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How do the Tories need to change?



  • Fiiish said:
    Just waiting for Rees-Mogg to link the rise in average temperatures to god providing now.
  • Fiiish said:
    Those figures show me that the rough sleeping numbers are robust and clearly strong and stable.

  • Fiiish said:
    It is when rough sleepers start getting discounts for conferences that you have to start worrying.
  • Rise in recorded crime is accelerating in England and Wales

    Seven in 10 UK workers are 'chronically broke', study finds

    UK sick pay is found to breach international legal obligations

    OK none of this is quite as damning as how much ticket prices are at a conference so I am not expecting anywhere near the same level of outrage at the above.
  • cabbles said:
    She apologised quickly and unreservedly -far more to have a go at her about than that,
  • Fiiish said:

    cabbles said:
    She apologised quickly and unreservedly -far more to have a go at her about than that,
    I think the larger point is that when faced with legitimate criticism of her administration her main tactic is to ignore the criticism and attack something completely irrelevant instead of defending the fact she and her cabal of misfits are driving this country straight down the sewer.
    Sounds like politics of the last 30 years to me (my adult lifetime)......... it's why I hate PMQ's it's all tit for tat, they should spend their time sorting out issues rather than wasting it as if they were back at Uni in the debating society.

    Don't worry, the sewer is blocked anyway with all the fat balls, condoms and baby wipes so we won't go far. Although once we are a socialist society the state will be running the sewers so we'll fly on down :wink:

  • Fiiish said:

    It doesn't even have to be a socialist government. Just one not with the demonstrably unqualified May, Boris, Gove, Davis, Hunt etc. anywhere near it.

    Special mention for disgraced former Defence Secretary Liam Fox (still in a reasonably important job)
  • Fiiish said:

    It doesn't even have to be a socialist government. Just one not with the demonstrably unqualified May, Boris, Gove, Davis, Hunt etc. anywhere near it.

    To be replaced with the heavily qualified.....???
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  • Rob7Lee said:

    Fiiish said:

    It doesn't even have to be a socialist government. Just one not with the demonstrably unqualified May, Boris, Gove, Davis, Hunt etc. anywhere near it.

    To be replaced with the heavily qualified.....???
    I suppose it’s the same argument as “anyone but Roland” what possibly could be worse than the shit we currently endure ?

  • Rob7Lee said:

    Fiiish said:

    It doesn't even have to be a socialist government. Just one not with the demonstrably unqualified May, Boris, Gove, Davis, Hunt etc. anywhere near it.

    To be replaced with the heavily qualified.....???
    I suppose it’s the same argument as “anyone but Roland” what possibly could be worse than the shit we currently endure ?

    Off the top of my head - Corbyn, Abbot, Watson, McDonnell......
  • cabbles said:
    She apologised quickly and unreservedly -far more to have a go at her about than that,
    Agree but just thought the video was quite humorous with the little clown music at the end

    Completely agree with @Rob7Lee re how pathetic PMQs are on all sides

    In my secondary school we used to have art in year 10, last thing Thursday afternoon. There was a table we used to call the cussing table. You decided to sit there, you better come armed with an array of your mum jokes and be prepared to get savaged and to savage. We would destroy each other with how raw we would get. We were a bunch of 15 year old oinks. Although PMQs is nowhere near as savage and you won’t hear MPs laying into one another’s mums, it is essentially a more snotty version of my cussing table in year 10 art. Paid adults that are meant to be governing our lands, trying to score points with mediocre one liners

  • Fiiish said:

    I'm not sure how they would be worse. The Tories are actively making this country worse. Sure your list of names aren't known for their competence but at least they seem to actually give a shit about the decline we are actively perpetrating.

    Looking like you give a shit in opposition is quite easy, how they would perform if in power is another matter altogether. Would take less than 12 months I reckon before they realise that the plans and their manifesto isn't quite going to work in practice. By then the stock market will have tanked, there'd be a run on the pound, unemployment up and businesses start sinking.

    Out of the Frying pan and into the fire springs to mind, a wildfire at that.
  • Fiiish said:

    Rob7Lee said:

    By then the stock market will have tanked, there'd be a run on the pound, unemployment up and businesses start sinking.

