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Should I be able to defend my family in our own home without fear?



  • Very simple open the door and kick the shit out of him. If my family were indoors it is a given. Why would you need a knife?

    In case the intruder is armed
    What is a knife going to do if he is armed, if anything it is going to get you in more trouble as there is an intent when charged due to the fact you have gone to get a weapon in the knowledge of it could kill someone.
    If you aren't confident on handling yourself then get a baseball bat, it's an extension to your attack and defence without potentially murdering someone.
    Knife, bat, club or whatever the point i was trying to make is that IF you are going to open the door be prepared for the intruder to be armed.
    If you are not confident in that situation stay indoors and dial 999.
    And yes mate i am confident that i can handle myself.
    So if you had a family indoors you wouldn't go out and confront them and call 999 just to wait for the police to arrive.

    Very simple open the door and kick the shit out of him. If my family were indoors it is a given. Why would you need a knife?

    In case the intruder is armed
    What is a knife going to do if he is armed, if anything it is going to get you in more trouble as there is an intent when charged due to the fact you have gone to get a weapon in the knowledge of it could kill someone.
    If you aren't confident on handling yourself then get a baseball bat, it's an extension to your attack and defence without potentially murdering someone.
    Knife, bat, club or whatever the point i was trying to make is that IF you are going to open the door be prepared for the intruder to be armed.
    If you are not confident in that situation stay indoors and dial 999.
    And yes mate i am confident that i can handle myself.
    So if you had a family indoors you wouldn't go out and confront them and call 999 just to wait for the police to arrive.
    If you read my post properly you will see that i said that i am confident that i can handle myself.
    So yes I would open the door and yes I would be armed
    if the baddies are outside and you are inside, why not bolt the door and call the OB?
    Going out is not a smart move.
    I take you're point Mr.Bonce but what if old Bill take hours to turn up.
    Do you then wait for the intruder to break in to you're home and confront them inside or do you open the door and confront him outside.

    Just saying
    If they take more than ten minutes and the intruder is still there, call them again. This time tell them not to worry as you've scared the intruder off by shooting him in the leg with a sawn-off shotgun and you're sure he's not coming back.

    They'll be round, fully armed, in squad cars and helicopters within five minutes.
  • edited December 2016
    Chizz said:

    Very simple open the door and kick the shit out of him. If my family were indoors it is a given. Why would you need a knife?

    In case the intruder is armed
    What is a knife going to do if he is armed, if anything it is going to get you in more trouble as there is an intent when charged due to the fact you have gone to get a weapon in the knowledge of it could kill someone.
    If you aren't confident on handling yourself then get a baseball bat, it's an extension to your attack and defence without potentially murdering someone.
    Knife, bat, club or whatever the point i was trying to make is that IF you are going to open the door be prepared for the intruder to be armed.
    If you are not confident in that situation stay indoors and dial 999.
    And yes mate i am confident that i can handle myself.
    So if you had a family indoors you wouldn't go out and confront them and call 999 just to wait for the police to arrive.

    Very simple open the door and kick the shit out of him. If my family were indoors it is a given. Why would you need a knife?

    In case the intruder is armed
    What is a knife going to do if he is armed, if anything it is going to get you in more trouble as there is an intent when charged due to the fact you have gone to get a weapon in the knowledge of it could kill someone.
    If you aren't confident on handling yourself then get a baseball bat, it's an extension to your attack and defence without potentially murdering someone.
    Knife, bat, club or whatever the point i was trying to make is that IF you are going to open the door be prepared for the intruder to be armed.
    If you are not confident in that situation stay indoors and dial 999.
    And yes mate i am confident that i can handle myself.
    So if you had a family indoors you wouldn't go out and confront them and call 999 just to wait for the police to arrive.
    If you read my post properly you will see that i said that i am confident that i can handle myself.
    So yes I would open the door and yes I would be armed
    if the baddies are outside and you are inside, why not bolt the door and call the OB?
    Going out is not a smart move.
    I take you're point Mr.Bonce but what if old Bill take hours to turn up.
    Do you then wait for the intruder to break in to you're home and confront them inside or do you open the door and confront him outside.

    Just saying
    If they take more than ten minutes and the intruder is still there, call them again. This time tell them not to worry as you've scared the intruder off by shooting him in the leg with a sawn-off shotgun and you're sure he's not coming back.

    They'll be round, fully armed, in squad cars and helicopters within five minutes.
    You'd lose you sgc and also your fac if you've got one and you wouldn't get it back
  • Was they standing outside holding a banner singing "Happy Birthday"?
  • Very simple open the door and kick the shit out of him. If my family were indoors it is a given. Why would you need a knife?

