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Our protest are too soft!!



  • I spend well over £100 going to a home game with my 11yo son. I just feel as a group protesting doesn't work.
  • I'M so confused.
  • We will do what we feel is right. We shouldn't waste energy on each other when we know who our targets are. We are all different, and i am feeling pretty violent right now. People will do what they need to do. I wont judge them, the owner has pushed us further than anybody should reasonably be pushed. Maybe we need to sleep on it.
  • I think we ought to dismember Robyn the mascot too!
  • mchardaw said:

    I have said before lets get a total boycott of all bars/restaurants and club shop, nobody buys anything in or around the ground..we need people at all the outlets suggesting supporters do not purchase a single item. You only get five chips and weak beer anyway

    Won't happen, too many people want "somebody to do something" & stand up if you want them out & then go & buy the beers at halftime & pop into crossbars for a few after the game cause "it's only a few beers it won't make any difference" Unfortunately because of people like this any boycott of bars etc just ain't going to work. Somebody suggested having people at the door of crossbars giving out leaflets urging people not to go in. That'll last about 2 minutes as you're on club property.
  • I spend well over £100 going to a home game with my 11yo son. I just feel as a group protesting doesn't work.

    Hi WA - if we were in better times your commitment and support would be applauded. The problem is that we are owned by a fairly wealthy person who seems to have developed a peculiar business strategy that he want to apply to CAFC. He hasn't shared this vision with us but his dumb arse and ill-equipped CEO has probably inadvertently betrayed his ambitions. They seem to revolve around a 'product' whereby we all by tickets to attend matches where we can watch 'tomorrow's stars' perform prior to their premature departure as juniors to the EPL Clubs. Also we need to be aware that we have no 'ownership' of the Club (this rests entirely with the 'Shareholder'). Our input to the Club simply relates to the matched expenditure and our deluded claims of being stakeholders are weird. These views are entirely unacceptable and we must react most aggressively and quickly to try and persuade the owners to sell the club. So - how do we do that?

    Firstly I don't want this to sound disrespectful to anyone on this forum! Thats not the intention and I bow down humbly to those who have worked arduously for many years in various endeavours which have been instrumental in securing the survival of our club and its subsequent development. During this period I have been supportive but slightly remote for numerous reasons (mostly family) and I acknowledge the debt due to so many fellow supporters who were far more active during this period. The only reason I have been so active recently is that I am alarmed with the new owners and given their recent activities believe that they are more dangerous to this club than we can imagine.

    As stated on other pages the discussion has become fragmented but we should all rejoice in our common love of CAFC and our commitment to taking the unpleasent but necessary measures to ensure that we survive in the short term and medium term. If we don't really hit the 'Shareholder' now we we will only prolong the agony so to return to Welsh Addick I would think that the greatest service he could provide is to boycott matches so that the present regime are starved of cashflow and subsequently shit scared of losing more money.
  • We do need to keep stepping it up. I would say, picket the food outlets and get the sofa siting fans to vacate it. I 'm sure it would just be a case of reasonining with them. I think we have to stop a game somehow soon, beyond that, actions can,t really be discused here. I think we as fans should officially declare War on StaPRICKS.

    Sorry mate but that bit cracked me up - others talking about turning it nasty etc. That will show them.
    Ha Ha take your point but if somebody sitting behind threw black & white scarves to the sofa dwellers & urged them to stand up holding scarves aloft every game we might at least get the fucking sofa taken away.
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  • We need to do lots of things. Anything with KMs stamp on it should be a target. Mascots and sofa should be high on our list.
  • We're going to get an adult to take the half-time penalties?
  • People need to stop expecting other people to do things, then.
  • I'm not sure that I understand some of the responses but hey so what, we're a very clever crowd.
    Could I formally request that everyone avoids buying the programme at the next home game and also avoids purchasing anything from the Catering outlets as well as boycotting the club shop. This will really hurt them so it seems it an effective action but I'd welcome the opinion of the better informed such as Rick (Airman) and others.

  • Sensei said:

    I'm not sure that I understand some of the responses but hey so what, we're a very clever crowd.
    Could I formally request that everyone avoids buying the programme at the next home game and also avoids purchasing anything from the Catering outlets as well as boycotting the club shop. This will really hurt them so it seems it an effective action but I'd welcome the opinion of the better informed such as Rick (Airman) and others.

