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Women’s World Cup



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    France had the hottest weather of all time earlier in the week. Rapinoe like Kirby will play at least 30 minutes.
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    Not sure about changing formation at this stage. Seems an odd choice
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    Come on girls!! Had a few vinos to get things going so 'Come on England'!!
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    Come on the Lionesses! 
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    Carpe Diem England girls.
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    Good start from USA. 
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    Jill Scott with her best Pratley impression there 
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    Rose Lavelle!!! Tekkers! 
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    Stokes starting is not ideal I'd say but let's see how she goes 
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    That’s atrocious
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    Well worked goal tbf. 
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    Laughable defending
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    Pulled our defence all over the shop. 
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    Mistake after mistake
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    This is going to be 3 or 4 
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    I thought...I thought Lucy Bronze was the best player in the world?
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    Our defence hasn't been entirely convincing all tournament, but against lesser teams we weren't punished
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    Speculation over an injury to Pinoe as she apparently didn't warm up. Press is a good player but if they'd wanted someone for athleticism they would have gone with Pugh. Guessing Ellis considers Press more tactically disciplined. 

    Presser!!!! Get in! 

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    Great cross by them but Bronze caught out.
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    Bright is having a complete mare
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    Lucy Bronze not the best player at defending.
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    Feeling like an insane decision to reduce our numbers in central midfield. Trying to force the ball into gaps that aren't there up front and not controlling play in the middle is not the way to go
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    edited July 2019
    It didn't help having a goalkeeper that jumps backwards and has an appalling reaction time.

    And defending.
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    Feeling like an insane decision to reduce our numbers in central midfield. Trying to force the ball into gaps that aren't there up front and not controlling play in the middle is not the way to go
    I always feel like even tho Phil Neville spent a decade playing under arguably the best manager ever, he’s got the footballing knowledge of a breeze block
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    If I could I'd defenestrate that effing band.
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    Rachel Daly is dating Sam Mewis' sister (Kirstie, also a professional footballer). Would not want to be at that Thanksgiving, whatever happens. 
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    Is that her first touch of the ball? 
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    Get in! Come on England
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    These defences are terrible but great move from England 
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