As Professor Brian Cox as said that Ghosts do no exist,how many people actually believe him.Is so can he prove that God does not exist.
You should have to prove that things exist not that they do not.
I cannot remember who said this, but I really liked it - If we were wiped out and replaced with a new generation of humans, many of them would eventually - and inevitably - come up with gods to worship. But they wouldn't come up with Jesus, Vishnu and Allah - they'd come up with new gods entirely.
But any scientists , using the basic tenet of science - to try and disprove something until it has to be accepted - would come to the same conclusions science is at now.
As Professor Brian Cox as said that Ghosts do no exist,how many people actually believe him.Is so can he prove that God does not exist.
You should have to prove that things exist not that they do not.
I cannot remember who said this, but I really liked it - If we were wiped out and replaced with a new generation of humans, many of them would eventually - and inevitably - come up with gods to worship. But they wouldn't come up with Jesus, Vishnu and Allah - they'd come up with new gods entirely.
But any scientists , using the basic tenet of science - to try and disprove something until it has to be accepted - would come to the same conclusions science is at now.
Gervais said this on one of the American talk shows recently.
Dawkins book "the greatest show on earth" uses the detective analogy. If you had no prior knowledge at all but all the available evidence, what would you believe? That was in the context of evolution, but applies elsewhere. I'm sure this approach has.beekbused plenty of times... The scientific method is hundreds of years!
When I was around 18/19 we went to a gathering around a friends house. Her parents were on holiday and she was house-sitting. It was an old house in Beckenham that was built in the late 1800's early 1900's, beautiful place, huge four storey building with an amazing library downstairs and for some weird reason they had a room on one of the floors that had birds flying around, loose, no cages.
Anyway, there were around 7 or 8 of us in the girls bedroom just chatting and listening to music and the cassette finished so I got up to turn it over. Then something weird happened, the music we heard next wasn't anything we recognised. It was a friend of mine's cassette that we had listened to many times (The Beatles 1967-70 blue album). There were four of us all looking at each other racking our brains as to what the hell we were listening to, but we were getting blank looks from some of the others in the room.
After maybe a minute I leaned over to the stereo and realised something, so I made an announcement to the group - 'Hey guys, I forgot to press play on the tape', so there was actually NO music playing at all, yet the four of us heard something, clearly, that none of us recognised. The rest of the group said that they heard nothing and wondered what the hell we were going on about.
Anyway, this isn't a ghost story because I don't believe in ghosts. It's actually a drug story because the four of us that heard the music had all taken LSD, the rest had not. Don't hate me for my drug taking past, I just thought I'd share a real story that's a bit strange, to show that you don't need ghosts for weird shit to happen...
When I was around 18/19 we went to a gathering around a friends house. Her parents were on holiday and she was house-sitting. It was an old house in Beckenham that was built in the late 1800's early 1900's, beautiful place, huge four storey building with an amazing library downstairs and for some weird reason they had a room on one of the floors that had birds flying around, loose, no cages.
Anyway, there were around 7 or 8 of us in the girls bedroom just chatting and listening to music and the cassette finished so I got up to turn it over. Then something weird happened, the music we heard next wasn't anything we recognised. It was a friend of mine's cassette that we had listened to many times (The Beatles 1967-70 blue album). There were four of us all looking at each other racking our brains as to what the hell we were listening to, but we were getting blank looks from some of the others in the room.
After maybe a minute I leaned over to the stereo and realised something, so I made an announcement to the group - 'Hey guys, I forgot to press play on the tape', so there was actually NO music playing at all, yet the four of us heard something, clearly, that none of us recognised. The rest of the group said that they heard nothing and wondered what the hell we were going on about.
Anyway, this isn't a ghost story because I don't believe in ghosts. It's actually a drug story because the four of us that heard the music had all taken LSD, the rest had not. Don't hate me for my drug taking past, I just thought I'd share a real story that's a bit strange, to show that you don't need ghosts for weird shit to happen...
100% true story.
Well that would explain the birds flying loose around the room
As an ex interviewee for the role of Secretary of the Derek Acorah fan club, I must object vehemently to the levels of scepticism and cynicism on this forum.
'Most Haunted' was compelling viewing with endless examples of supernatural existence, so they told us.
Scientists will always be black and white in their conclusions - that is what they do, the way they think. They have to have a solution to an equation.
I've had two experiences, both non-alcohol related and both would make even sceptics think carefully.
I believe I have seen at least one ghost when we lived at our house near Stockport in the 80's -subsequent investigations came up with some fascinating unknowns which supported the possibility.
Most recently, only last October, my Mrs and I were staying in a hotel in Painswick in the Cotswolds - a late Tudor mansion. We had an original room with wide, creaky oak floorboards and a 20 ft walk from the bed to the en suite.
Deep into the night, I was awoken by the sound of creaking floorboards. I'd closed the bathroom door before lights out but left the bathroom light on so my wife didn't trip on the step up into the bathroom as she had a broken wrist at the time.
The creaking floorboards sounded distinctly like there was somebody walking across the floor from the bed to the bathroom.
