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Matt Southall’s first interview



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    seth plum said:
    On attendances/London/catchment area/27000 I know it was a special occasion but we needed an extra lot of tickets for Wembley. The people are out there, they need a reason to turn up each game, because if we build it they will come.
    That's just the same for any London club though. Even Millwall would sell out games in the premier league.
    Still don't mean the point don't stand. It shouldn't matter if Millwall are getting 45k attendances in a brand new stadium *chortle*, as long as we're filling the seats and paying the wages, surely that's all we're worried about
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    Dazzler21 said:
    Enjoyed that, as others have said we didn’t learn an awful lot but I consider myself a pretty good judge of character and I like him. Welcome Matt, looking forward to the future.
    And the older boys on here will ignore your ability to judge character because you're young and they're bitter 😉
    Go to your room you cheeky git, “older boys” 😉
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    Never mentioned the funding and eventual reopening of Eltham nick, someone’s going to be disappointed 😉
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    Didn't see the interview,but just the fact that it happened is a good thing.

    From the comments on here he knows a bit about our history ,think of Daiesy and the last lot out history didn't matter !

    They know the club needs a proper structure to function.

    We now know we won't see the big shilling spent re transfers.well it's CAFC after all and it was nice to day dream about blowing the transfer doors off for awhile.

    I think the comment re doing something we might not like in Feb is bringing in their own football guy------ I have NO inside info------ Director of Football say and if LB don't like it he can walk.
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    Nice to hear but unless he recruits well this month and ties Bows down after, it's all a load of bollocks.
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    JamesSeed said:
    Can I be the first to say I thought that the interview was ok. 
    No critique of the camera work, Jim : - ) @JamesSeed
    I did mention to Olly that I was expecting over the shoulder two shot noddies, and he didn’t disappoint. If I’d shot it I’d have made sure his pumps were in shot.

    I’d also have blathered on endlessly about Jimmy Seed, after the interview. Maybe even during the interview. 
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    One things for sure, we definitely have the best looking chairman in English football.
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    Proof of pudding is always in the pudding as they say

    They normally say ’Proof of pudding is in the eating’. 
    I prefer your version. 
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    See he left out the bit about pumping a million squid into a new official unofficial online fans forum called Charlton Lite and have approached yours truly about Modding it, for a large fee of course. Got head hunted after they stuck an ad on Routers asking for the best Mod that's never been and my name kept coming up.

    Olly skating round this afternoon to do interview and it'll be out at 19:00 tonight. 

    Nervous much! Wish me luck, guys
    I’ll put in a good word for you 😂
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    Welcome Matt.
    A proper hands-on Chairman with skin in the game is exactly what we need after what we’ve had to put up with for the past six years.
    I’m optimistic that the actions will live up to the words, which mean: the signings that LB and SG have asked for in January, and contracts for LB and staff well before the end of the season. 
    Then I fully expect us to stay up, rebuild the squad in the close season and make a good go of a promotion push in 20/21.
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    Liked the interview.  Yes it was a puff piece and told us lots that we wanted to hear.  But it didn't tell as EVERYTHING we wanted to hear, so will take what we did hear at face value.  He has clearly invested time in the club, and that shows.
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    We move on to proof of the pudding territory.
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    Over our years in the prem when ground was 27k how often were the 24k home seats sold out @Airman Brown
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    Hear hear @Croydon
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    Croydon said:
    Some truly joyless souls on here. We've just spent 5 years campaigning and protesting against one of the worst owners in English football and one of the worst in our history, and now we've got people slagging off the new chairman because he dared to name some of our recent academy graduates.

    I genuinely think that some of you enjoy hating a regime more than supporting the team and will therefore look to pick any and as many holes in anything going forward. It'll be very interesting to see how many boycotters return to The Valley regularly and how many were just using it as an excuse to gain back their Saturdays. 
    I think it's a way for some people to cover all bases, so they can then say "told you so" if it all ends in tears, but also enjoy it if it all goes swimmingly. 

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    Croydon said:
    Some truly joyless souls on here. We've just spent 5 years campaigning and protesting against one of the worst owners in English football and one of the worst in our history, and now we've got people slagging off the new chairman because he dared to name some of our recent academy graduates.

    I genuinely think that some of you enjoy hating a regime more than supporting the team and will therefore look to pick any and as many holes in anything going forward. It'll be very interesting to see how many boycotters return to The Valley regularly and how many were just using it as an excuse to gain back their Saturdays. 
    Absolutely this. 

    Some real ballbags on here now who must be a fcking joy to live with.

    Constant fckin moaning and moaning about anything and everything. 

    If you think this is bad, I hope you aren't part of the facebook group!
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    Over our years in the prem when ground was 27k how often were the 24k home seats sold out @Airman Brown
    We had about 8k who were football tourists, fans of other prem clubs, folk who came to watch Prem football without any connection with Cafc, fair weather fans who pick and choose. I'm talking about the home end, which also had a few thousand away fans who couldn't get in the Jimmy Seed. 
    If Leeds had scored this season in their bizarre 1-0 defeat the 2k Leeds fans in the east and west would have been even more noticeable. 

    When West ham get 60k in the stadium that they mugged off the British public; they aren't all thick Hammers? Maybe about 35K are 

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    JamesSeed said:
    Can I be the first to say I thought that the interview was ok. 
    I know what you are saying James, all it was lacking was an Australian twang  ;)
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    Quite surprised to be honest at just how much positivity has been taken from what would have been a well prepared fluff piece aimed at generating support. Not saying that’s a bad thing but surprised others have taken a lot more from it than I did. 
    100% I am with you on this, still a long way to go.
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