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Lyle Taylor - signed for Cambridge (p268)



  • My favourite Charlton player since Jann Kermorgant. (And Mrs. Grumpy's). 

    The club was a basket case and he prioritised his own interests and those of his family. Not very admirable I agree but compared to the scumbag moral behavior of many young professional footballers a pretty minor sin. 

    "Jann Kermogant"?  Is that Yann's Polish half brother?
    If only we could uncover a Polish version of Yann.
    Polish Pete?

    I wonder what happened to him.

    7 goals in 76 games over the last 3 years, a record Macauley Bonne would be proud of.
  • Do some of you actually think we've got any say in whether he comes back or not. Just like with Bonne last season if Holden thinks he's the man for us then he'll take him and we will just have to suck it up. I don't like what Vile Traitor did one bit but if he ever pulled on the shirt again he'd have my support like the rest of the boys in red & white.
  • MarcusH26 said:
    My favourite Charlton player since Jann Kermorgant. (And Mrs. Grumpy's). 

    The club was a basket case and he prioritised his own interests and those of his family. Not very admirable I agree but compared to the scumbag moral behavior of many young professional footballers a pretty minor sin. 

    "Jann Kermogant"?  Is that Yann's Polish half brother?
    If only we could uncover a Polish version of Yann.
    Polish Pete?

    I wonder what happened to him.

    Signed recently for Emmen in the Dutch Second Division. Been all over Europe since leaving us , with not too much success goals wise. 

    a lot of signing on contracts to boost his bank balance then.
  • I do worry about some of the posters on this thread.
    If your this upset with a footballer , God help you with a break up.
  • edited August 2023
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    Talal said:
    As if anyone else in this thread wouldn't of done the same as Lyle. He is probably financially set for life now.
    Nailed it, close thread.
    Bollocks, tons of footballers see out their contracts like professionals. 

    Seeing out the contract to then take a signing on fee.  In many instances this will be the case, and into the bargain stopping a club get a transfer fee.

    It works both ways.
    Funny how so many are desperate to make excuses for him. Shows how low people's expectations are...

    I am not making excuses for him, I have no problems with what he did.  I understand why he did it.
    Wimbledon away last season, he was in the crowd hearing the away end singing "Taylor, you're a c***"!  Do you honestly think he is concerned with that when he can play on the golf course every day for the rest of his life.
    As I have repeatedly said, and stand(not very high) by, what he did was wrong but I fully understand why he did it.  
    Yeah but his reasons are because he only cares about Lyle Taylor and Lyle Taylor's bank balance. 

    He was willing to drop his mates, a football club, a local area and thousand of fans who loved him right into the shit, just so he didn't 'risk' himself. 

    I really don't believe everyone would have done the same. 

    I couldn't have any less respect for the bloke
    I don't disagree with any of that.  But...

    If he had done his ACL, for example, would you expect Southall or Elliottt would have "looked after him"?

    When JFC did his ACL in the penultimate game of the season at least Thomas gave him some sort of contract, peanuts to what he could have got but more than most of us earn.

    Also if he actually broke his contract don't you think the litigation happy Farnell would have sued him?

    100% I would have done the same, if my future was potentially dependent on Southall.

    I honestly don't think he would have done it if Roland or Thomas owned us at the time.
    It's pointless to speculate what Southall would or wouldn't have done. Re: your last line, I don't get that sense listening to Lyle now. He talks purely about himself.

    Regarding the ACL injury point, by that logic, shouldn't every player approaching the end of their contract opt not to play? The majority do play. Lyle's decision is an outlier, but being treated by some as a norm. 

    Chunes said:
    Talal said:
    As if anyone else in this thread wouldn't of done the same as Lyle. He is probably financially set for life now.
    Nailed it, close thread.
    Bollocks, tons of footballers see out their contracts like professionals. 

    Seeing out the contract to then take a signing on fee.  In many instances this will be the case, and into the bargain stopping a club get a transfer fee.

    It works both ways.
    Funny how so many are desperate to make excuses for him. Shows how low people's expectations are...