    Agree completely; I will bravely make the bold sacrifice of not queueing up for 15 minutes to be told that there's no Bovril left and there's only pie, and it's not even cooked properly. #StayStrongLuckyReds
  • mchardaw said:

    I have said before lets get a total boycott of all bars/restaurants and club shop, nobody buys anything in or around the ground..we need people at all the outlets suggesting supporters do not purchase a single item. You only get five chips and weak beer anyway

    Already doing it. I will also not be renewing S/T next season.
  • If you can't comment on an Internet forum then where *can* you comment?!
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  • Sensei said:

    I'm not sure that I understand some of the responses but hey so what, we're a very clever crowd.
    Could I formally request that everyone avoids buying the programme at the next home game and also avoids purchasing anything from the Catering outlets as well as boycotting the club shop. This will really hurt them so it seems it an effective action but I'd welcome the opinion of the better informed such as Rick (Airman) and others.

    So you gotta sit there bored stiff, watching shit football, starving bloody hungry?

    ; )
  • edited January 2016
    Don't worry OP. Some of the bright sparks on Facebook are talking about organising a letter-writing campaign, telling KM what the problems are. That should up the stakes.

    I would imagine Phase 2 of that plan is progressive sighing and tutting.
  • edited January 2016

    I am a calm guy and the man i go to games with lives in Twickenham and we are both well educated guys. We both agree that we are too soft as fans and now need to step up the protests dramatically. I wouldn't normally suggest breaking the law, but i see no other way. I am lost for words.

    Who is this "we"?

    If that is what YOU think then YOU do something, YOU break the law.

    Go on, YOU do it.
    Just to clarify, do YOU thing he should do something?(:
  • What if as many protesters were to organise at the valley as early as possible and cause a blockade to all entrances, not allowing access to club officials, only until after the match has started, or not at all, including whoever is manager? Would need a fair few protesters but would enfoce our opinion of them
  • What if as many protesters were to organise at the valley as early as possible and cause a blockade to all entrances, not allowing access to club officials, only until after the match has started, or not at all, including whoever is manager? Would need a fair few protesters but would enfoce our opinion of them

    I was thinking about this form of civil disobedience last night.
    Where you are able to do this in any other situation without problem, I think we would struggle at Charlton/football due to the additional police powers in place around crowds and sporting events.

  • What if as many protesters were to organise at the valley as early as possible and cause a blockade to all entrances, not allowing access to club officials, only until after the match has started, or not at all, including whoever is manager? Would need a fair few protesters but would enfoce our opinion of them

    I like this. Reminds me of the time people blockaded petrol filling places for those tankers. No ones going to get serious time for that.
    LuckyReds said:

    If Katrien feared for her own safety at games surely she'd end up turning it in no?!

    No, I don't think she would. I think there's a fair bit of misunderstanding around Katrien - she thrives on attention. Be warned, this is going to be a long post - but it's how I've felt about Katrien for a while, and I think it's slowly being proved to be correct.

    What makes Katrien "tick"?

    I'm going to get the bit which will most likely get me called sexist out of the way first; but to try and play such a vital role in a traditionally mens business means she's not one to hide away from the limelight - quite the contrary. She wants to be seen as an inspiration, as someone to admire: she speaks at conferences as though she's knowledgable, places herself in positions where it appears she's in power and finds her way in to awards for inspirational women. She needs attention: why else do you think she enjoyed parading herself in front of the protests so much?

    This is probably one reason why she's also adept at playing the media, for someone who seems to have a complete ineptitude for the strategy required to run a business (not just a football club, any business) she does appear to be shrewd at gaining the right noises out of the media. Now admittedly, we're beginning to win that particular battle... but more on that in a bit.

    Without getting too dramatic, I admire Sun Tzu's "Art of War" - I think most of the lessons in there are applicable in all manner of disputes - but I really think he had a point when he was banging on about knowing your enemy:
    If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle

    What would happen if people did make her fear for her safety?

