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NFL 2017/18



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    Carson Palmer's career effectively over (assuming he retires). Broken arm, out for 8 weeks. Kaepernick time for Arizona?
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    edited October 2017
    just coming back from Twickenham, Rams owned the Cards who just looked uninterested once Palmer went off.

    Twickenham a pain to get out of compared to Wembley and what with the Browns overtime defeat the journey seemed worse.

    Good to meet the Lions Addick on the way from Waterloo and looking forward to 3 points v Wimbledon and a Cleveland victory next weekend.....ok just the 3 points then
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    Zeke Elliott looks monstrous atm
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    Carson Palmer's career effectively over (assuming he retires). Broken arm, out for 8 weeks. Kaepernick time for Arizona?

    You can get better odds on Kaepernick becoming the grand wizard of the KKK than getting another gig in the NFL.
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    Brady taking every TD pass he can get now with a 6 inch flick to Cooks on the endaround. Pretty lucky turnaround after throwing a pick that was called back for roughing the passer.
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    Forgetting we have Flacco and no offense.
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    edited October 2017
    Need 13 more points from Cousins and Jeffery for the comeback in fantasy. Shootout please.
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    Its official after the performance against the Steelers I can confirm the Bengals offensive line couldn't block a toilet.

    Ps Marvin try getting the ball to AJ (no receptions after the first drive, which is fucking criminal!!) Also try giving the ball to joe mixon in the second half, twat.

    Pps, well played Steelers you made us look like the Browns
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    Philly move to 6-1, I wil be really annoyed if we don't take the division from here, Carson Wentz is just dynamite right now
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    It's great to see how both Wentz and Goff have progressed in their second seasons. Gotta give the young QB's a chance
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    Wentz passing is Brett Favre like, sadly we have lost Jason Peters probably for the season, thats a big gap to fill
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    Love watching Wentz.
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    Amazingly Siemian is going to play again this weekend according to Vance Joseph
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    Woooop just found out the other half's dad has nabbed 2 free tickets to the vikings browns game. He's not up for going so we are instead! Will be my second ever live game, can't wait :D
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    edited October 2017
    Wow that was bad, probably the worst hit I’ve seen this season. Surprised Alonso hasn’t been ejected. Flacco definitely isn’t coming back.
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    Thank god for it kicking off a few times in this game, would’ve fell asleep a long time ago if not.
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    Just watched it, ugh. It's a hard hit, but if he'd got to him 2 seconds earlier it would've been a fair tackle - he was just late.
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    edited October 2017
    Flacco was elite again ;-)

    That was a nasty hit. Ravens having awful luck with injuries this year. Great to see that deep pass to Maclin. Let's hope he gets back next week and that it's the start of something. Still need to draft a QB though as his eventual replacement.

    I feel for Ajayi behind that O-line.
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    That hit was straight out of the book of Burfict
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    The more I see it the more horrific it is. Flacco is already sliding and Alonso takes him out. No excuse, that was deliberate.
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    I may have a spare ticket for the game at twickenham for face value if anyone wants it on Sunday. Would have to meet me before the game at Twickenham.
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    I actually have two spare if anyone wants then at face value.
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    Rodgers, continuing to be the biggest baby in the NFL, is now saying that Barr ‘gave him the finger and the suck it sign’ as he walked off the field. Aside from the fact that he’s a grown man and shouldn’t even care, how does he supposed in a stadium of 60,000+ people full of cameras this footage can’t be found anywhere? He just can’t help but embarrass himself even more. It was a completely fair play and he’s cried about it ever since and the only thing that happened after the hit was him bitching at Barr.
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    Rodgers, continuing to be the biggest baby in the NFL, is now saying that Barr ‘gave him the finger and the suck it sign’ as he walked off the field. Aside from the fact that he’s a grown man and shouldn’t even care, how does he supposed in a stadium of 60,000+ people full of cameras this footage can’t be found anywhere? He just can’t help but embarrass himself even more. It was a completely fair play and he’s cried about it ever since and the only thing that happened after the hit was him bitching at Barr.

    It was called as roughing the passer wasn't it?
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    Rodgers, continuing to be the biggest baby in the NFL, is now saying that Barr ‘gave him the finger and the suck it sign’ as he walked off the field. Aside from the fact that he’s a grown man and shouldn’t even care, how does he supposed in a stadium of 60,000+ people full of cameras this footage can’t be found anywhere? He just can’t help but embarrass himself even more. It was a completely fair play and he’s cried about it ever since and the only thing that happened after the hit was him bitching at Barr.

    It was called as roughing the passer wasn't it?
    No, no flag on the play at all.
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    Starting to feel sorry for the Browns.

    0-8 and no chance of making it over .500 again.
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    edited October 2017
    Injury to Zach Miller for the Bears vs Saints looked horrid.
    Legs shouldn't bend like that.
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