    I don't believe this would happen. And neither does business in this country. The loudest pundits in the media might parrot this but even though the possibility of a Labour victory received lukewarm reception amongst businesses, ultimately they still plow on. It is looking increasingly likely that Labour could be heading into Number 10 once this Government collapses but businesses are still carrying on as normal. There has certainly been little to justify the scare stories you repeat in your post. And I know you are intelligent enough not to actually believe there would be armageddon if Labour won so it is unclear why you would repeat clear scaremongering from the far right media of this country?

    Besides, under this Tory government, our stock market is lagging behind the rest of the world, our unemployment figures are a sham, poverty is rising, business confidence is falling and the pound is struggling.
    Depends what you mean by carrying on as normal, yes most businesses especially the larger FTSE 250's would plow on, but there will be an effect.

    There would be a marked reduction of the UK stock market, if you believe all the changes to corp tax, minimum wage, high earner levy and the like wouldn't have an effect on listed companies share price and likely dividend payment I believe you are kidding yourself. Pension funds overnight would reduce considerably and many would drop below required funding levels which would need then topping up to fall back into line further reducing company value and therefore where listed share prices.

    What do you think smaller business that maybe employ 5-10 people on the minimum wage would do? That goes up 25% overnight they are unlikely to be able to fund that as won't have the 'profit' to do so, therefore staffing would undoubtedly be cut.

    Even Labour themselves admitted they had made plans for the potential run on the pound and business flight.

    I don't believe the likes of the daily mail that it would be world ending and the lights go out, but it wouldn't be pretty at least in the short term.

    We've made plans that additional work would go out to India, probably as much as 25-30 jobs (about 10%), an amount would go out to Bermuda (about 8 people, mostly the higher earners) and that would be where most of the business would be underwritten. So plow on most definitely, pay less Corp Tax for sure and pay less NI (bother employer & employee) and less income tax would be paid in the UK.
  • Rob7Lee said:

    Rob7Lee said:

    Fiiish said:

    It doesn't even have to be a socialist government. Just one not with the demonstrably unqualified May, Boris, Gove, Davis, Hunt etc. anywhere near it.

    To be replaced with the heavily qualified.....???
    I suppose it’s the same argument as “anyone but Roland” what possibly could be worse than the shit we currently endure ?

    Off the top of my head - Corbyn, Abbot, Watson, McDonnell......
    Shocking back four that
  • Rob7Lee said:

    Fiiish said:

    Rob7Lee said:

    By then the stock market will have tanked, there'd be a run on the pound, unemployment up and businesses start sinking.

    I don't believe this would happen. And neither does business in this country. The loudest pundits in the media might parrot this but even though the possibility of a Labour victory received lukewarm reception amongst businesses, ultimately they still plow on. It is looking increasingly likely that Labour could be heading into Number 10 once this Government collapses but businesses are still carrying on as normal. There has certainly been little to justify the scare stories you repeat in your post. And I know you are intelligent enough not to actually believe there would be armageddon if Labour won so it is unclear why you would repeat clear scaremongering from the far right media of this country?

    Besides, under this Tory government, our stock market is lagging behind the rest of the world, our unemployment figures are a sham, poverty is rising, business confidence is falling and the pound is struggling.
    Depends what you mean by carrying on as normal, yes most businesses especially the larger FTSE 250's would plow on, but there will be an effect.

    There would be a marked reduction of the UK stock market, if you believe all the changes to corp tax, minimum wage, high earner levy and the like wouldn't have an effect on listed companies share price and likely dividend payment I believe you are kidding yourself. Pension funds overnight would reduce considerably and many would drop below required funding levels which would need then topping up to fall back into line further reducing company value and therefore where listed share prices.

    What do you think smaller business that maybe employ 5-10 people on the minimum wage would do? That goes up 25% overnight they are unlikely to be able to fund that as won't have the 'profit' to do so, therefore staffing would undoubtedly be cut.

    Even Labour themselves admitted they had made plans for the potential run on the pound and business flight.

    I don't believe the likes of the daily mail that it would be world ending and the lights go out, but it wouldn't be pretty at least in the short term.

