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Charlton v Shrewsbury - Post Match Views



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    edited May 2018

    Another point I wanted to add... Did anyone else feel as though Shrewsbury over celebrated their win last night?

    Full Time whistle was blown the moment they cleared (almost off the line) from our last corner and the players instantly started jumping around and celebrating in front of the fans, almost as though the job was done... Hope that our players thought that themselves and use it as a motivator.

    Yes, I did feel that. And I do think we have better players - not a better team, but having better players gives you a cahnce if you can find the right way to utilise them. I haven't given up at all - all to play for- we have 90 minutes to beat them.
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    edited May 2018

    If the ref only adds 4 minutes when it should have been closer to 7 with the injury to their keeper and the subs too, you have to make their tactics right!

    I'm honestly not surprised in a way and started having doubts in my mind when only one minute was shown at the end of the First Half despite there being an injury to Nsaila that had to be dealt with

    I remember a few times we've been on SKY, there always seems to be less time added than Charlton games not on TV and do wonder if SKY do control the injury time to an extent so that their coverage doesnt over run
    If that is happening, you'd expect someone to have sold the story to the Daily Mirror or given it to The Guardian by now, that's far too big for someone not to leak it.
    Yeah its why I think I'm overly paranoid of it and its really nothing - Although usually a sub is worth about 30secs added on as is a goal, from what happened to those events alone, thats 3 and a half minutes...

    Although for years I've wondered how the Footballing computer manages to get Man Utd v Man City and Chelsea v Spurs etc. on the same day each year (so that SKY can move both for a double Super Sunday header), apparantly thats down to the Premier League shifting things about deliberately
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    edited May 2018
    I don't think it is Sky - Added time just isn't accurate enough. It is even worse with foreign refs and is clear when there may be a minute long stoppage in added time and the ref doesn't play it! The problem for football is it is a bit too traditional to find simple solutions. If we had a seperate time keeper who stopped the clock for every stoppage, a bit like Rugby, there would be no need for time wasting. Games would have to be cut to 35minutes per half, to stop them going on forever, but that would still mean fans would see more football!
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    I think if we play Marshall at right back, they might decide they have to target him. That might open them up a bit, but importantly he would have to be up to it defensively. I think he is from what I have seen of him.

    No one's going to play Marshall at right back in such a crucial match. He's not a right back for a start.
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    Like I said, the fact that he isn't may entice them to open up a bit and he isn't defensively much worse than Dasilva IMO. A manager has to have a pair sometimes as you ought to know given your family heritage.
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    Tbh to support your argument, Konsa and Dijksteel aren't proper right backs either. But it would be heart breaking if we lost because Marshall messed up defensively. He's better playing in front of a right back I think.
    But I agree Bowyer has to be brave I the second leg. We'll be helped massively if Fosu can start. I predict he'll at least win a penalty if he does.
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    With regards to Shrewsbury time wasting or slowing down the game, i'm surprised Bowyer mentioned it ? Sends out a negative, sore loser vibe, imo. If the roles were reversed we'd have done exactly the same. Only this week I tweeted about Chelsea fans and players complaining about Huddersfield.

    The fact is football currently allows this to be exploited. I hate all the kicking the ball away or holding on to it when it is a opposition ball but referees don't clamp down on it so it continues. The 4th official should control the time (he barely does anything anyway) not the on field referee and arguably it should be on permanent display so when play is stopped, the time is also, as is done in Rugby

    The 6 second rule should be enforced more also, as a spectator we don't want to be deprived of game time by unnecessary time wasting. This trend of goal keepers diving to the ground, most of the time unnecessarily. The 6 second rule should stop this. Again, I know if it suited us we'd do it but it needs to be stamped out of the game.

    Lastly, it always amuses me when a team chasing the game score and wrestle the ball of the goalie or defender to place the ball on the spot. It's not as if they can start the game !

    Having said all this, wouldn't it be nice to turn the tie on it's head and give Shrewsbury some of the same back.... he who laughs last and that.... COYRS !!
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    Even if we had played 7 minutes of added time, we still wouldn't have scored as it one of those games where it just wasn't falling for us

    I agree with something Paul Hurst said afterwards, as I was a bit concerned that we were over committing men forward at the end, and leaving ourselves vulnerable to a breakaway goal.
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    edited May 2018
    I am not too down as I still have a feeling we will get through. Roll on Sunday.
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    edited May 2018

    Appalling midfield tonight, embarrassing in fact completely absent and bullied all evening. Shite.

    This. Our midfield was non-existent. Positionally awful. Every ball went flying over/past them which meant they spent most of the time chasing back rather than being in the right position to challenge for any loose balls. Not a game for Kashi and Mavididi to remember especially.

    They bullied us, and the ref. They deserved to win. They're up there for a reason and are a very, very well organised team with some talented players, too.

    Still, not lost all hope yet. Hopefully Bowyer can get them going again like he did after Wimbledon and Scunthorpe. If not for us to go up, but to stick two fingers up to their number 4 (Godfrey, i think) who took great pleasure in aggressively celebrating in front of the East Stand and our family corner when they scored. Prick.
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    They celebrated like they had won the tie - I have been watching football enough that I had a wry smile at the game. I will stick my neck out and say we will go through, and I honestly believe that.
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    That was awful, but it wouldn't be Charlton to do things the easy way! Worst game I've seen Kashi play for Charlton. We are lucky to only have a one goal deficit, which can be turned around in the blink of an eye. Shrewsbury will probably be thinking its job done, which could give us an advantage. But we are going to need to surprise them and play completely differently. We had no joy whatsoever down the flanks, but the one time we went through the middle, huge gaps opened up and JFC almost scored. That's where we need to hit them, either with Fosu cutting in, or put Aribo or Konsa to run at them from midfield. Marshall, Fosu, Aribo and Dijksteel all need to come in. Extra pace and skill could really upset them and catch them out. We made it far too easy for them. It's still in our hands, if relegated Wimbledon can win there, so can we!
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    Oh well 0-1 at half time this is a game that could have gone either way and they scored a cracker. Not sure why so many people have commented that JDS was poor, he's not the best left back but his quality on the ball is at another level I would like to see him an Page playing on the left as Mavididi is not at the races. Kashi also goes mental walkabout I would prefer Aribo in the middle.

