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Tony Watt



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    cafctom said:

    cafctom said:

    The most gifted player we have had at Charlton since Yann left imo

    He was very gifted, but he wasn't as gifted as Johann Berg Gudmundsson or Ricky Holmes IMO
    Don't think Holmes is near the same level tbh, as for JBG I would say JBG is the better player but didn't have the same flair Watt had. JBG just had a great left foot but was pretty slow for a winger and didn't often beat a man, Watt on his day made dribbling look easy. That's where I see the talent tbh, can't teach it
    We must have been watching a different JBG. In his first season his dribbling was fantastic and would regularly beat his man clean with the ball
    Just football opinions, JBG is one of the best players we have had at Charlton since the prem days but he didn't have much flair. Again good left foot and intelligent player but he lacked pace and trickery for a winger. Even he himself said Tony Watt was a baller. I think back to when we had that decent championship side and Watt was definitely our most talented player on the ball imo
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    I was a massive fan of Watt but it’s a classic tale of a player getting too big for their boots too quickly. The talent is there but the work ethic and drive to play simply isn’t.
    That first friendly where he had zero fitness and couldn’t even be bothered to put on his socks properly was true testament to that.
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    Dazzler21 said:

    DRAddick said:

    Can't train your brain in the gym though.

    That's not entirely correct, gym work and exercise has been proven to increase the subjects ability to learn.
    I was leaning more towards attitude and aptitude.
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    shirty5 said:

    Looks in great condition to me, as I said the computer games was just a break fir him.

    Cowdenbeef his next club then
    I heard that Hamburg(er) were interested.
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    cafctom said:

    The most gifted player we have had at Charlton since Yann left imo

    He was very gifted, but he wasn't as gifted as Johann Berg Gudmundsson or Ricky Holmes IMO
    Don't think Holmes is near the same level tbh, as for JBG I would say JBG is the better player but didn't have the same flair Watt had. JBG just had a great left foot but was pretty slow for a winger and didn't often beat a man, Watt on his day made dribbling look easy. That's where I see the talent tbh, can't teach it
    JBG is plying his trade in the premier league.
    Different class to Watt.
    The premier league argument is weak, I could name about one hundred average/crap players in the Prem, some even playing for sides like Arsenal and Man U. He is hard a worker and a real team player in a defensive system, that's clear in Iceland and Burnley.

    I remember him always having a good pass, good dead ball deliveries and linking well on the right with Solly but never thought he had much pace or could get past people often which again for a player in that role is where the talent is
    But scored goals and was highest assist maker in Championship in the Bob Peeters/Guy Luzon season I think. Excellent player.
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    edited June 2018
    sitting in the East Stand about 1/3 way up we got a good view of JBG when attacking the Covered End. Great player & often beat a player for pace, but not a tricky winger with multiple step-overs (yawn). He was found out a bit towards the end as he did predominately like to cut in & hit a worldy with his left foot....and did he hit a great shot. Marshall could do no better than study some vids of him...
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    Surprised he has the time to find a new club and keep fit. Spends his whole life arguing with people on twitter. Absolute wanker, hope he's as far away from Charlton as possible with his new club.
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    Lost alot of respect for him with some of his recent tweets.
    Some replys from people have been just as bad but the replys wouldnt have come if he hadnt started it.

    Yes Tony we get it you are scottish and you dont like England doing well
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    When the shit hits the fan, Tony is not your man.
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    "I'll stay in the UK, I think. People know what I can do, I don't really feel like I need to sell myself because I reckon if somebody wants me, they'll get me."

    Roughly translates as i have very few offers so i if get one i'll take it.
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    St Johnstone!
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    Was he not training with Dumbarton(scottish league 1) a few weeks ago or did I read that wromg
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    I like the obligatory "if he keeps the head straight, works hard I think this will be a good move for him" comment amongst the replies. Pretty sure people have been saying that about him for at least 4 years now.

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    Also love the fact he is always on Twitter,
    Tweeting about watt 2 watch, fortnite and England.

    Yet he hasnt put any post about being happy to join St Johnstone or anything, even tho they have amnounced it.
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    He's on my "trends for you" on twitter. Fellow charlton fans must be having a field day
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    Complete waste of space.
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    Just wait until the fans or manager get on his back and his attitude issue comes to the fore yet again.
    It will be back to the movie reviews and twitter arguments before we know it.

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    Scored after 8 minutes in a friendly tonight
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    SCP would sort him out. But probably wouldn't buy him to start with.
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    You lot slagging him off need to get a life. Amazing what jealousy can do.
    He's a quality footballer who has issues (possibly mental health issues). If somebody can find the key to those issues then they have got a real player on their hands.
    Tony provided some of the few bright spots during the last four and a half years of shit.
    I, for one, wish him all the best for the future.

    He has been as exciting as he has been frustrating. In my self-imposed exile he did indeed bring some interest to me, annoyingly I really don't think he's got the application. I wish him well, he owes me nothing and made a handful of Forest defenders look a bunch of idiots as well as looking like the real deal for a few games

    One thing though, I'd hate for him to be regretful in a year or so, at 24 he's not going to have many chances left so I hope he does the business and proves everyone wrong
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    Scored after 8 minutes in a friendly tonight

    did the same for Celtic v Barcelona......didn't make him a world beater though.
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    You lot slagging him off need to get a life. Amazing what jealousy can do.
    He's a quality footballer who has issues (possibly mental health issues). If somebody can find the key to those issues then they have got a real player on their hands.
    Tony provided some of the few bright spots during the last four and a half years of shit.
    I, for one, wish him all the best for the future.

    I somewhat agree with what you say. But, I think we see lots of wasted talent throughout the football leagues, some players fail at some clubs and go on to play better at others, some seem to never find that perfect match with a club.

    However, I think the problem many find with Watt (Taarabt also comes to mind in this category - just to provide an example I don't have any connection to), is that he behaves like such a prick about it. Loves dishing it out on twitter but can't take it. And also bear in mind Charlton fans took to him at a speed I've never seen with other newcomers, yet he seems to act the victim and almost purposely takes a pantomime role at the clubs he joins.

    He doesn't respect the clubs he plays at, why should we respect him?
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    You lot slagging him off need to get a life. Amazing what jealousy can do.
    He's a quality footballer who has issues (possibly mental health issues). If somebody can find the key to those issues then they have got a real player on their hands.
    Tony provided some of the few bright spots during the last four and a half years of shit.
    I, for one, wish him all the best for the future.

    I'm unbelievably jealous of his talent. That's why his attitude is so frustrating, if any of us "jealous" lot had his ability, I doubt we would act like him.

    That is why people think he is an arsehole, and that's why I'm inclined to agree, despite the fact he might occasionally like someone's tweet. Big deal.
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