    We've made plans that additional work would go out to India, probably as much as 25-30 jobs (about 10%), an amount would go out to Bermuda (about 8 people, mostly the higher earners) and that would be where most of the business would be underwritten. So plow on most definitely, pay less Corp Tax for sure and pay less NI (bother employer & employee) and less income tax would be paid in the UK.
    We've seen all that under the Tories. And are still seeing it. So if we are fooked one way or the other, why not at least have the party that will stand up for the people and not just their billionaire donors?
  • Dear Chris Bryant MP,

    You classist gimp. I happened to go to a boarding school. No one helped me at boarding school to get into the music business. I bought my first guitar with money I saved from holiday jobs (sandwich packing!). I was taught the only four chords I know by a friend.

    No one at school had ANY knowledge or contacts in the music business, and I was expected to become a soldier or a lawyer or perhaps a stockbroker. So alien was it, that people laughed at the idea of me going into the music business, and certainly no one was of any use. In the army, again, people thought it was a mad idea.

    None of them knew anyone in the business either. And when I left the army, going against everyone’s advice, EVERYONE I met in the British music industry told me there was no way it would work for me because I was too posh.

    One record company even asked if I could speak in a different accent. (I told them I could try Russian).

    Every step of the way, my background has been AGAINST me succeeding in the music business. And when I have managed to break through, I was STILL scoffed at for being too posh for the industry. And then you come along, looking for votes, telling working class people that posh people like me don’t deserve it, and that we must redress the balance.

    But it is your populist, envy-based, vote-hunting ideas which make our country crap, far more than me and my shit songs, and my plummy accent.

    I got signed in America, where they don’t give a stuff about, or even understand what you mean by me and “my ilk”, you prejudiced wazzock, and I worked my arse off. What you teach is the politics of jealousy.

    Rather than celebrating success and figuring out how we can all exploit it further as the Americans do, you instead talk about how we can hobble that success and “level the playing field”.

    Perhaps what you’ve failed to realise is that the only head-start my school gave me in the music business, where the VAST majority of people are NOT from boarding school, is to tell me that I should aim high.

    Perhaps it protected me from your kind of narrow-minded, self-defeating, lead-us-to-a-dead-end, remove-the-‘G’-from-‘GB’ thinking, which is to look at others’ success and say, “it’s not fair.”

    Up yours,

    James Cucking Funt
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  • @A-R-T-H-U-R fcuking brilliant, he's comedy value is Mr Blunt, love him on Twitter.
    Fiiish said:

    Rob7Lee said:

    Fiiish said:

    Rob7Lee said:

    By then the stock market will have tanked, there'd be a run on the pound, unemployment up and businesses start sinking.

    I don't believe this would happen. And neither does business in this country. The loudest pundits in the media might parrot this but even though the possibility of a Labour victory received lukewarm reception amongst businesses, ultimately they still plow on. It is looking increasingly likely that Labour could be heading into Number 10 once this Government collapses but businesses are still carrying on as normal. There has certainly been little to justify the scare stories you repeat in your post. And I know you are intelligent enough not to actually believe there would be armageddon if Labour won so it is unclear why you would repeat clear scaremongering from the far right media of this country?

    Besides, under this Tory government, our stock market is lagging behind the rest of the world, our unemployment figures are a sham, poverty is rising, business confidence is falling and the pound is struggling.
    Depends what you mean by carrying on as normal, yes most businesses especially the larger FTSE 250's would plow on, but there will be an effect.

    There would be a marked reduction of the UK stock market, if you believe all the changes to corp tax, minimum wage, high earner levy and the like wouldn't have an effect on listed companies share price and likely dividend payment I believe you are kidding yourself. Pension funds overnight would reduce considerably and many would drop below required funding levels which would need then topping up to fall back into line further reducing company value and therefore where listed share prices.

    What do you think smaller business that maybe employ 5-10 people on the minimum wage would do? That goes up 25% overnight they are unlikely to be able to fund that as won't have the 'profit' to do so, therefore staffing would undoubtedly be cut.

    Even Labour themselves admitted they had made plans for the potential run on the pound and business flight.

    I don't believe the likes of the daily mail that it would be world ending and the lights go out, but it wouldn't be pretty at least in the short term.