The bathroom door then opened - and opened wide and full.
I leaned across to give the wife a squeeze just in case my eyesight was faltering and, sure enough, she was next to me.
I put the bedside light on, it was 3.45 am.
That was the end of it but I swear, as sure as eggs is eggs, it really happened.
Don't believe in ghosts, but had an experience a few years back in Florence. Me and my mate came back locked out of our hostel. We knocked on the door and clearly heard some one drag themselves over to the door and breathe haggedly at the other side of the door, we explained that our other mate who was boning an American the other side of the city had the key for our group. We then heard rapid footsteps and a girl walked out the door. We asked her if there was some one the other side of the door or some one had just left the doorway but she swore blind there was no one. Was really super creepy.
Don't believe in ghosts, but had an experience a few years back in Florence. Me and my mate came back locked out of our hostel. We knocked on the door and clearly heard some one drag themselves over to the door and breathe haggedly at the other side of the door, we explained that our other mate who was boning an American the other side of the city had the key for our group. We then heard rapid footsteps and a girl walked out the door. We asked her if there was some one the other side of the door or some one had just left the doorway but she swore blind there was no one. Was really super creepy.
What about aliens? How do we feel about aliens? Serious question.
Ancient aliens is a massive guilty pleasure of mine. Obviously the experts (tsoukalos et al) skew everything to their point of view, but some of the questions they ask of ancient monuments, pretty intriguing I find
What about aliens? How do we feel about aliens? Serious question.
Ancient aliens is a massive guilty pleasure of mine. Obviously the experts (tsoukalos et al) skew everything to their point of view, but some of the questions they ask of ancient monuments, pretty intriguing I find
Aliens (as in life on other planets) exist, they have never visited earth however and didn't help build the pyramids etc
As Professor Brian Cox as said that Ghosts do no exist,how many people actually believe him.Is so can he prove that God does not exist.
You should have to prove that things exist not that they do not.
I cannot remember who said this, but I really liked it - If we were wiped out and replaced with a new generation of humans, many of them would eventually - and inevitably - come up with gods to worship. But they wouldn't come up with Jesus, Vishnu and Allah - they'd come up with new gods entirely.
But any scientists , using the basic tenet of science - to try and disprove something until it has to be accepted - would come to the same conclusions science is at now.
Hmm. Not sure this holds water. They might not come up with those names, or with identical visual representations (but as so many pictures of Jesus have him with pale skin and light brown hair I don't think we need worry about that too much) but they would probably come up with gods who magically created the earth and beings, who represented omnipotence, who represented love / safety / care / protection, who required some form of ritual worship or prayer or offering and who provided a meta-moral authority for caring for one another when there is no obvious benefit. So I'm not ure that you could call these new gods entirely.
As Professor Brian Cox as said that Ghosts do no exist,how many people actually believe him.Is so can he prove that God does not exist.
You should have to prove that things exist not that they do not.
I cannot remember who said this, but I really liked it - If we were wiped out and replaced with a new generation of humans, many of them would eventually - and inevitably - come up with gods to worship. But they wouldn't come up with Jesus, Vishnu and Allah - they'd come up with new gods entirely.
But any scientists , using the basic tenet of science - to try and disprove something until it has to be accepted - would come to the same conclusions science is at now.
Hmm. Not sure this holds water. They might not come up with those names, or with identical visual representations (but as so many pictures of Jesus have him with pale skin and light brown hair I don't think we need worry about that too much) but they would probably come up with gods who magically created the earth and beings, who represented omnipotence, who represented love / safety / care / protection, who required some form of ritual worship or prayer or offering and who provided a meta-moral authority for caring for one another when there is no obvious benefit. So I'm not ure that you could call these new gods entirely.
Having said this I am a committed atheist.
I think that's fair enough, but those deities will arise because they serve particular purposes. Humans have a need to understand or, if we can't fully understand, hypothesise and speculate. We have society and social norms which, although different depending on cultural background, share a common foundation in looking after our family and friends - behaviours which are, incidentally, borne directly out of nature and survival of the fittest. As part of society, humans also like to have guidelines to teach their children, so a deity is a very useful idea to explain both how we came to be and to give authority to the social norms we want to promote.
The trouble is, the popular deities that we see dominating faith around the world now have all been built from the social norms and philosophies of people from 1000 years ago or more. When you consider the advances of science, philosophy and proof, then add in the thousands of people over time who have corrupted or used religion for there own purposes, showing hypocrisy and inconsistency in religion and we end up as we are now, with the dominant belief systems looking no more realistic than the tooth fairy.
So yes. A similar type of unseen 'father' may well be invented, based on new societal needs. But it would still be bollocks.
What about aliens? How do we feel about aliens? Serious question.
Ancient aliens is a massive guilty pleasure of mine. Obviously the experts (tsoukalos et al) skew everything to their point of view, but some of the questions they ask of ancient monuments, pretty intriguing I find
Likewise, find it fascinating, mainly due to ancient civilisations not being influenced by media, photos, internet, books etc, but still there are many depictations of "different" beings or visitors from the sky etc
Anyone see Derek Acorah get "spat at in the face" when they were looking round a haunted pub and we're in the bloke toilets? Turned out to be the air freshener on the wall. Not sure in anyone has ever been in a toilet when one of those things goes off, but the smell is very strong and if that went off in your facen
What about aliens? How do we feel about aliens? Serious question.
