Then if so, give yourself a massive pat on the back for more ways than one.
By selling so many shirts, we managed as part of the project to generate some decent sums in order to help (alongside the Protest Fund) a couple of excellent local charities.
One of those was the
Charlton Park Riding School for the Disabled, who benefited from a £3,500 donation.
On Saturday, a few of us had the pleasure of attending a meet and greet to see how that money had been put to use. A whole new forecourt area had been laid. Previously, the area had ankle-deep holes that were dangerous, especially for kids with mobility issues, and filled up when it rained. They are immensely pleased with the paving that is safer and more pleasing to the eye. It looked fantastic.
A few pics below, with
@TEL (who drove the project) and
@AddicksAddict with
John Furlonger from the Charlton Park RDA
Once again, thanks again to everyone whose purchases made these donations possible, and a special thanks to
@TEL and the dozen or so posters on here who formed the 'Covered End Choir' and who successfully managed to bring this idea to fruition.

May I take this opportunity to comment on how well Gary Doherty has aged.
To be serious well done to all involved.
Well played everyone.
"Goodbye Horse"
As you left
Didn't know Tel used to be in the bill.
And the black and white shirt will be proudly worn once more when we play Swindon on Sunday. Hope to se many, many others do the same.
I'll put my charlton waterproof on underneath if it's raining.
Thanks to all on behalf of all the Covered End Choir team.
Looking forward to wearing my shirt on Sunday, sat in the east opposite KM, home made banner aloft!
well done to those organizers.
I may not agree with every thing that is said on this site and I hate all the bickering between the various forums but never ever let it be said that you guys don't do your bit for those that need help.
Well done to you all.
Good work.
Top effort to all involved.