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    RedRyan said:
    I notice the announcement hasn't made it onto Facebook yet...
    Yeah I don't understand that? Why hasnt it been shared on any social media? 
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    An NDA is only applicable if an employee comes to an agreement with an employer to leave and is usually paid a sum of money to leave. In LB's case his contract will expire and he will be a free agent to say what he likes unless there was a clause in his contract to stop that.
    If LB is serious about his long term future as a manager I hope he has someone to counsel him (Curbishley?) to be careful about saying anything negative about his former employers no matter how much he thinks he is in the right. Unless he fancies a career as a league 1 pundit on Sky sports for the next 5 years!
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    What chance the malignant old liar is familiar with the works of Bachman Turner Overdrive?
    He ain't seen nothin yet
    Falling face first into a cess pit, drowning very slowly, while rats eat him feet first,  really would be far too good for him.
    May he have tooth ache, piles and shrieking tinnitus until the day he dies.

    Caretaker manager?  Poisoned chalice methinks.  Any fool taking that job will have to do some very fast talking to convince we addickted that he/she/it isn't a toxic toady or congenital moron.  I doubt even K Fraeye or Nobby Vinegar have the brass neck to pick up this opportunity.

    Monday has been bad enough but this is a square kick in the balls and deluge of piss on me chips, cold and soggy they already were.  Balls to it, I'm off to Belgium, plod there is a farce, I'll have no worries making good my return  unremarked.
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    RedRyan said:
    I notice the announcement hasn't made it onto Facebook yet...
    Yeah I don't understand that? Why hasnt it been shared on any social media? 
    Not on the Twitter page either which is weird
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    I've always said nothing shocks me with Roland, but this has really taken me aback.  Absolute madness!
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    RedRyan said:
    I notice the announcement hasn't made it onto Facebook yet...
    Yeah I don't understand that? Why hasnt it been shared on any social media? 
    Not on the Twitter page either which is weird
    Probably cos whoever runs that is as heartbroken as we are
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    edited June 2019
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    We don't want it to be true, we want to make it go away.
    However it is solid true.
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    First step lets find a vodoo witch and hope Roland is superstitious!
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    sm said:
    Surely RD has disclosed sensitive private information and the Information Commissioner should step in.

    And if the law has been breached RD fails the fit and proper test and the Football League should remove him.
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    Was set to renew my season ticket lunchtime, snowed under at work, leave it till tonight I thought. Not a chance, Bowyer was the main man and to treat him like that is a disgrace, any chairman would have paid what a manager like we have and what he has done for the club what he wanted, and what little hope we did have of keeping players you kiss that goodbye now. 
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    BUGGER !
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    sm said:
    sm said:
    Surely RD has disclosed sensitive private information and the Information Commissioner should step in.

    And if the law has been breached RD fails the fit and proper test and the Football League should remove him.
    Football League - and fit and proper test......

    I’ll leave that one right there.....
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    WSS said:
    I'm clinging on to the hope that this is one final dig before he leaves.
    There's something in me that says, this ain't the end for Bowyer at Charlton.

    That would be nice but I wouldn't hold my breath right now. This guy's ability to drag things out is unbelievable. Just sell the club.
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    Players like Taylor won’t stick around for long now either. Watch a flurry of offers come in.
    He'll be on to his agent quite lively methinks.
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    I'm actually concerned for Roland's mental health

    I'm not 100% sure he's wired up right
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    edited June 2019
    I’m speechless. Thanks lee. What a shame and what a fucking shambles 
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    sm said:
    sm said:
    Surely RD has disclosed sensitive private information and the Information Commissioner should step in.

    And if the law has been breached RD fails the fit and proper test and the Football League should remove him.
    Football League - and fit and proper test......

    I’ll leave that one right there.....

    The difference is that RD may actually have broken the law this time. 
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    Well anyone sitting on the fence re seadon tickets, I guess this has just made up their minds. Plus how many may seek refunds. 
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    IR94 said:
    We just spent 200k on a non-league striker, surely that could of just gone to Bows wages, wtf is happening
    We can't resell Bowyer in a few years for profit... 
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!