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Club cricket thread



  • We played an U19 T20 last night and before the game we were asked if we minded if two of the opposition kept for half each. Not wishing to appear churlish (and because there probably isn't anything specific in the rules) we duly agreed. What we didn't take into account was the fact that both keepers would bowl their maximum allocation of 4 overs, that they would only use 5 bowlers in total and that the 4 batsmen used by them would all have bowled.

    They couldn't have used less players if they tried and the net result was that 6 of their players (all younger) went home having not batted, bowled or kept wicket. They might find, though, that the non utilised 6 might not be quite so keen to turn out for them next time!
  • PaddyP17 said:
    We played an U19 T20 last night and before the game we were asked if we minded if two of the opposition kept for half each. Not wishing to appear churlish (and because there probably isn't anything specific in the rules) we duly agreed. What we didn't take into account was the fact that both keepers would bowl their maximum allocation of 4 overs, that they would only use 5 bowlers in total and that the 4 batsmen used by them would all have bowled.

    They couldn't have used less players if they tried and the net result was that 6 of their players (all younger) went home having not batted, bowled or kept wicket. They might find, though, that the non utilised 6 might not be quite so keen to turn out for them next time!
    Just saw the scorecard. What's the point of that, at U19 level, and when a lot of those guys are I think around U16 age? What's the actual point?

    I don't know if any of your oppo's players are on county books, but my guess is that if so, maybe only one or two are, and if that's the case then maybe they're under instructions to get a full-ish game and fine, whatever. But to waste six kids' evenings? Mad.
    None of their players are of county standard or members of county age group squads. I think they just wanted to win at all costs. Had we adopted that attitude then one or two of our young bowlers wouldn't have bowled and our number one keeper would have kept instead of fielding. We also recognise that we have zero chance of progressing in the comp. As I suspect do they despite the fact that they have now won both their games.

  • Back in the first XI :smiley:

    It's against Whitstable :worried:
  • edited August 2021
    Leuth said:
    Back in the first XI :smiley:

    It's against Whitstable :worried:
    So did you get taken to the cleaners? Or were you the hero of the hour ? 
  • We had a what ifs game with poor batting/run outs and dropped chances against champions elect Terling 2nds 
    I got a pathetic 5 batting at 8 as we were skittled for 112 and they limped over 7 down with a few overs left I bowled a couple of overs for 12 at the end but I’d popped my groin whilst batting so that’s probably me done for the season aaaah 

    son played in the firsts as they got themselves promotion at Rayleigh and have to win one of last two to secure the title .
    he took 2 wickets late on 
    oppo player gave our u14 a send off who second top scored with 67 as we put on 308 in 45 overs, they were skittled for 111 (nelson strikes)
    so many oddbods in cricket 
  • I am given to understand that a somewhat bizarre situation arose over the weekend. I  would rather not say at which game this occurred but, suffice to say, my sources are completely reliable. 

    Picture the scene - it's tea time and the two umpires migrate towards the scorers, as they are expected to do, in order to confirm that all is correct and everyone agrees the score. One of the umpires says to the scorers that he is happy but that he just needs to check the video footage for the fall of one of the wickets. At which point the other umpire starts to rage uncontrollably, makes one or two accusations about his colleague, throws his phone into the nearby bushes and volleys his bottle of water as far as he can. After he has, somewhat embarrassingly for him, located his phone within the bushes he duly storms off. 

    Now no one knows, at this point, whether the outraged umpire will return post tea and various contingencies are put in place just in case but, thankfully, he does do so some 20 minutes later - as if nothing whatsoever has happened. And would you believe it, at the end of the game, the two umpires decide to share their thoughts on the day over a pint.

    The whole story would not have looked out of place in the '90s TV comedy about cricket called Outside Edge starring Robert Daws and Timothy Spall. Except, I suspect, that you probably had to be there to appreciate quite how funny the episode must have been!
  • Oh for human beings to be without their foibles! 

    Based on supposition 

    Obviously I wasn't there but presumably the outraged umpire was uncomfortable about a decision being "questioned "If the "happy" umpire wanted to see a replay of something I'd suggest he was being a bit " impolitic" by doing that at the interval. 

    The decisions are made and nothing can be changed .By all means look at the film post match for training purposes. 

    The flouncer was obviously wrong to overreact. 

    As for filming..its a bit of a grey area .Are participants asked to give their consent? Youd need parental consent if they are U 18 

    As a " catch all " clubs should write that into their membership criteria 

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  • lolwray said:
    Oh for human beings to be without their foibles! 