Ancient aliens is a massive guilty pleasure of mine. Obviously the experts (tsoukalos et al) skew everything to their point of view, but some of the questions they ask of ancient monuments, pretty intriguing I find
What about aliens? How do we feel about aliens? Serious question.
Ancient aliens is a massive guilty pleasure of mine. Obviously the experts (tsoukalos et al) skew everything to their point of view, but some of the questions they ask of ancient monuments, pretty intriguing I find
Aliens (as in life on other planets) exist, they have never visited earth however and didn't help build the pyramids etc
I think your statement really needs an 'imo' attached to it imo
What about aliens? How do we feel about aliens? Serious question.
Ancient aliens is a massive guilty pleasure of mine. Obviously the experts (tsoukalos et al) skew everything to their point of view, but some of the questions they ask of ancient monuments, pretty intriguing I find
Not necessarily Ancient Aliens - but I do generally find the subject of UFO's and alien life intriguing.
There is no doubt mathematically that alien life must exist in some form - just not so sure they have ever visited us.
Have read plenty of books from Sagan, Von Daniken, Timothy Good, Jim Marrs, Nick Pope etc on the subject.
For me there is no reason why they (aliens) can't exist. The Universe is too big a place and has been here for billions of years. The problem with ancient aliens is everything is aliens, but as @SuedeAdidas says books by the likes of Von Daniken (chariots of the gods) make for some interesting reading.
What about aliens? How do we feel about aliens? Serious question.
Ancient aliens is a massive guilty pleasure of mine. Obviously the experts (tsoukalos et al) skew everything to their point of view, but some of the questions they ask of ancient monuments, pretty intriguing I find
Not necessarily Ancient Aliens - but I do generally find the subject of UFO's and alien life intriguing.
There is no doubt mathematically that alien life must exist in some form - just not so sure they have ever visited us.
Have read plenty of books from Sagan, Von Daniken, Timothy Good, Jim Marrs, Nick Pope etc on the subject.
Nick pope! I suppose being third choice keeper at Burnley has given him time to write books!
The search for extrasolar planets fascinates me. I am likely never be able to understand the maths behind it of course but it does set the old imagination going. Afrer all i don't have football to follow at the moment.
But any scientists , using the basic tenet of science - to try and disprove something until it has to be accepted - would come to the same conclusions science is at now.
Anyway, there were around 7 or 8 of us in the girls bedroom just chatting and listening to music and the cassette finished so I got up to turn it over. Then something weird happened, the music we heard next wasn't anything we recognised. It was a friend of mine's cassette that we had listened to many times (The Beatles 1967-70 blue album). There were four of us all looking at each other racking our brains as to what the hell we were listening to, but we were getting blank looks from some of the others in the room.
After maybe a minute I leaned over to the stereo and realised something, so I made an announcement to the group - 'Hey guys, I forgot to press play on the tape', so there was actually NO music playing at all, yet the four of us heard something, clearly, that none of us recognised. The rest of the group said that they heard nothing and wondered what the hell we were going on about.
Anyway, this isn't a ghost story because I don't believe in ghosts. It's actually a drug story because the four of us that heard the music had all taken LSD, the rest had not. Don't hate me for my drug taking past, I just thought I'd share a real story that's a bit strange, to show that you don't need ghosts for weird shit to happen...
100% true story.
Why are there never ghosts spotted in a Nike hoody or Adidas trainers, when do they get their go to start haunting?
Also, where are the ghost animals ? should be millions of dead cows doing the rounds by now
Ancient aliens is a massive guilty pleasure of mine. Obviously the experts (tsoukalos et al) skew everything to their point of view, but some of the questions they ask of ancient monuments, pretty intriguing I find
Having said this I am a committed atheist.
Humans have a need to understand or, if we can't fully understand, hypothesise and speculate.
We have society and social norms which, although different depending on cultural background, share a common foundation in looking after our family and friends - behaviours which are, incidentally, borne directly out of nature and survival of the fittest.
As part of society, humans also like to have guidelines to teach their children, so a deity is a very useful idea to explain both how we came to be and to give authority to the social norms we want to promote.
The trouble is, the popular deities that we see dominating faith around the world now have all been built from the social norms and philosophies of people from 1000 years ago or more. When you consider the advances of science, philosophy and proof, then add in the thousands of people over time who have corrupted or used religion for there own purposes, showing hypocrisy and inconsistency in religion and we end up as we are now, with the dominant belief systems looking no more realistic than the tooth fairy.
So yes. A similar type of unseen 'father' may well be invented, based on new societal needs. But it would still be bollocks.
I think we are aliens
There is no doubt mathematically that alien life must exist in some form - just not so sure they have ever visited us.
Have read plenty of books from Sagan, Von Daniken, Timothy Good, Jim Marrs, Nick Pope etc on the subject.