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Fraeye Out



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    Fraeye goes on about how hard he works, the long hours he puts in, the first to arrive and last to leave Sparrows Lane.

    No Karel, that I am afraid isn't justification for you, you don't know how to do the job, just as Katrien doesn't know how to run the club and Roland doesn't know how to own a club.
    Karel you are surely a nice bloke deep down. Go now, because even picking all the teams for the rest of the season out of a hat will be better than you, indeed there is a more talented GOAT waiting to come out of retirement.

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    Have sat on the fence a bit but clear the protesters were right. He has to go and take the rest of them with him
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    Got to go
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    Quotes to follow for @SthLondonPress from Fraeye. Those asking as I stepped outside a moment ago, there's no news on his job expected. #cafc

    — Louis Mendez (@LouisMend) January 9, 2016
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    Go away you ridiculous excuse for a Manger.
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    seth plum said:

    Fraeye goes on about how hard he works, the long hours he puts in, the first to arrive and last to leave Sparrows Lane.

    No Karel, that I am afraid isn't justification for you, you don't know how to do the job, just as Katrien doesn't know how to run the club and Roland doesn't know how to own a club.
    Karel you are surely a nice bloke deep down. Go now, because even picking all the teams for the rest of the season out of a hat will be better than you, indeed there is a more talented GOAT waiting to come out of retirement.


    Thought that was Iain Dowie at first glance
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    IAgree said:

    Go away you ridiculous excuse for a Manger.

    Karal Fraeye ; you made your bed, now you have to lie in it.

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    edited January 2016
    Get out you clueless piece of shit.
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    That interview has fucked me right off. Mourinho wannabe gash hole.
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    In that interview KF says that he understands fans' frustrations because we lost a winnable game. A winnable game! No mate...a winnable game is one against a mid table side in the same league, not a game against a team second bottom in the league below.

    Seriously how clueless can you be.
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    Dazzler21 said:

    That interview has fucked me right off. Mourinho wannabe gash hole.

    Shows you how bad things are when Dazzler becomes a potty mouth.

    Charlton Fans are at breaking point,

    Let's pray Sorry i'm a Atheist.

    Every man,woman and child must protest at the next home game.

    They must be at breaking point ?

    Because we are.

    Please find the hero inside yourself.
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    seth plum said:

    He is a mastermind remember.

    What idiot inside our club came up with this pile of nonsense. Truly frightening the clubs response has been to the way we have fallen so quickly in the past 2 years
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    If he is not sacked we must force the issue at the next home game more proteters required, fill the car park it's the only way, CF, KM, RM you will all regret this.
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    JohnnyH2 said:

    seth plum said:

    He is a mastermind remember.

    What idiot inside our club came up with this pile of nonsense. Truly frightening the clubs response has been to the way we have fallen so quickly in the past 2 years
    Yoda is an Addick?
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    Get shot of him, interim managers are Rubbish, we need an interim interim manager.
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    Last week he said the fans are protesting because they can't get their own way, or similar words. These are simply the words of Roland and Katrien resonating around the subdued Charlton workforce.

    How many businesses, be they restaurants or cinemas or anything else actively actually hate their customers.
    Its like getting some cabbage from a market stall and the stallholder saying take it or leave it you tosser, and don't come back.
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    edited January 2016
    what are you still doing here you clueless, useless c***?

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    Bring back Luzon. We were only sh*t under him, now we're f***ing shit. Honestly think we would lose against any team in the football league at the moment.
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    Assume CoCo will blame the players, travelling fans, the alignment of the moon with Jupiter, the players being upset by David Bowie's death and point to the solid defending which saw us go from 18 to 44 minutes without conceding.
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    This fella should walk at half time, how is he still in a job?
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    Must go now
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    KF has gone beyond the point where he deserves the sack. He now desrves the sack and a sound beating. They could sell tickets to administer it. I'll buy a book.
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    Belgians out. Fuck off Fraeye. Fuck off Meire. Duck off douchbag. Fuck off Murray. Apologies for the language.
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    Go, just go
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    Sending off now what a state of a club where in no manager no fight in some players and no fight and now fucking 5
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    Our worst ever manager I presume
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    Has someone checked he is actually qualified??!!

    He picks the team like he is an 8 year old competition winner. Completely inept!
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