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Powerpoint response to our CEO



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    @Nug you are a genius, sir!
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    I have heard her crap on many times but thank you for really drilling home how bloody stupid she is. The restaurant analogy is the kind a 16-year-old who knows absolutely nothing about football might use before being slapped down by a teacher for not understanding the question . Does she really find it 'weird' that fans feel some kind of ownership. Can she really be so damned thick?
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    Nug said:

    Great work. You've got the job. I vote for Nug as our next CEO.

    Airman - you will have to take another job. As brilliant and galvanising as your well organised and controlled protest was, your powerpoint skills just werent up to it and visible for everyone to see. All is not lost though, you can be our next chief scout...we need one of them too.

    Head coach please, I played in the Orpington & Bromley Sunday League so more than qualified.
    Please do not make that known to the current regime because they may see you as just the man to take us there!
    I have to vehemently disagree. The Orpington & Bromley Sunday League would make you director of football under these clowns ... far too technical to be a simple manager
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    Nail on the head.
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    I must say, having just watched the Katrien Meire clip about fans/customers; I think people have taken it a bit out of context.

    She is clearly commenting upon the difference between the relationship a fan has with a football club and the relationship a fan might have with any other business. I don't think she was saying the fans at The Valley are just customers. Sorry.

    But I strongly agree with everything else people are protesting about.
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    edited January 2016
    That is simply brilliant. @Nug, I salute you.

    The wider coverage the better. Has anyone sent it to Stan Collymore or Danny Kelly yet?

    Edit. I'm a Twitter dunce. Just tried Stan C but didn't go as he doesn't follow me. Anyone more savvy who could do?
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    would be good to project this

    Now you're wanting speakers too...sheesh
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    Absolutely BRILLIANT.
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    Post of the decade.

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    Fumbluff said:

    would be good to project this

    Now you're wanting speakers too...sheesh
    Any speakers?
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    Davo55 said:

    That is simply brilliant. @Nug, I salute you.

    The wider coverage the better. Has anyone sent it to Stan Collymore or Danny Kelly yet?

    Edit. I'm a Twitter dunce. Just tried Stan C but didn't go as he doesn't follow me. Anyone more savvy who could do?

    I retweeted and included Stan and rich Cawley. Don't follow any other journalists.
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    Has this set the record for the biggest number of likes yet?
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    Excellent work nug!
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    Well done Nug, Stan Collymore would love this!
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    Arise, Sir Nug !
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    Superbly clear and concise. Condemned out of her own mouth.
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    Good bit of work Nug. The more i see of that woman the more i hate her and her attitude. Ive decided i will no longer be going to games whilst she is there. The first new year resolution i have made in about 20yrs but i have a child on the way and have enough stress to deal with. Its a big decision i know, but I can no longer stomach the pain i feel going to games and watching shit and knowing that the management dont care as much as the fans do. Im not prepared to pay money into the pockets of thieves and bullshitters any longer so the attendance will be 1 less. Sorry
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    Brilliant !!
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    Absolutely superb. This must get spread far & wide to every newspaper, journalist, social media sites in England & Belgium.
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    I must say, having just watched the Katrien Meire clip about fans/customers; I think people have taken it a bit out of context.

    She is clearly commenting upon the difference between the relationship a fan has with a football club and the relationship a fan might have with any other business. I don't think she was saying the fans at The Valley are just customers. Sorry.

    But I strongly agree with everything else people are protesting about.

    That someone supposedly with the knowledge to run a football club cannot appreciate why those who turn up each week for decades have more of an affinity, and therefore, in their minds, a stake, in that club than customers of a restaurant just underlines why she is not fit for purpose. That she thought that would not get back to the club because she said it in Ireland underlines her stupidity.
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    A brilliant presentation. Says it all.
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    This a fantastic presentation short sharp to the point and makes KM look out of her depth. Well done Nug I applaud you.
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    Fantastic stuff.
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    I don't think you could even come up with another post that would match that. Top draw and we now need the world to see it.

    Fantastic @Nug, should be very proud!
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    that is fantastic work @nug top work and I've now found and shared on twitter
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