    Based on supposition 

    Obviously I wasn't there but presumably the outraged umpire was uncomfortable about a decision being "questioned "If the "happy" umpire wanted to see a replay of something I'd suggest he was being a bit " impolitic" by doing that at the interval. 

    The decisions are made and nothing can be changed .By all means look at the film post match for training purposes. 

    The flouncer was obviously wrong to overreact. 

    As for filming..its a bit of a grey area .Are participants asked to give their consent? Youd need parental consent if they are U 18 

    As a " catch all " clubs should write that into their membership criteria 

    My sources tell me that the issue centred around two things: one (and this happens all the time and is the correct thing to do if there is doubt) where one umpire suggests that they check with the scorers the number of balls delivered and two the reason for checking the video, centred around a player being caught off a potential "no ball".

    Immediately following the delivery, the umpire at the bowler's end looked across to the umpire at square leg (the subsequently outraged one) for guidance on height as is the norm. Nothing was forthcoming so the batsman was given out. As they do, the two umpires then met pending the arrival of the new batsman at which point the square leg umpire confirmed that the delivery had been above waist high. It was too late to change the decision but the square leg umpire should, of course, have indicated by way of a signal that this was the case. 

    The irony is that when the video was looked at, it really was too close to call either way and the "happy" umpire was content that it wasn't a no ball. I should also add that the two gentlemen in question were both panel umpires.

    As for the filming, my own club does not currently do it but all clubs should have in their own terms and conditions a section in which they ask members and parents to confirm that they give their consent to filming. One positive and negative is that filming with the microphone on does get the ambience of the game but also picks up all comments from anyone standing nearby!

    Personally, I love the filming if only for the reason that Seb can deny 'til the cows come home in the car on the way home that he played the wrong shot to get out only for me to prove that he did do so when studying the footage later!!!
  • For clarity - was it his own phone he threw in the bushes ?
  • MrOneLung said:
    For clarity - was it his own phone he threw in the bushes ?
    It was, indeed, his own phone that he threw into the bushes 
  • lolwray said:
    Oh for human beings to be without their foibles! 

    Based on supposition 

    Obviously I wasn't there but presumably the outraged umpire was uncomfortable about a decision being "questioned "If the "happy" umpire wanted to see a replay of something I'd suggest he was being a bit " impolitic" by doing that at the interval. 

    The decisions are made and nothing can be changed .By all means look at the film post match for training purposes. 

    The flouncer was obviously wrong to overreact. 

    As for filming..its a bit of a grey area .Are participants asked to give their consent? Youd need parental consent if they are U 18 

    As a " catch all " clubs should write that into their membership criteria 

    My sources tell me that the issue centred around two things: one (and this happens all the time and is the correct thing to do if there is doubt) where one umpire suggests that they check with the scorers the number of balls delivered and two the reason for checking the video, centred around a player being caught off a potential "no ball".

    Immediately following the delivery, the umpire at the bowler's end looked across to the umpire at square leg (the subsequently outraged one) for guidance on height as is the norm. Nothing was forthcoming so the batsman was given out. As they do, the two umpires then met pending the arrival of the new batsman at which point the square leg umpire confirmed that the delivery had been above waist high. It was too late to change the decision but the square leg umpire should, of course, have indicated by way of a signal that this was the case. 

    The irony is that when the video was looked at, it really was too close to call either way and the "happy" umpire was content that it wasn't a no ball. I should also add that the two gentlemen in question were both panel umpires.

    As for the filming, my own club does not currently do it but all clubs should have in their own terms and conditions a section in which they ask members and parents to confirm that they give their consent to filming. One positive and negative is that filming with the microphone on does get the ambience of the game but also picks up all comments from anyone standing nearby!

    Personally, I love the filming if only for the reason that Seb can deny 'til the cows come home in the car on the way home that he played the wrong shot to get out only for me to prove that he did do so when studying the footage later!!!
    Was going to ask if it was panel umpires ...😊
  • lolwray said:
    lolwray said:
    Oh for human beings to be without their foibles! 

    Based on supposition 

    Obviously I wasn't there but presumably the outraged umpire was uncomfortable about a decision being "questioned "If the "happy" umpire wanted to see a replay of something I'd suggest he was being a bit " impolitic" by doing that at the interval. 

    The decisions are made and nothing can be changed .By all means look at the film post match for training purposes. 

    The flouncer was obviously wrong to overreact. 