    We've made plans that additional work would go out to India, probably as much as 25-30 jobs (about 10%), an amount would go out to Bermuda (about 8 people, mostly the higher earners) and that would be where most of the business would be underwritten. So plow on most definitely, pay less Corp Tax for sure and pay less NI (bother employer & employee) and less income tax would be paid in the UK.
    We've seen all that under the Tories. And are still seeing it. So if we are fooked one way or the other, why not at least have the party that will stand up for the people and not just their billionaire donors?
    So you do or you don't believe it would happen under Labour?

    The Utopia of 'New Labours' the few will pay more for the many to even things up is all very idealistic and sounds great, problem is as it stands it's a pipe dream and if anything will have the opposite effect. I find it laughable that Corbyn thinks corporate investors who have put in say 1bn to buy a company are just going to say 'ok' we don't want a return on our investment anymore of 10%, we'll just take 2%, thanks very much..... of course they won't, but he wouldn't know that would he.

    All large corps (and probably smaller one's) are already working on how they are going to maintain the ROI/ROE that is demanded by their investors if we had a Corbyn Government. There's only so much most business can do on taxation so the next thing is expenses with generally the employee's being the largest expense, guess what'll happen...........

    And thats before we factor in Brexit......
  • The point I'm making is if your reasons against Labour are that the economy is going to go down the pan then you can equally level those points against the current Tories.
  • Fiiish said:

    The point I'm making is if your reasons against Labour are that the economy is going to go down the pan then you can equally level those points against the current Tories.

    I don't think it's currently down the pan at all, but wherever it is/you think it is right now my point is it's going much further south under Labour for the reasons i've given. That'll effect in the main some of the poorest in society.
  • Fiiish said:

    Well I simply don't believe the scare stories of economic armageddon, nor the conclusions you draw that the poorest will suffer should Labour win next time. The poorest are already losing massively on every metric under the Tories and they refuse to change direction, despite the consensus amongst economists and experts that their economic philosophy is utterly flawed. There is simply no gains to be made to carry on down this path and I believe, as someone with a great deal to experience within finance and economics, that Labour are worth a punt, as do many economists and business leaders.

    Maybe you don't think the economy is going down the pan, but for the millions who have fallen into poverty, found themselves homeless, are drowning in debt, can't get a living wage or are seeing their benefits and services cut, the economy, and the Tories, are failing them at the expense of the few at the top. Trickle down economics simply doesn't work, and that seems to be what a defence of Tory economics over Labour economics amounts to: belief in a fundamentally worthless policy. What good is helping the 1% at the top whilst everyone else gets poorer, as we have seen over the last 7 years?

    I think your believing the rhetoric/papers now - millions in poverty AND homeless? As for living wage, that was killed off by Blair the moment they brought in 'working tax credits' etc let employers off the hook of paying anything approaching a living wage, to unwind that now will take time, a long time.

    Run by me what it is that the tories have done to 'help' the 1% at the top over the last 7 years? Is that the near doubling of the tax free allowance that they don't benefit from since the allowance was removed for them but obviously helps the lower wage earners. Is it the reduction down to 10k for pension contributions tax relief? The removal of child benefit (appreciate that effects more than the top 1%, maybe top 5% of earners). Is it the reduction of when the 40% tax band comes in at since 2010? I'm struggling to remember what it is they've done that helps the top 1%.......

  • Rob7Lee said:

    Fiiish said:

    Well I simply don't believe the scare stories of economic armageddon, nor the conclusions you draw that the poorest will suffer should Labour win next time. The poorest are already losing massively on every metric under the Tories and they refuse to change direction, despite the consensus amongst economists and experts that their economic philosophy is utterly flawed. There is simply no gains to be made to carry on down this path and I believe, as someone with a great deal to experience within finance and economics, that Labour are worth a punt, as do many economists and business leaders.

    Maybe you don't think the economy is going down the pan, but for the millions who have fallen into poverty, found themselves homeless, are drowning in debt, can't get a living wage or are seeing their benefits and services cut, the economy, and the Tories, are failing them at the expense of the few at the top. Trickle down economics simply doesn't work, and that seems to be what a defence of Tory economics over Labour economics amounts to: belief in a fundamentally worthless policy. What good is helping the 1% at the top whilst everyone else gets poorer, as we have seen over the last 7 years?

