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FA summons Meire (not really)



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    Ben18 said:

    Magennis and Botaka signed the day after it was announced. The club (Meire/Slade/Parkes etc) knew we were in talks with both, and that we could potentially have an issue.

    For the feeble amount of money offered, they should have rejected this particular TV appearance on the basis that our recruitment wasn't finished and we were looking to sign players who may be unavailable during International breaks.

    PWR (fully) At the time we were trying to sign those players we already had Fox and Lookman on our books who were regularly being called up and would have been core first team players so, as a FIRST DIVISION team and squad, unless the club was trying to sell them we were going to have an issue with international breaks anyway
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    At very least google will get another cleanse.
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    edited November 2016
    sm said:

    The FA clearly have no clue - if they had they would have called for RD.

    Aren't there rumours he is due in London? Maybe he has been summoned too...
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    Media have been questioning the FAs role in this chaos, but what powers do the FA actually have here? Point deduction, financial penalties, thrown out the football league? I've no idea but what is the point in having a chat if they can't force any change?
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    What happens if she refuses to attend?
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    msomerton said:

    the FA are more likely to what to talk to her about crowd behaviour than any thing to do with ownership. Maybe will be forced to play in front of away fans only.

    Not the case
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    Richard Cawley ‏@RichCawleySLP 33s33 seconds ago
    Been told that story regarding Katrien Meire being summoned to FA is incorrect. Apologies. Have taken story down.

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    Richard Cawley ‏@RichCawleySLP 1m1 minute ago
    Sorry. Happy to put record straight.
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    FFS Cawley!!
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    edited November 2016
    Oh well got another 16 lol!'s from another pointless thread... thanks all... ;)
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    @PragueAddick did you have from another source?
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    how on earth did that come about, then?
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    Richard Cawley ‏@RichCawleySLP 1m1 minute ago
    Sorry. Happy to put record straight.

    bit late though. surely you check your sources before reporting such things.
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    J BLOCK said:

    The cracks are turning into leaks.

    It gets like that when you reach a certain age.
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    Who has said it's incorrect though? Charlton or the FA?
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    edited November 2016

    Richard Cawley ‏@RichCawleySLP 1m1 minute ago
    Sorry. Happy to put record straight.

    bit late though. surely you check your sources before reporting such things.
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    Hmmmm. Perhaps somebody is using Cawley to flush out a leak... or am I crediting Meire with too much intelligence?
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    edited November 2016
    olster said:

    @PragueAddick did you have from another source?

    I fear SD may have just picked it up from Twitter. I will ask of course, right now.

    Edit. As feared. They got it from the web. No wonder they could not get an answer.

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    FORD said:

    Media have been questioning the FAs role in this chaos, but what powers do the FA actually have here? Point deduction, financial penalties, thrown out the football league? I've no idea but what is the point in having a chat if they can't force any change?

    A moot point. There appears (still) to be a lot of confusion on here regarding the "fit and proper" test, too.
    First, it's called the "owners' and directors' test"
    Second, it's the EFL's test NOT the FA's. (The FA has a similar test for the Premier League which comes directly under its auspices.)

    This might explain why the EFL is also rumoured to be in attendance.

    Anyway, the test is clear, the list of disqualifying conditions explicit. Neither RD nor KM look to be anywhere near failing to meet the test.

    Neither are or have been (as far as I know) in dire financial straits. Nor have they any criminal convictions.

    The test, as it stands, contains no sanction for mere incompetence. Even utter incompetence. (How could it? How would you define the test?)

    That seems to leave the dishonesty provision which states " Dishonest Act means any act which could reasonably be considered to be dishonest."

    I doubt that Meire's never-ending lies would actually qualify. But you never know.
    We can but hope but I wouldn't hold your breath.

    Maybe in due course the test could be changed to include hurdles like, say, abandonment, lack of care, integrity, reputation, competence and capability, alongside the financial propriety and lack of criminality tests there are now. But drafting something like that would be very tricky indeed.

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    Missed It said:

    Hmmmm. Perhaps somebody is using Cawley to flush out a leak... or am I crediting Meire with too much intelligence?

    That exact thought crossed my mind...
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    edited November 2016
    FORD said:

    Media have been questioning the FAs role in this chaos, but what powers do the FA actually have here? Point deduction, financial penalties, thrown out the football league? I've no idea but what is the point in having a chat if they can't force any change?

    One power they have that we don't, is to follow the money. There have been so many slight of hands with accounting over 'friendly debt' it would be interesting to see how that stacks up to the rules about third party ownership. Our SMT have been so incompetent in all their other dealings that it wouldn't surprise me if mistakes have been made in this.
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    have we ever got to the bottom of how the EPL say that the salary of the highest paid executive must be in the annual accounts but KM's never has? Isn't this against their rules?
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    have we ever got to the bottom of how the EPL say that the salary of the highest paid executive must be in the annual accounts but KM's never has? Isn't this against their rules?

    No, never did. I suspect Katrien Meire is an employee of Staprix NV and providing management services to Charlton as a sub-contractor.
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    edited November 2016
    Cawley you useless tit, glad you blocked me on Twitter.
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    Missed It said:

    Hmmmm. Perhaps somebody is using Cawley to flush out a leak... or am I crediting Meire with too much intelligence?

    I suspect they weren't ready for Brussels departure being known and are trying to find out, where is the leak.

    Can @redlanered change the title?
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