    As for filming..its a bit of a grey area .Are participants asked to give their consent? Youd need parental consent if they are U 18 

    As a " catch all " clubs should write that into their membership criteria 

    My sources tell me that the issue centred around two things: one (and this happens all the time and is the correct thing to do if there is doubt) where one umpire suggests that they check with the scorers the number of balls delivered and two the reason for checking the video, centred around a player being caught off a potential "no ball".

    Immediately following the delivery, the umpire at the bowler's end looked across to the umpire at square leg (the subsequently outraged one) for guidance on height as is the norm. Nothing was forthcoming so the batsman was given out. As they do, the two umpires then met pending the arrival of the new batsman at which point the square leg umpire confirmed that the delivery had been above waist high. It was too late to change the decision but the square leg umpire should, of course, have indicated by way of a signal that this was the case. 

    The irony is that when the video was looked at, it really was too close to call either way and the "happy" umpire was content that it wasn't a no ball. I should also add that the two gentlemen in question were both panel umpires.

    As for the filming, my own club does not currently do it but all clubs should have in their own terms and conditions a section in which they ask members and parents to confirm that they give their consent to filming. One positive and negative is that filming with the microphone on does get the ambience of the game but also picks up all comments from anyone standing nearby!

    Personally, I love the filming if only for the reason that Seb can deny 'til the cows come home in the car on the way home that he played the wrong shot to get out only for me to prove that he did do so when studying the footage later!!!
    Was going to ask if it was panel umpires ...😊
    They should know better than to even think about checking footage during a game!

    The "beamer" law is annoying as it used to be the responsibility of square leg umpire, but now it is the bowlers end who calls it.  I signalled one to my colleague on Saturday which he duly called after looking at me for confirmation. If officials work together you don't have these issues!
  • Any stories this week lads and lasses? My own game start was delayed annoyingly until after I could have got to the Valley but a very close twenty over game ensued.
  • I also heard that CPFC are moving into the old natwest ground opposite their current training ground ( the old Cuaco ground) ...there is an enormous amount of ground on all 3 inc HSBC and I can't help thinking there's going to be quite a lot of building going on around copers cope and lennard roads soon. 

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  • Are the bank teams open to all or still mainly/wholly bank staff

    NatWest used to have massive sports fields in Lower Sydenham
  • MrOneLung said:
    Are the bank teams open to all or still mainly/wholly bank staff

    NatWest used to have massive sports fields in Lower Sydenham
    They've been open for a number of years hence the removal of the subsidies and selling off of grounds. The other aspect is that some players used to prefer to play for their local club/one that had grown up playing with rather than the bank that they were worked for.
  • I worked briefly for HSBC 20 something years ago. The staff hand book basically said that if you got injured playing any organised sport then it would be unpaid leave to recover as it was essentially self inflicted, unless it was playing for a bank team, then it would be normal sick leave.

    Unfortunately bank sides are of a different era, when jobs for life was a thing and people would spend their whole career at a single employer that would then form their social as well as professional circle.

    My dad worked for HSBC for over 30 years (well technically he worked for Samuel Montague, which was bought out by Midland, which was bought out by HSBC). He played in the Samuel Montague football team that was pretty much non-league standard (they were a very good side, first team to do the treble in the bank league, and followed it up with the treble again the following year). His best mate also worked for the bank for over 30 years and all the surviving members of that football teams came to his funeral.

    They were the last generation we everything revolved around the bank. When he stopped playing my dad took over as manager of their ground at Kidbrooke (Samuel Montague Sports and Social Club, now Shooters Hill Sports and Social Club, in Mayday Gardens). As the side my dad played in broke up in the early 80s and new players came in the whole social aspect changed. The late 80s side weren't a bad team, but once they'd had their free meal and one subsidised pint then they were off.

    The bank then looked to downsize. They had 3 South London grounds at this stage, the main HSBC ground at Beckenham, my dad's ground at Kidbrooke and a third in Ravensbourne (now Millwall's training ground). They looked to get rid of Ravensbourne as nobody at the bank really liked it their, but they owned Ravensbourne, whilst they just leased Kidbrooke from the boys club of the same name. So it was quicker to terminate the lease early than to try and sell Ravensbourne. 

    Luckily, when he'd taken over at the club the bank weren't sure of it's long term future even then, therefore his contract meant he was guaranteed a job at the same rank elsewhere in the bank. So he went back to the bullion vaults as manager and remained there up until retirement.
  • edited August 2021
    Remember Samuel Montague very well wasn't it the broadwalk ? 

    Edit sorry just remembered askeans was the broadwalk 

    People forget that the Hong Kong and Shanghai bank ground was unrelated to the Midland ground next door..just a twist of fate that they became owned by the same employer..I always preferred the former. 