    Never mind I still fancy we can a result at their place as they now have the dilemma of either protecting the lead or going for it, either way it gives us a chance. COYR!!!
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    Oh well 0-1 at half time this is a game that could have gone either way and they scored a cracker. Not sure why so many people have commented that JDS was poor, he's not the best left back but his quality on the ball is at another level I would like to see him an Page playing on the left as Mavididi is not at the races. Kashi also goes mental walkabout I would prefer Aribo in the middle.

    Never mind I still fancy we can a result at their place as they now have the dilemma of either protecting the lead or going for it, either way it gives us a chance. COYR!!!

    Totally agree about Kashi going mental walkabout. Not only for a few seconds but he seems to have no sense of occasion.
    Also not impressed with Bowyers pre mat
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    I am wondering if I saw a different game. There was little difference in the two sides both showed passion and skill. S are taller than us and have more presence we are more skilful. It’s half time. I still believe we will go to Wembley
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    edited May 2018
    I think we'll take the second leg, I just have a feeling.
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    Not read most comments on here yet but I was really disappointed last night. After what was a fantastic start, we fizzled out and lacked any real cutting edge giving the ball away too easy.

    We really needed that early goal but it didn’t happen. Shrewsbury are a hard working team but we had absolutely no threat down our right. We need a wide midfielder out there on Sunday, Reeves just isn’t a right midfielder.

    For me, we don’t get enough crosses in the box or crosses with decent quality.

    Marshall and Fosu have to start Sunday.

    I still think we will do it. Last night just wasn’t ideal but the difference was a great strike in a fairly tight game.
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    Konsa was poor. I really do not like him at right back at all. It’s a shame Solly is out, but Dijksteel deserves a chance now.

    Da Silva is direct and skilful, he should be on the wing instead with page behind.

    As for mavididi, he was so poor. Head down, ball hogging, didn’t want to put a shift in.

    All to play for but we need to buck our ideas up and play quick ball. Lay night was slow and laboured.
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    Eurgh still pissed off about the tactics last night. Diamond formation works if you play between the lines. It doesn't work if you just lump it. Second to every loose ball, huge open gaps in the middle of the park and could see from a mile off that a goal or chance was coming from them picking the ball up from a defensive header or tackle. Really disappointed with Bowyer not changing to a flat 4 across the park after about 20 minutes. Second half was dire.
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    Our midfield is very poor and our biggest problem - this won't change any time soon. We might scrape victory on Sunday but it would probably need Fosu to come good.

    Shrewsbury are stronger and better organised than us.
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    DRAddick said:

    Well I should have got a hint about how things were gonna turn out when I dislocated my shoulder 3 hours before ko! Managed to pop it back in and dosed up on painkillers (and beer) and go to the game. Had to refrain from clapping, so thankfully we didn’t score.

    So it wasn't you constantly swinging the Roma scarf above your head in the NW quad?

    Think it was Roma, unsure.

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    Total failure to hit the target in a meaningful way. Far too slow getting the ball up to dangerous positions. A friend came along who'd seen Ajose play for Swindon and couldn't understand why we weren't playing to his strength.

    He sat too deep, seemed to be playing off of Magennis rather than the other way around.
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    I don't think we are good enough up top
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    Is Page actually fit?
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    "Reeves dithers too much, so play Marshall" um is this Mark 'six touches then blocked cross' Marshall we're talking about? Maybe neither should start, idk
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    The better team won, no doubt about that. The Shrews are a typical L1 side, big lumps that can put it about, we on the other hand, can play a bit, but lack any strength, and in this league you need some bollocks and bite. DaSilva and the two centre backs were the only positives for me (except for the take over news) Malviddididddiiddiiddi, or whatever his name is, needs to understand that football is a team sport, I dont care how many stepovers he does or defenders he tries to beat, if he does not play the simple pass, then theres no point in him playing.
    I dont think we will win at their place, it will be more of the same from them, I think they have got our measure........BUT.......if Maginnis's header and Jake Many-Surnames shot had gone in (great save from their keeper) then it would have been a whole different ball game.
    What with the takeover news, Sunday is one of the biggest games in our history, maybe, just maybe we can deliver........
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    You know what, the only thing that could sweeten missing out on promotion, would be this Muir takeover for me. I really, really like the cut of his jib.

    Let’s not get too neurotic and critical about the team. They’ve played their hearts out recently, and I’m sure they’re as desperate to get out of this league as we are. But either way, at least we’ll soon be out of the clutches of our crazy owner.
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    razil said:

    Is Page actually fit?

    Gashed knee will probably be ok by Sunday?
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    A draw would have been fair, 2 poor teams on show. Shrews came for a point and got 3.
    We didn't play enough balls on the deck, we resorted to their game plan after 20 minutes and it didn't work.

    Very disappointing to watch. Crowd were absolutely brilliant though!!!!
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