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Kent CCC 2017



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    I agree, @killerandflash. Teams that have players on the fringe of England have most problems, in my opinion. Yorkshire know they will hardly see Root - and, if they do, it's a bonus. If a player is on the fringe, it's hard to budget for a replacement. Imagine if this went on in football.

    It's not exactly an encouragement to blood new English talent. Bring through a DBD and you might lose him, hire a Kolpak and you face no such worries.

    It also makes promotion/relegation a lottery, if a team could loses its best player for a key match.
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    Sussex closing in on the victory by an innings, Worcs 128-6 still 139 runs behind

    Raining at the Notts game
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    Sussex win by an innings and 7 runs. Well done to our neighbours :smile:
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    So Worcs managed 4 points from their game in hand....
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    Derbyshire need 215 to beat Notts. I imagine that game will peter out into a draw
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    Yasir Shah signs for a spell, could be in the team this Thursday. Absolute match winner.
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    CHG said:

    Yasir Shah signs for a spell, could be in the team this Thursday. Absolute match winner.

    good signing
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    Hmm, I'd definitely be interested in watching him bowl

    An interesting choice, a spinner rather than a quick. Not good for Adam Riley though
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    Derbyshire require 50 with 6 wickets in hand to beat Notts
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    Bad light stopped play with just 36 needed
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    They got back out but, with 26 needed and 5 wickets in hand, rain has now stopped play!
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    Match drawn - we are now 13 points behind Notts with a game in hand
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    Harris has gone back to Middx as cover for Finn. Tredwell is left out for the incoming Shah for the CC game against Durham starting tomorrow. The 12 named are:

    23 Daniel Bell-Drummond, 58 Sean Dickson, 6 Joe Denly, 17 Sam Northeast, 9 Joe Weatherley, 3 Darren Stevens, 42 Will Gidman, 12 Adam Rouse, 26 Matt Coles, 8 Mitch Claydon, 86 Yasir Shah, 14 Matt Hunn
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    Tredders left out.....!!
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    Tredders left out.....!!

    Well playing 2 spinners when it's quite damp and cool was pretty unlikely!
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    Off to Canterbury today, looking forward to it!
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    Lost the toss - bowling first.
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    About half an hour away from the ground. With the way Stevens has been bowling I expect us to be batting by the time I get there...
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    bad toss to lose or fifty fifty ?
    any cloud cover ?
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    Teams will not want to bat last in the next three matches.
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    Off to Canterbury today, looking forward to it!

    Mate are you just down for today? I'm off to my parents today to vote and visit home. If you're around tomorrow or Saturday I'd suggest meeting for a drink and a spot of cricket.
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    Off to Canterbury today, looking forward to it!

    Mate are you just down for today? I'm off to my parents today to vote and visit home. If you're around tomorrow or Saturday I'd suggest meeting for a drink and a spot of cricket.
    Ahh shit timing, just today mate - sponsors day (thanks Dad).

    Would have loved to though.

    Definitely meet up at some point during the Summer for beers and cricket like you say though mate.
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    Strong looking batting lineup with Weatherley at 3, Gidman at 7 and Rouse at 8
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    Off to Canterbury today, looking forward to it!

    Mate are you just down for today? I'm off to my parents today to vote and visit home. If you're around tomorrow or Saturday I'd suggest meeting for a drink and a spot of cricket.
    Ahh shit timing, just today mate - sponsors day (thanks Dad).

    Would have loved to though.

    Definitely meet up at some point during the Summer for beers and cricket like you say though mate.
    Yeah mate sounds good. Enjoy your day and hope the sun shines for you! And Kent do well.
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    Off to Canterbury today, looking forward to it!

    Mate are you just down for today? I'm off to my parents today to vote and visit home. If you're around tomorrow or Saturday I'd suggest meeting for a drink and a spot of cricket.
    I'm filling up !!

    A Kent/Surrey love in !

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    Coles has been tight though 7-5-9-0
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    Gidman strikes in his first over, 83-1
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    Swiftly followed by one for Coles

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