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How long before fans turn against the players?

Yes we all know the owners are clueless and need to go but these players are still professionals and they've been an absolute disgrace this week.


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    edited January 2016

    'Hate the regime, players get away scot free'

    Isn't healthy. They are playing well below what we have seen from them before.
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    Not very long mate
    How is Roger Johnson still playing league football, let alone championship?
    One of the biggest disaster signings ever and there has been some good competition in recent years
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    It's all Tony Watts fault, he was detrimental to the squad's morale.

    Load of tosh, we're up the creek without a paddle and only now is it really showing on the pitch. The whole Club is going to turn toxic, from top to bottom..
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    Steady the rear rank
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    I think it's starting now to be honest. #cafc twitter feed shows lots of anger towards players today.
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    9 goals shipped in a game and a half. They deserve a rocket up their arse. Yes club is manager badly but professional pride should kick in at some point
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    Can you imagine Blackburn getting the opening goal at the Valley next week? Our players are going to be crucified
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    edited January 2016
    Who signed the majority of these players?

    You've got to build a squad, it's not just about individual skill. Powell and even Curbs signed players who were up for a fight, who relished grinding out results when we were in a bit of trouble.

    These lot are giving up the ghost after going 1 down.
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    edited January 2016
    Blame the regime that gives an 18 month contact to someone who's been playing in India or the regime that bloods youngsters when they are clearly not ready.
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    Bring back the Fraeyemaster!
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    We have no idea what's been going on behind the scenes. Yes they should have some pride, but come on it's a merry go round of poor managers and now we're back with one that wasn't deemed good enough. On top of that a weak squad full of players that don't give a shit and young players not up to it yet. It must me totally demoralising for the few that don't fall into that bracket.
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    Blame the regime that gives an 18 month contact to someone who's been playing India or the regime that bloods youngsters when they are clearly not ready.

    Obviously the owners are largely at fault but my point is these players are still paid to do a job, and quite clearly they aren't playing anywhere close to a satisfactory level
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    Pathetic the lot of them. Hard to get behind such a shower of shit.
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    Solly, Cousins and the other less experienced youth are the only ones I have any warmth too. Some of the shit that has passed through this club is unbelievable. Who on earth scouted Sarr, Reza, Williams, Johnson?
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    Hard to get behind this crap ! Some of our home grown players are not up to it either fucking embarrassment of a club
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    I think it starts today
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    The players if thats what you call them have got to take a massive part of the blame for this current dross.
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    We have to keep supporting the players or we are buggered (not that we aren't already). But most are simply not good enough for this division or actually for most clubs in Roland's network
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    Fuck the lot off and start again a shower of shit the lot of them
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    I called the result thueday and today. Blackburn nexr o well im not going no more befor this lot fuck right off
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    Probably still some planks clapping them off no doubt.
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    We have players that are good enough for this Division its just for what ever reason that are not showing it
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    for whatever reason?
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    Offloading some of these dross players is going to be f#cking difficult. We signed Johnson for 18months #thankskarel
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    They have chucked in the towel , be professional and don't hide behind our off field disasters , KM / RD / RM.
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    One loss against Hull in the previous nine matches before the 6-0 battering.
    27-6 in shots attempted. No possession, lots of fouls.
    Can't blame Riga, although there could not have been any of the new manager bounce.
    The stench of Fraeye remains as long as Roland, Katrien and Murray remain.
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