    In case the intruder is armed
    What is a knife going to do if he is armed, if anything it is going to get you in more trouble as there is an intent when charged due to the fact you have gone to get a weapon in the knowledge of it could kill someone.
    If you aren't confident on handling yourself then get a baseball bat, it's an extension to your attack and defence without potentially murdering someone.
    Knife, bat, club or whatever the point i was trying to make is that IF you are going to open the door be prepared for the intruder to be armed.
    If you are not confident in that situation stay indoors and dial 999.
    And yes mate i am confident that i can handle myself.
    So if you had a family indoors you wouldn't go out and confront them and call 999 just to wait for the police to arrive.

    Very simple open the door and kick the shit out of him. If my family were indoors it is a given. Why would you need a knife?

    In case the intruder is armed
    What is a knife going to do if he is armed, if anything it is going to get you in more trouble as there is an intent when charged due to the fact you have gone to get a weapon in the knowledge of it could kill someone.
    If you aren't confident on handling yourself then get a baseball bat, it's an extension to your attack and defence without potentially murdering someone.
    Knife, bat, club or whatever the point i was trying to make is that IF you are going to open the door be prepared for the intruder to be armed.
    If you are not confident in that situation stay indoors and dial 999.
    And yes mate i am confident that i can handle myself.
    So if you had a family indoors you wouldn't go out and confront them and call 999 just to wait for the police to arrive.
    If you read my post properly you will see that i said that i am confident that i can handle myself.
    So yes I would open the door and yes I would be armed
    if the baddies are outside and you are inside, why not bolt the door and call the OB?
    Going out is not a smart move.
    I take you're point Mr.Bonce but what if old Bill take hours to turn up.
    Do you then wait for the intruder to break in to you're home and confront them inside or do you open the door and confront him outside.

    Just saying
    Going out to confront will open a legal can of worms. YOU went out, YOU attacked him/them.
    If THEY come in to YOUR house you can do more or less anything if you FEEL threatened.

    When I started doing Krav Maga i thought I was a bit lively but the instructor soon brought me down to earth with a bump (literally)
    We all like to think we can handle ourselves but what happens if the other bloke can handle himself a bit better?
    this is the most important sentence in the whole thread
    I agree, however you can't account for what will happen in the heat of the moment.
  • Very simple open the door and kick the shit out of him. If my family were indoors it is a given. Why would you need a knife?

    WIWLB I think the last time I threw a punch was when I was about 13 nearly 30 years ago, not really confident of handling myself.
    Was near the kitchen knife was nearest thing to hand.
    Things turned out OK just hope it never happens to anyone else as standing in your hallway at 4am thinking someone's breaking in is not the the best feeling in the world.
  • clb74 said:

    Very simple open the door and kick the shit out of him. If my family were indoors it is a given. Why would you need a knife?

    WIWLB I think the last time I threw a punch was when I was about 13 nearly 30 years ago, not really confident of handling myself.
    Was near the kitchen knife was nearest thing to hand.
    Things turned out OK just hope it never happens to anyone else as standing in your hallway at 4am thinking someone's breaking in is not the the best feeling in the world.
    i hope you at least had your pants on.
  • clb74 said:

    Very simple open the door and kick the shit out of him. If my family were indoors it is a given. Why would you need a knife?

    WIWLB I think the last time I threw a punch was when I was about 13 nearly 30 years ago, not really confident of handling myself.
    Was near the kitchen knife was nearest thing to hand.
    Things turned out OK just hope it never happens to anyone else as standing in your hallway at 4am thinking someone's breaking in is not the the best feeling in the world.
    Even if you are caught with a knife that is a custodial sentence but to go out and front someone with it there is intent , a fatal stab would have meant you potentially would have lost everything
  • We had a visit from local OB after a spate of break ins shortly after moving here, obviously they saw our dogs but also noticed our cctv. They were very quick to point out something I thought maybe true and that is. If I was see someone in the garden and was to let the dogs out and someone gets bitten, I could be charged. His advice was, l saw no one but dogs simply wanted a dump so I let them out.
  • clb74 said:

    Very simple open the door and kick the shit out of him. If my family were indoors it is a given. Why would you need a knife?

    WIWLB I think the last time I threw a punch was when I was about 13 nearly 30 years ago, not really confident of handling myself.
    Was near the kitchen knife was nearest thing to hand.
    Things turned out OK just hope it never happens to anyone else as standing in your hallway at 4am thinking someone's breaking in is not the the best feeling in the world.
    Even if you are caught with a knife that is a custodial sentence but to go out and front someone with it there is intent , a fatal stab would have meant you potentially would have lost everything
    Your right WIWLB but whether knife,bat,chair or hands if someone did get in they or I wouldn't be walking out.
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  • clb74 said:

    clb74 said:

    Very simple open the door and kick the shit out of him. If my family were indoors it is a given. Why would you need a knife?