    Sports grounds for staff are difficult things to justify to shareholders these days.

    Anyone remember the britannic house sports ground or the c hoare sports grounds in lower sydenham,c t bowring  in eltham road,American banks sports ground in weigall road not forgetting the private banks ground in catford, thomas cook in shortlands..and of course the oxo ground in Warren Avenue..latterly taken over by Midland and now home to the unmentionables. 

  • In the battle of the relegated two from Division 1, Sidcup came out on top by 22 runs. The table doesn't lie but it would be good if we could, at least, remain above HSBC.

    The highlight was probably the reaction of our main spinner to a dolly dropped by the slip off the very last ball of his spell. Let's just say it wasn't very forgiving and anyone who knows the bowler in question will understand exactly what I mean by that. There again, when you have figures of 9.5-2-23-4 at the time it would test the patience of most people to see your slip attempt to throw the ball up in celebration before he had actually caught it! Alls well that ends well with plenty of smiles at the end of the game though. Time has certainly mellowed that particular bowler!

    One thing that is really disappointing it the situation at HSBC. They are one of the last survivors of the Bank grounds but they have lost their soul and this has, it would appear, inevitably resulted in losing a lot of their players across their various sides. They used to have four teams on a Saturday and just two years ago their 1s were in the Premier Division. Successive relegations will see them in Div 2 next season but, also, all three of their sides are bottom and will be relegated.

    It's more than that and probably a contributing factor in them losing players and/or the week in week out commitment of those remaining. Some 40 years ago we would be fighting each other to get into the sides due to play at HSBC and the other Bank sides. Tracks and an outfield to dream of followed by ridiculously subsidised beer and a meal that might cost you three times as much in the real world were the order of the day and night. Now the Bank refuses to open the bar at any time with the excuse being Covid. The gentleman guarding the entrance to the changing facilities could not have been more accommodating in offering to make the officials a tea or coffee and in providing orange squash at drinks. But the situation could not be better summed up by their own players having to go to the local off licence to buy a few cans for them to drink post match presumably in the changing rooms. How very sad.
    I don't think HSBC CC will last much longer. I guess the bank will look to pull the plug on the sports club, which will be a crying shame as it's been a wonderful ground to visit over the years. The thing about not reopening the bar is just ridiculous.

    Sadly it seems that Palace are slowly taking over in that part of Beckenham. 20 years ago they bought our cricket ground (CUACO), now they have acquired Natwest. I bet they'd love to get their hands on HSBC too, were it to come on to the market.

  • edited August 2021
    lolwray said:
    Remember Samuel Montague very well wasn't it the broadwalk ? 

    Edit sorry just remembered askeans was the broadwalk 

    People forget that the Hong Kong and Shanghai bank ground was unrelated to the Midland ground next door..just a twist of fate that they became owned by the same employer..I always preferred the former. 

    Sports grounds for staff are difficult things to justify to shareholders these days.

    Anyone remember the britannic house sports ground or the c hoare sports grounds in lower sydenham,c t bowring  in eltham road,American banks sports ground in weigall road not forgetting the private banks ground in catford, thomas cook in shortlands..and of course the oxo ground in Warren Avenue..latterly taken over by Midland and now home to the unmentionables. 

    Well in Broad Walk you have Askeans (Now Charlton Park Rugby Club) and Samuel Montague Boys Club, originally founded by the guy who founded the bank of the same name, hence the bank sports and social club sharing the same field though it's entrance was in Mayday Gardens. The boys club was setup to run separately from the bank, but was gifted the field and both clubhouses, the bank leasing the sports and social club back off the boys club (I guess a way of providing perpetual funding to the boys club).

    Dragging the subject back to cricket. My first games were making up the numbers if the bank team was short on a Thursday night match (25 overs per side), and I played a few games for HSBC Cash Services (all friendlies against other departments or clients), which were all at the Hong Kong and Shanhai ground, though we changed and took tea as HSBC.

    When the club was closed in 1990 I went on to play one season for Bexley U14, but really didn't enjoy colts cricket having only played adult cricket up until that point, so the following year we went to Sidcup*, were me and my dad turnout for the 4ths with my grandad umpiring, and I also played regularly for the sunday 2s. My dad's elbow gave out and I drifted away, until a few years later I started playing for Wilmington (mostly 2s, eventually skippering them). Haven't played for 7 years now and Wilmington is no more, having been swallowed by Dartford.

