Tried to avoid talking in here as I'm absolutely flying and don't jinx it. Had the Vautour/Thistlecrack double obviously, and Black Hercules this morning.
Tried to avoid talking in here as I'm absolutely flying and don't jinx it. Had the Vautour/Thistlecrack double obviously, and Black Hercules this morning.
Tried to avoid talking in here as I'm absolutely flying and don't jinx it. Had the Vautour/Thistlecrack double obviously, and Black Hercules this morning.
16:10 Stilleto, straight out of the sadle this tip.
16:10 Stilleto, straight out of Ireland this tip.
2.10 wait for me ew
2.50 Barters hill
3.30 cue card
Smad place ew
4.10 on the fringe
4.50 children's list ew
5.30 rock the world.
Not gone mad but always have a bet on each race am well up today thanks to the faves doing the business.
Very profitable festival for a lot of people i know and a lot of really good performances.
Enjoyed it a lot.