    WIWLB I think the last time I threw a punch was when I was about 13 nearly 30 years ago, not really confident of handling myself.
    Was near the kitchen knife was nearest thing to hand.
    Things turned out OK just hope it never happens to anyone else as standing in your hallway at 4am thinking someone's breaking in is not the the best feeling in the world.
    Even if you are caught with a knife that is a custodial sentence but to go out and front someone with it there is intent , a fatal stab would have meant you potentially would have lost everything
    Your right WIWLB but whether knife,bat,chair or hands if someone did get in they or I wouldn't be walking out.
    Need to think of your actions when it comes to knifes.
  • It's one of the reasons I started this thread
    You've got an intruder in your house 4am in the morning and I WE need to think of our actions to safeguard our family because someone has broken into mine your home.
    Of course it's irrelevant in my case this morning but it must happen in some cases where someone could be in the middle of fighting an intruder and there thinking I can't hurt them too much.
  • edited December 2016
    I'm assuming that some of you have been drinking today. If your family are inside the chap outside has a door and you in between them and raping your wife and/or your children.

    If they see you inside they might be dissuaded and don't get in. If they can't get in through the door (which is, presumably, engineered and built to keep them out) they don't get in. If they get in (ignoring that the Police will be closer than they were before you called them) you get a chance to stop them or, at least, slow them down. If you can overpower them then you will do so, if you can't and they are determibed to hurt your family you might have given the Police more time to protect them.

    But open the door, you know the inorganic object that is there, precisely, to protect your family from dangers outside, are you f**king mad?

    Most people (and I'm including those that have has specific training) are significantly less able to 'deal with' people than they think they are. Famous hard people get a kicking from a stranger from time to time. What's worse is that if someone was just going to steal your wallet, your phone and a your car if you left the keys out then they will probably run away rather than get involved in a fight. Come at them with a knife or a bat and they will fight to the death to avoid you killing them.

    The news often has stories of stupid heroes that 'rush in' and leave a wife and children on their own when they find out that they are not, in actual fact, Liam Neeson from Taken. What is worse if that if you pi$$ him off while you're dying on the floor he might just as well kill your family for good measure - especially if they can identify him.

    I'm also guessing that none of you wanna be heroes have had someone threaten you with a knife while your family is asleep upstairs.
  • edited December 2016
    Wasn't this the case of the chap in Essex and his father who confronted thieves trying to take a moped from their house. The son in his late twenties and the dad were both doormen an security guys. Obviously felt they could handle themselves. the son was stabbed and died !
  • Wasn't this the case of the chap in Essex and his father who confronted thieves trying to take a moped from their house. The son in his late twenties and the dad were both doormen an security guys. Obviously felt they could handle themselves. the son was stabbed and died !

    Was he the one who always wore orange
  • I recommend a frying pan next time you're in the kitchen and need a weapon.
  • I do sleep easier at night knowing I can reach for my darts and have them in my hand within 3 seconds
  • off topic a bit .. there was a story a while ago about someone who called old bill to report an intruder .. 'is he still in the house' asked the controller .. 'actually I think I just killed him' came the (not true) reply ..
    OB was round there in less than 2 minutes .. It can be done, just need to get the chaps out of their cars or the canteen on a cold night
  • Very simple open the door and kick the shit out of him. If my family were indoors it is a given. Why would you need a knife?

    In case the intruder is armed
    What is a knife going to do if he is armed, if anything it is going to get you in more trouble as there is an intent when charged due to the fact you have gone to get a weapon in the knowledge of it could kill someone.
    If you aren't confident on handling yourself then get a baseball bat, it's an extension to your attack and defence without potentially murdering someone.
    Knife, bat, club or whatever the point i was trying to make is that IF you are going to open the door be prepared for the intruder to be armed.
    If you are not confident in that situation stay indoors and dial 999.
    And yes mate i am confident that i can handle myself.
    So if you had a family indoors you wouldn't go out and confront them and call 999 just to wait for the police to arrive.
    If you read my post properly you will see that i said that i am confident that i can handle myself.
    So yes I would open the door and yes I would be armed
    Your no spring chicken anymore. I suppose you could garrotte them with the cable from your electric blanket.
    And chase them putting the wheelchair onto top speed.
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  • Very simple open the door and kick the shit out of him. If my family were indoors it is a given. Why would you need a knife?