    I think your believing the rhetoric/papers now - millions in poverty AND homeless? As for living wage, that was killed off by Blair the moment they brought in 'working tax credits' etc let employers off the hook of paying anything approaching a living wage, to unwind that now will take time, a long time.

    Run by me what it is that the tories have done to 'help' the 1% at the top over the last 7 years? Is that the near doubling of the tax free allowance that they don't benefit from since the allowance was removed for them but obviously helps the lower wage earners. Is it the reduction down to 10k for pension contributions tax relief? The removal of child benefit (appreciate that effects more than the top 1%, maybe top 5% of earners). Is it the reduction of when the 40% tax band comes in at since 2010? I'm struggling to remember what it is they've done that helps the top 1%.......

    Well the fact is wealth inequality is on the increase and whilst more and more people fall into poverty and debt the richest continue to line their pockets. So under the Tories' watch the poorest have suffered whilst the rich thrive as they pursue this warped version of trickle down economics that has absolutely no merit. So you can point out how they have shuffled the deck chairs a bit with tax adjustments here and there but they have done absolutely nothing to address the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer. Austerity was just simply an excuse to protect the rich from further tax rises by taking away benefits and services desperately needed by the rest of the country. There are parts of the country where more than half of children living there are growing up in poverty. This is not a record the government can defend. And nor does it. The government seems entirely incapable of staying one positive economic measure it has implemented and when pressed on their record they deflect criticism by calling Corbyn a Marxist.
  • And why do you think 'Wealth' inequality has increased? Would you be happier if for instance we had a housing market crash as the Wealth Inequality would then reduce and we'd all be much happier as the wealth divide shrinks? Or would you be happier if the stock market crashed to help shrink the divide?

    In general 'money makes money' the only way you can rebalance the wealth divide is to take substantially the wealth from the richer in society and give it to the poorer. Maybe Corbyn should carry a bow and arrow if thats the case.

    If you want to talk salaries/incomes i've given examples of how the tax changes as one example have reduced the earnings of the top earners and increased the earnings of lower end earners, but apparently thats just 'shuffling the deckchairs' :neutral: by all means state it's not enough and more needs to be done (which I agree with) but don't simply believe the very 'headlines' you accused me of doing with Corbyn.

  • edited January 2018
    Rob7Lee said:

    And why do you think 'Wealth' inequality has increased? Would you be happier if for instance we had a housing market crash as the Wealth Inequality would then reduce and we'd all be much happier as the wealth divide shrinks? Or would you be happier if the stock market crashed to help shrink the divide?

    In general 'money makes money' the only way you can rebalance the wealth divide is to take substantially the wealth from the richer in society and give it to the poorer. Maybe Corbyn should carry a bow and arrow if thats the case.

    If you want to talk salaries/incomes i've given examples of how the tax changes as one example have reduced the earnings of the top earners and increased the earnings of lower end earners, but apparently thats just 'shuffling the deckchairs' :neutral: by all means state it's not enough and more needs to be done (which I agree with) but don't simply believe the very 'headlines' you accused me of doing with Corbyn.

    And despite the tax changes the actual incomes of the rich are increasing whilst everyone else's are decreasing in comparison to the cost of living. So it is 'shuffling the deckchairs' because if the tax changes don't actually have any meaningful benefit then it's not really worth defending them. For the vast majority of people in this country, the economy is failing them. So at some point something is going to have to change, whether that means increasing spending or raising tax revenues, whether that happens in 2, 5 or 10 years time, it is going to have to happen, and unless the Tories change the course from their dogmatic obsession with austerity then the longer we wait for the necessary changes to actually help our economy. So if the Tories can't do it then they should move aside and someone else should. Not necessarily Labour, just someone who isn't actively causing more harm.

    I don't believe a stock market crash/housing market crash/run on the pound/mass unemployment is a necessary consequence and the evidence isn't there that is will happen should Labour win the next election. So arguing that we should keep the Tories installed on this flawed premise simply doesn't work.

    Bear in mind national economies are extremely resilient and adapt well to expected macroeconomic changes as markets reach natural equilibrium. And Corbyn would have to get any fiscal policies through both houses including his own MPs who are a lot more centrist than him, as well as the committees and Whitehall. It certainly won't be a Daily Mail fantasy of a 90% tax rate, nationalizing all private companies and spending trillions more that some people are trying to paint.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!