    I am not making excuses for him, I have no problems with what he did.  I understand why he did it.
    Wimbledon away last season, he was in the crowd hearing the away end singing "Taylor, you're a c***"!  Do you honestly think he is concerned with that when he can play on the golf course every day for the rest of his life.
    As I have repeatedly said, and stand(not very high) by, what he did was wrong but I fully understand why he did it.  
    Yeah but his reasons are because he only cares about Lyle Taylor and Lyle Taylor's bank balance. 

    He was willing to drop his mates, a football club, a local area and thousand of fans who loved him right into the shit, just so he didn't 'risk' himself. 

    I really don't believe everyone would have done the same. 

    I couldn't have any less respect for the bloke
    I'm sure that really hurts him.
    I'm not trying to hurt anyone, I'm expressing my opinion on a public forum, as we all are. 
  • Everyone on this forum will know someone or have previously known someone in their life who is a narcissist to the very core. Sometimes they are so good at it that it can take years for others to eventually suss them out. 

    They have a very clever way of piecing stories together that sound believable to those who are not close to the situation. They will also add a touch of emotive heartstring pulling in there to really drive it home.

    He has no doubt revamped the story, word-for-word, so many times in his insecure mind over the past few years that he probably completely believes the version he is telling. 

    Taylor is a master at this sort of thing. I also think he is a very intelligent person in many respects. But this is something that I suspect still troubles him. 
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  • I don’t even think he’s that intelligent. I think he’s just flicked through a thesaurus a few times, has picked up a few ‘long words’ and that makes him stand out from the average footballer.
  • JaShea99 said:
    I don’t even think he’s that intelligent. I think he’s just flicked through a thesaurus a few times, has picked up a few ‘long words’ and that makes him stand out from the average footballer.

    Must be mates of Paul Elliott then.
  • Kips said:
    Do some of you actually think we've got any say in whether he comes back or not. Just like with Bonne last season if Holden thinks he's the man for us then he'll take him and we will just have to suck it up. I don't like what Vile Traitor did one bit but if he ever pulled on the shirt again he'd have my support like the rest of the boys in red & white.
    bollox - he's not coming back and thats that 
  • I don’t think he’s coming back and nor do i think he’s the same player he was when playing for us.  No need to make excuses for him either, he made a decision that worked for him, he’s not a Charlton fan (doubt it would matter anyway). 

    A predominantly journeyman footballer didn’t take any risks when offered the chance to be made for life…

    If he were to come back, it would be for the same reason that any of our current players find themselves at this club, because it’s the best opportunity on the table at the time. 
  • DOUCHER said:
    Kips said:
    Do some of you actually think we've got any say in whether he comes back or not. Just like with Bonne last season if Holden thinks he's the man for us then he'll take him and we will just have to suck it up. I don't like what Vile Traitor did one bit but if he ever pulled on the shirt again he'd have my support like the rest of the boys in red & white.
    bollox - he's not coming back and thats that 


    You're right there Doucher. He said on 5 live he still feels he is a championship level striker. Intriguing to see whether he is fixed up by the end of the month. He'll surely have to set his sights lower if not.

  • Every time he speaks on his exit he adds a little bit more to his truth. Frankly I struggle to believe a single word that comes out of his mouth. 
  • My favourite Charlton player since Jann Kermorgant. (And Mrs. Grumpy's). 

    The club was a basket case and he prioritised his own interests and those of his family. Not very admirable I agree but compared to the scumbag moral behavior of many young professional footballers a pretty minor sin. 

    "Jann Kermogant"?  Is that Yann's Polish half brother?
    If only we could uncover a Polish version of Yann.
    Polish Pete?
    I believe he was a victim in Charlton's madcap revolving door at the time.  He quickly realised his own limitations and had the honesty and integrity to admit it - two words I don't associate with Lyle Taylor.  I do hope Polish Pete made a few quid out of it.  

    “Remember the Polish striker?” Powell asks the audience. “Polish Pete we used to call him, we couldn’t say his surname. He literally turned up, I was having a staff meeting. And [club secretary] Chris Parkes came upstairs and said Pete’s downstairs and I said ‘Who? Who are you talking about?’ He said ‘Oh it’s a striker, he’s turned up and is here for training.’ And I said ‘Parksey…I don’t know who he is.’