    In case the intruder is armed
    What is a knife going to do if he is armed, if anything it is going to get you in more trouble as there is an intent when charged due to the fact you have gone to get a weapon in the knowledge of it could kill someone.
    If you aren't confident on handling yourself then get a baseball bat, it's an extension to your attack and defence without potentially murdering someone.
    Knife, bat, club or whatever the point i was trying to make is that IF you are going to open the door be prepared for the intruder to be armed.
    If you are not confident in that situation stay indoors and dial 999.
    And yes mate i am confident that i can handle myself.
    So if you had a family indoors you wouldn't go out and confront them and call 999 just to wait for the police to arrive.
    If you read my post properly you will see that i said that i am confident that i can handle myself.
    So yes I would open the door and yes I would be armed
    Your no spring chicken anymore. I suppose you could garrotte them with the cable from your electric blanket.
    I was going to get Elfsborg to buy the first round next Friday.
    Now it's you buying: )
    I retract everything I have said about you my dear friend.
  • Very simple open the door and kick the shit out of him. If my family were indoors it is a given. Why would you need a knife?

    In case the intruder is armed
    What is a knife going to do if he is armed, if anything it is going to get you in more trouble as there is an intent when charged due to the fact you have gone to get a weapon in the knowledge of it could kill someone.
    If you aren't confident on handling yourself then get a baseball bat, it's an extension to your attack and defence without potentially murdering someone.
    Knife, bat, club or whatever the point i was trying to make is that IF you are going to open the door be prepared for the intruder to be armed.
    If you are not confident in that situation stay indoors and dial 999.
    And yes mate i am confident that i can handle myself.
    So if you had a family indoors you wouldn't go out and confront them and call 999 just to wait for the police to arrive.
    If you read my post properly you will see that i said that i am confident that i can handle myself.
    So yes I would open the door and yes I would be armed
    Your no spring chicken anymore. I suppose you could garrotte them with the cable from your electric blanket.
    And chase them putting the wheelchair onto top speed.
    I'm going do the pair of you Friday
  • clb74 said:

    It's one of the reasons I started this thread
    You've got an intruder in your house 4am in the morning and I WE need to think of our actions to safeguard our family because someone has broken into mine your home.
    Of course it's irrelevant in my case this morning but it must happen in some cases where someone could be in the middle of fighting an intruder and there thinking I can't hurt them too much.

    A shame this did not happen before Fleetwood.
  • Make sure you have decent locks on your doors and windows. All this "stab them to defend my family" stuff is ridiculous. You'll get hurt.
  • Yeah but it's impossible not to feel absolutely nails holding a massive machete or baseball bat

    Then we land back in the real world where more people are hurt and killed with their own weapons than bad guys are.

    Dogs are a deterrent. Dogs and signs warning people about dogs. Burglars don't like them.

    It's all fun and games and we can all laugh about it but until you are in the situation you really don't know what you will do. I know what we would all like to do to scum but 99% of aquisitive thieves don't want to be in a fight. If you shouted at a junkie in the process if attempting to gain access they will scarper. Same with drunks who have got the wrong house.

    I really feel for anyone who has had to deal with a situation like this, I have twice and both times caused me not to sleep properly for a while
  • My dogs breed was bred as a first line of defence in Italy for old castles, they would hear from miles away to notify the big dogs to then be thrown into action to defend from any intruders.

    All well and good except she barks at John 16 houses down closing his front door, or at my next door neighbour farting.. The day someone intrudes she'll definitely let us know, without a shadow of a doubt, but given we have no other dogs - she'd probably end up licking said intruder and guiding them around the house.
  • Good to see we have so many X-Box Warriors on here ;0)
  • I remember when my Mum and Dad were broken in to years ago.

    Dad came down just as they were driving off in his car (he left the keys in the kitchen - never again!). He asked the policeman who took the report what would have happened had he got his hands on him (my Dad who is a placid man by nature almost scared himself thinking about it).

    Dad told me the old bill said to him 'Dont worry, stick a cricket bat under your bed, houses are very 'slippery' when they get broken in to'.

    Whether that is exactly what was said is up for debate, but thats what Dad reckons he was told.
  • Yeh, my next door neighbour has two big german shepherds that he keeps because he is paranoid about intruders. As he also works nights I get woken up by the fuckers barking in the early hours.

    Ignorant twat he is. Although I enjoy waiting until I know he has gone to bed and then whacking my stereo on nice and loud.
  • Make sure you have decent locks on your doors and windows. All this "stab them to defend my family" stuff is ridiculous. You'll get hurt.

    Not if you're a proper geezer like me
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