player Recruitment with her lack of football knowledge then we are seriously up shit creek. She is totally blagging her way through the job because she hasn't got a clue. Just smiles inanely bats her eyelids and expects the men around to agree even though what she is actually saying is BS of the highest order. She is an utter Disgrace.
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    Brilliant. That is absolute class.
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    edited January 2016

    Great bit of work Nug. It really shows that in 2 years the woman really hasn't learnt anything about how a football club should be run, and that it is so different from other business's where people just stop coming when they don't like the product. Her lack of knowledge on fan commitment is a very basic miscalculation and if she has anything to do with Player Recruitment (no football knowledge) then we are seriously up shit creek. She is totally blagging her way through the job because she hasn't got a clue. Just smiles inanely bats her eyelids and expects the men around to agree even though what she is actually saying is BS of the highest order. She is an utter Disgrace.

    Fortunately we've got people like @Nug on the case, well done mate top work.
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