    “It’s not the lad’s fault, but I went down and I had to act as if I knew him! I said, ‘Peter! I couldn’t wait till you turned up, your kit’s here, go and get your kit.’ And I didn’t know him. And I think he cost 800,000 euros. I was compelled to put him on the bench. And I think I brought him on for 10 or 15 minutes, I don’t think he ever played again.

  • What would happen if our team gave him a 12  month contract, hypothetically thinking would we forgive him if he got us 20 goals and promotion, would the fans suddenly stop going? 

    What he did was morally wrong, footballers or those from any other profession which [pays more than I can dream of earning will always put them and their families first!

    I was gutted and upset, but if he came back and made it up to the fans, I think we genuinely forgive people and move on with our lives, I have been supporting this club since the 70's, but I rarely find the time to get to games nowadays, but would have no objection! 

    As mentioned he is 33 so it won't happen, and was Bowyer at Brum and took him back?    
    Can I just say Parker to the highlighted point. Still despise him and happy every time he gets sacked. 
  • mendonca said:
    I don’t blame him for playing international football. Imagine if England players turned down call ups because it’s the club games that pay their salary. I know that’s truth and the English comparison isn’t like for like, but an injury can happen at any point. Not defending what he did, but playing for Montserrat didn’t directly influence his decision. 
    Playing for Monserrat, on an awful pitch, lacking medical facilities and staff, getting injured for months, returning via a train to Ebbsfleet......seems a bit more than an indirect influence on his decision, which came about as an outcome of the above.
    I heard him talk about the value of the qualification prize if Monserrat had got through rounds for the ?World Cup, as its a small (poor) island it was equivalent to £1k per head of population, so he was highly motivated to play for
     his country. In this respect he was not selfish.
     wrt his own contract with CAFC, with a short career and a family he made the right choices.
     Nottingham Forest were rumoured to pay him 3 -4 time what we did.
    The days of playing on with injuries/risk of injuries is gone.

    As fans we have an emotional relationship with the club, but for the players its more variable, for some its a job with their health/body as their asset to manage.

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  • If Taylor believes he made the right decision then why is he still trying to justify it several years later. 
    Because he was asked
  • Lurker said:
    Expect to be in a minority but I’d love to see him back. I don’t think he’d have a negative affect on the dressing room, quite the opposite. 

    Hated him at the time… now I half respect his honesty. 
    Nah, f**k him.

    Not only is it like going back to a cheating ex when you should move on and find someone who is less of a twat, he's also 33 and hasn't played in a year, no guarantees we'd be getting the same quality of player we had last time.
    Agree there are big question marks about 1) fitness 2) is he as sharp? 3) motivation. However at this level we signed Bogle remember?  So offer Lyle a contract based on appearances and goals. It's always a gamble even though he's a free transfer, but after he scores 3-4  the majority of fans will cheer him. Or if he doesn't he will get released and score for someone else.
  • If Taylor believes he made the right decision then why is he still trying to justify it several years later. 
    Because he was asked
    And that’s what he’ll be always be remembered for!!
  • If Taylor believes he made the right decision then why is he still trying to justify it several years later. 
    to gauge the feelings of Charlton supporters before he decides whether to sign or not
    He should just put a poll up on here @bertpalmer and find out for sure 
  • can’t believe we are still discussing this person.

  • But which way up does he eat his biscuits?
  • If Taylor believes he made the right decision then why is he still trying to justify it several years later. 

    He was asked the question by the presenter on BBC Five live so he answered it. 
    It's the first time I had heard him talk about why he didn't play and Lyle said it was because he made a selfish decision. With Bowyer and Taylor in the studio together it would have been an ignorant Presenter not to raise the matter. 

    For a guy who said he doesn't like football he is going to great lengths to stay in the pro game for a couple more seasons. 

    If Matthew "my door is always open" Southall was my boss I would want to move on unless I knew he was going very soon.

    Being a Cafc fan I was gutted and instead of leaving on decent terms with the fans he is now persona non Grata.
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