I think the Travelling Wilburys fall into this category.
Not sure. Just a bunch of guys coming together to have some fun - Dylan, Harrison, Petty, Orbison and Lynne all continued their own successful careers, and then of course the Big O died. The second album with just the four was not great and that was it.
Jeff Buckley Lauryn Hill and more recently Viola Beach
Viola Beach are a genuine tragedy and loss to British music. I got recommended their album by a mate, listened to it on loop for about 3 days to and from work and was frantically googling what shows they were playing and found out they were all killed in a car accident in Sweden, I then realised it was these guys Chris Martin and Coldplay did a tribute to at Glastonbury. Hugely ignorant on my part and parking for a second the tragedy of those young men all losing their life at the same time, a massive loss to music. Their album was a genuine good un and that's something I say rarely
Saw a documentary last night about one of my favourite bands -Badfinger Produced a few great singles - namely -Come and get it,No matter what and day after day. Unfortunately like a lot of bands were badly managed. Tragically two of the group Pete Ham and Tom Evans both committed suicide. Ironically one song they wrote but not released as a single by them -Without you went on to become a Multi million seller covered by both Nilsson and Mariah Carey. As I said -Great band but short lived
Never knew that, always thought Nilsson wrote it !
On the basis of this Snub tv performance (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UEuu0A_LdbE) I bought the Gutted EP, their two LPs and saw them live supporting the Lemonheads on one occasion and the Pale Saints on another. Superb.
Oops see they were briefly mentioned a couple of times already.
And I did think Chicken Shack, but I see they are still going
Good album notes as well: “ Music to squash budgies by “.
Lauryn Hill
and more recently Viola Beach
One of the best albums my ears have had the privilege to listen to.
On the basis of this Snub tv performance (