Came across this today, I know it's a bit old now but it seems so relevant.
As much as I like technology to a degree, we all seem so completely obsessed with it to the detriment of everything else. You only have to look at the way people look endlessly at their phones every second, as if there's going to be some incredible happening / story that just can't wait and needs to be absorbed right now, at this very minute. And how people go out with friends for coffee or drinks or a meal but spend the whole time looking at their f ing mobiles!
Don't get me wrong, I'm equally the same, well hopefully not as bad as you lot. I don't really do Fuckbook or Twatter but it's Instagram for me, it's almost a need for validation from other people to acknowledge I exist.
I mean honestly, it's quite obscene, isn't it?
Religious fear mongering pretending to be science.
Twitter I like because it's limited and it helps you stay in touch with things you're interested
Obviously this site is a religion
I went on a silent retreat last year and switched my phone off. It was bliss.
Funnily RD and KM have never managed even fleetingly to look like gods. And I'd be more likely to worship a decent Samsung than either of them.
But the ridiculous craze that Facebook is, but great for its owners, is that in our "Look at me" society, could have detrimental affect on those who strive to follow the herd but can never keep up.
The same as the ridiculous images magazines show of anorexic models, creating stress and disorders in young and maybe even older women. And of course but potentially to a lesser degree, men's mags and the six pack look!
Actually my six packs really good at the moment and I take every opportunity to take my shirt off. I'm currently in John Lewis at the moment bare chested.
Don't know if I've told you? I'm off to a swanky restaurant tonight with Lady GaGa, so watch out for pics of my food and locale on Fuckbook later.
One of the best things I've done
I haven't listened to the News or read a Newspaper for a number of years now, so while I knew of him and a little of his actions not the full implications.
Of course it's a film, so no idea how accurate it is?
But of course it got me thinking. I never used to be bothered by the idea of being watched because, "I've got nothing to hide" was my attitude.
But I had been getting a little irked recently, that every time I entered a new contact into my mobile, sure enough, almost immediately on Facebook would be,"Do you know this person" and of course it would be the name to my contact.
I've also found myself getting increasingly pissed off, every time I buy something, sure enough the next set of ads on whatever site i might be visiting, would either be that item or items related!
So maybe the title of this topic should of been, not the new God but the new Government?
Most enjoy the internet and social media and maybe I've been totally naive in thinking it was for the benefit of the people but clearly it's not.
It's for the enjoyment of those who want to control our lives and yes, I've acknowledged how naive I've perhaps been.
But having now watched that film, is it scaremongering because right now I feel a little uncomfortable.
As you say you don't follow the news so maybe not a good idea to take a world view from a drama based on one person's life.
The number of times I've uttered the words 'you ever tried looking where you're going?' When walking through London to work.
If (when) I come to power
In my own eagerness to embrace technology through Computers, Tablets, Smart phones and the internet, I clearly hadn't given great thought to its implications.
Through our smart phones and bank cards we can now being tracked, wherever we are in the world.
It's clear our buying habits are being targeted by advertisers via our online purchases and our social and political leanings by social media.
I also hadn't been bothered by the amount cameras located around our towns and cities. Believing they were there for the good of us and of course there is that to them but it is another way of keeping tabs on everyone and I guess in the age of terrorism essential, there's no way of avoiding them now.
I'm not Edward Snowden and don't believe I do anything that's worth taking note of but are things getting a little too close to 1984?
No point worrying about it ... nothing you can do except get on with your life.
Which suggests people are concerned about the way things are going?
There are bad sides to the new tech but a lot of good things too. It's not big brother as proved by how hard oppressive regimes in China and North Korea try to block access to the world wide web.