Can anyone please recommend deterrents for cats that actually work?
Both sides of neighbours have them and all coming into the garden and shitting all over it which is a pain as having to clear it up every day before letting the kids out there.
Can't really ask the neighbours to stop it as impossible to control cats other than lock them in and don't want to get into petty acts of lobbing it over fences as it achieves nothing and doesn't solve the problem.
A very first world problem I know but any suggestions that have worked for you will be gratefully received.
There are also battery operated sounders that give off high frequency waves that stop them, not sure how good they are
Actually there's a few.
But get some Lion dung from your nearest zoo and put in on your flower beds.
Cats hate the smell, plus it keeps lions away too.
I particularly like where at 1:24 the cat checks the camera's in a good position.
The problem has eased abit since I got a cat repellent spray from homebase. The problem with this is is that you have to spray it regularly which I forget to do at times. Also they don’t like the smell of lemon.
Other than that I’m forever chasing them down the street which works for 10 minutes!!!!
If you can't get fresh, eBay have boxes of lion dung pellets for £11.
Works every time.
Get your own cat/dog
Also, since I replaced soil with stone in my garden it's too cold for the little f*ckers to sit on and sh!t.
I've had mixed success with pellets.
A gun or water sprinkler of sorts.