    If she feared for her own safety then I think we would most likely see her escorted from the train station by a few of our rather sad stewards, and the police would also be tipped off about her movement so they could provide assistance. She would not hide away because she gains nothing from that, she can regain her safety relatively easily by telling the right people - and then when she happens to get photographed she can tell the media how "She's not backing down because she knows she's got a job to do". She once again becomes brave and inspirational.

    We know this already, she was so brazen travelling to games by train directly after making very controversial decisions. We all said she was either stupid or brave, but I doubt many of us would've said "cunning". Yet it was, even now if you google her name you can read about how she was was confronted by a group of aggressive men: "but did she give in? No! Our Katrien is a made of sterner stuff than that."

    Feeding in to her ability to get attention, to steal the limelight and to control the narrative is a very quick way of losing any progress we've been making with the media whilst giving her a massive boost of allowing her the golden opportunity of proving she's all those things she wants to be: "the inspirational female CEO of a mens football club who bravely refuses to bow down to pressure and continues upon her path of being the mastermind of turning the business in to sustainable model". She's the female Roland: she wants to be a respected maverick, she thinks she's right and she's going to show the world this - that's why they work together.

    Realistically, how can we force her out then?

    Now for some realism about who we are: Roland Duchatelet owns Charlton Athletic, and he's appointed Katrien Meire to run it. We are powerless if unorganised. Our Owner is generally hundreds of miles away, and our CEO is currently taking a vow of silence and laying low - direct attacks will not work. We have no real bargaining chips to force their hand; their decisions so far even suggest the finances aren't hugely important to them.

    What we have been doing though, is enforcing our will on the club with skillful use of the media that even Katrien would be proud of: not just through Rick and Peter Varney, but by controlling the discussion and getting the likes of James Corden and Stan Collymore spreading the word. This was generally Katrien's strongpoint, but she's arguably lost that advantage now and she's hurting - we're now watching her hide away and lick her wounds, as she has been doing for 10 days. She will most likely only break her silence to announce that Fraeye is gone.

    In the course of a year, we've gone from Katrien providing soundbites to the national press about how football should be run in the UK - to the national press openly mocking her words. Hell, when the club announced they were going to issue a Statement, a local paper had to pre-qualify it by telling fans not to get excited as she hadn't resigned: that's brilliant.

    She knows she can't talk to us: we dissect, we analyse, we mock and we share. For a woman of 31 with career aspirations in business or the media, the kind of attention she's getting now is toxic - and she's at a loss of what to do: the media was her game. If you want to get her to move on then continue with the path we've been going on, and keep her weapon firmly pointed back at her - don't give her the chance of taking control of the media again.

    I understand where you are coming from but we live in a world where these new breed of inept chairman dont care what the media think, Oyston, the Leeds guy etc. If she was bricking it every time she went to a game on the other hand... I'm not saying its what we should do but I'm just saying I don't think they care what's written in the media one bit. Until journalists start bothering Duchatalet in Belgium everyday, then he might get a bit upset, but the fact of the matter is he can just put someone in place and let them deal with all that. I don't see Mr Cawley hopping on the Eurostar...

    Standard Liege fans/media are more of an issue because its kicking off on Roly's doorstep, as a day to day concern, Roland is, both figuratively and literally, hundreds of miles from Charlton. The amount of heat he as to deal with is minimal. Let's not forget whose arm needs to be twisted to sell. I know Belgium is quite possibly the most boring country in the world but I just can't see their media getting involved enough to upset Roland.

    It has to be financial ruin, which arguably we don't have enough power to do, in which case *maybe* it has to be something else? I dunno.
  • It would get alot of press attention surely and the police can very well try to stop the protest but if there was enough of us it woukd take alot of them to stop it, i dont think most of the police would be assed with it to be honest. And aslong as we werent being violent towards the club officials then they cant really do us for it just ask us to move along...
  • redman said:

    Don't believe in violence but if someone put KM in hospital I would cheer

    Who is flagging that? As a fan I am proud of our community stature and reputation but we are way too nice on the pitch and also off it! You don't win any trophies or awards for being nice and if you do they aren't worth it!

    Bloody jam sandwich brigade!!

  • "I" think that "we" should boycott the next game, how's my CL inverted commas coming along.
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Roland Out Forever!