    *My old man was a decent cricketer in the 70s, played for Sidcup 1s and had a couple of games for Kent 2s. Fast medium bowler who could swing it both ways. Was far too good for Sidcup 4s really, even in his mid 40s, but was playing for fun. Unfortunately being so good meant the captain over-bowled him, hence the elbow injury. Remember a game somewhere over Bickley way (not against Bickley Park I don't think) where we got our name on all 10 wickets, my dad taking 8 and me catching the other 2 :)
  • lolwray said:
    Remember Samuel Montague very well wasn't it the broadwalk ? 

    Edit sorry just remembered askeans was the broadwalk 

    People forget that the Hong Kong and Shanghai bank ground was unrelated to the Midland ground next door..just a twist of fate that they became owned by the same employer..I always preferred the former. 

    Sports grounds for staff are difficult things to justify to shareholders these days.

    Anyone remember the britannic house sports ground or the c hoare sports grounds in lower sydenham,c t bowring  in eltham road,American banks sports ground in weigall road not forgetting the private banks ground in catford, thomas cook in shortlands..and of course the oxo ground in Warren Avenue..latterly taken over by Midland and now home to the unmentionables. 

    Britannic house was fantastic.
    2 superb grounds either side of a magnificent club house with indoor swimming pool.
    Heavily subsidised bar too!

  • lolwray said:
    Remember Samuel Montague very well wasn't it the broadwalk ? 

    Edit sorry just remembered askeans was the broadwalk 

    People forget that the Hong Kong and Shanghai bank ground was unrelated to the Midland ground next door..just a twist of fate that they became owned by the same employer..I always preferred the former. 

    Sports grounds for staff are difficult things to justify to shareholders these days.

    Anyone remember the britannic house sports ground or the c hoare sports grounds in lower sydenham,c t bowring  in eltham road,American banks sports ground in weigall road not forgetting the private banks ground in catford, thomas cook in shortlands..and of course the oxo ground in Warren Avenue..latterly taken over by Midland and now home to the unmentionables. 

    Well in Broad Walk you have Askeans (Now Charlton Park Rugby Club) and Samuel Montague Boys Club, originally founded by the guy who founded the bank of the same name, hence the bank sports and social club sharing the same field though it's entrance was in Mayday Gardens. The boys club was setup to run separately from the bank, but was gifted the field and both clubhouses, the bank leasing the sports and social club back off the boys club (I guess a way of providing perpetual funding to the boys club).

    Dragging the subject back to cricket. My first games were making up the numbers if the bank team was short on a Thursday night match (25 overs per side), and I played a few games for HSBC Cash Services (all friendlies against other departments or clients), which were all at the Hong Kong and Shanhai ground, though we changed and took tea as HSBC.

    When the club was closed in 1990 I went on to play one season for Bexley U14, but really didn't enjoy colts cricket having only played adult cricket up until that point, so the following year we went to Sidcup*, were me and my dad turnout for the 4ths with my grandad umpiring, and I also played regularly for the sunday 2s. My dad's elbow gave out and I drifted away, until a few years later I started playing for Wilmington (mostly 2s, eventually skippering them). Haven't played for 7 years now and Wilmington is no more, having been swallowed by Dartford.

    *My old man was a decent cricketer in the 70s, played for Sidcup 1s and had a couple of games for Kent 2s. Fast medium bowler who could swing it both ways. Was far too good for Sidcup 4s really, even in his mid 40s, but was playing for fun. Unfortunately being so good meant the captain over-bowled him, hence the elbow injury. Remember a game somewhere over Bickley way (not against Bickley Park I don't think) we we got our name on all 10 wickets, my dad taking 8 and me catching the other 2 :)
    Assuming your Dad's name is Ray I played with both of you back in the day 
  • What a sad and at the same time joyful story Oohaah and congratulations to you on helping him on his journey. Just goes to show how sport and cricket especially can bring communities together.

    I would suggest that, for the reasons you've highlighted, he could do with a number of one to ones with an established coach rather than perhaps at this stage being thrown into a county set up. Our experience (admittedly not Essex) is that the coaches actually do very little individual coaching as they expect the players they select to have the skillset to be able to perform at that level. That said, they may have development hubs which are designed to bridge the gap between club and county - the last thing the lad needs though is to be put off because he might be out of his depth by virtue of his rawness especially as it seems that cricket is something that is helping him to take his mind off what is going on with his family.

    This really is a situation where the ECB should, rather than could, step in and support him with regards to equipment and the funding/arrangement for specifically tailored coaching. I would hope that, if the Chairman of your Club were to approach the ECB directly, they would do something in this regard.
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