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ESI: Thoughts so far?



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    edited January 2020
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    Ok not ITK but I think the issue that MS has said supporters might not like in Feb is they actually have no real money. They are contracted to purchase the main assets in 6 months and are looking for investors. Roland is getting rent and if ESI pull out he gets a payment for breaking the agreement.

    The above might be bollox but if we are still feeding from Poundland in the transfer market i guess we will know in the legendary two weeks.At the beginning of Feb.
     Where did anyone say anything about February?
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    Richard Cawley has an insight on “why Fulham tomorrow”
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    ME said it along the lines of "if the fans don't like the news in Feb i will explain it"------- not a direct quote
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    ME said it along the lines of "if the fans don't like the news in Feb i will explain it"------- not a direct quote
     When was that. At the press conference?
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    I thought he just said there may be decisions in the future that fans don’t like but in such cases, he would explain the reasoning behind the decision .
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    edited January 2020
    There's nothing like a few defeats and a takeover to make fans nervous. Unsurprisingly.

    If we get a two or three players through the door and win a couple of games that'll help, but we're up against Fulham, a resurgent Stoke away & Forest away, before we get to homes v. Blackburn and Luton.
    These last two are going to feel like massive must wins, in all probability. 
    Fail to pick up at least six points, and the ride will indeed have become bumpy for ESI, especially if our signings weren't what we were hoping for.

    (Hoping writing this will ensure a 3-0 v. Fulham)

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    Ok not ITK but I think the issue that MS has said supporters might not like in Feb is they actually have no real money. They are contracted to purchase the main assets in 6 months and are looking for investors. Roland is getting rent and if ESI pull out he gets a payment for breaking the agreement.

    The above might be bollox but if we are still feeding from Poundland in the transfer market i guess we will know in the legendary two weeks.At the beginning of Feb.
    Not sure the EFL would approve a purchase on this basis though.
    Not even the EFL would be that stupid, unless a brown envelope was involved.
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    JamesSeed said:
    I thought we might be going to Abu Dhabi for some warm weather training but doesn't look like it now based on TN's comments about going in May.
    'We'? Is there something you haven't told us?

     The man with the best DNA at Cafc and who have his name on the away end (first name and Mum's maiden name) isn't invited to Abu Dhabi Doo, but the man from the Museum and ex director who knows where all the bodies are buried is invited. 
    Sorry James, to hear you just haven't got the Kudos of Henry.

    @JamesSeed  it was great to bump into you on the train at the last home game and we recognized each other. I assume you knew me from the box I was standing on and the fact I was heckling another fan.
    How I knew you were James Seed is still a mystery, with your 4 scarfs and your floppy hat with the corks on string, you just looked so normal. 
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    Richard Cawley has an insight on “why Fulham tomorrow”

    as I said, all the other games are being played midweek next week so we could either play then or earlier, not later.
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    Rothko said:
    I'm still unwilling to judge at this stage, because I do believe the management deal is close, and I am sure that we don't know the half of what is going on, on the player recruitment side.

    However, if we have brought no-one in for tomorrow's game, that will increase my neurosis level, that's for sure. In that respect I've got one question for those ITK at ground level. Does anybody know with any authority why we brought forward the game to tomorrow night? Right now, I cannot see a single advantage in playing terms to playing it tomorrow rather than next week. The only other rational reason I can think of for bringing it forward has very uncomfortable implications, reminding me of boatloads of rubber (you gotta be over 50 to know what I'm talking about there). But I am pretty sure there has to be a better explanation, anybody know?
    Nah, I took it we wanted a cleaner run into the Barnsley game, and have a week/10days to prepare, while they have to go to Portsmouth in the cup on Saturday
    I think that’s entirely it.
    We had better win that game then as we are currently tossing away points as if they don't matter 
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    edited January 2020
    To quote the immortal Mr E Morecombe...

    "What do i think of the show so far?"

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    Well said Cabbles.
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    Well said if you are right. load of crap if you are wrong. :wink: Hope you are right. 
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    Well said if you are right. load of crap if you are wrong. :wink: Hope you are right. 
    Let’s hope so mate.  We all just want success on the pitch again.  
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    these are facts not hysterical ignorance

    ESi has been involved in the take-over since August 2019 - this means that they should know quite a lot about how the club is run and what is needed even if they couldn't actually do anything until after the takeover

    ESi originally stated that they had purchased the Valley only for us to ascertain later that the Valley and Sparrow Lane are still owned by RD

    ESi stated at takeover that a priority was to conclude  a new contract for LB- this has not been completed

    It is not fair to mention player purchases or loans as the window is still open but the above inconsistencies do seriously concern me. With RD's inability to communicate the PR efforts by ESi seem to be a breath of fresh air, or is it just hot air?

    Great post.

    Supporters questioning fans' criticism of ESI cannot argue it has not been a good start and they have made mistakes.

    We need to hope that we stay up, Bowyer starts next season at The Valley, ESI meet their "obligation" and own The Valley and Sparrows Lane outright by June.  Only time will tell.

    We need to be patient, let's see where we are in December this year.
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    In between the hysterics, there are valid questions being asked of ESI and Matt Southall. Most of the questions to Matt are follow up questions after the ambiguity of a few of his answers.
    If Matt had said we will own Charlton Athletic lock, stock and Barrel in a few months in the first couple of interviews then we would have been disappointed that RD was still the Landlord but we would've accepted it.

    Matt Southall and Steve Gallen in his new job as Director of football will be judged on February 1st. ( Or is it head of recruitment)

    I feel the relationship between Lee and Steve may have changed, mainly because Bowyer said out loud " I want players in before the Fulham game"  
    Steve is the go between in this triangle with Matt and Lee. IF Segal, Bowyer agent wasn't available at a vital time then I suggest to Lee, is it time to have an agent with less clients ?

    I like all 3 guys so I hope common sense prevails and if you add the boss, HE then we need all 4 to understand each other for our Championship status to be secured.

    You may be a bed wetters or you may bury your head in the UAE sand but its important we stay vigilant, respectful but keep asking questions so we understand the ESI model.
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    Anyone but Roland I have always said and stand by that (is he gone yet) 
    and we can worry about whoever came in down the line 
    I said it’ll be the skint ostracised member of the family and will be dull  , well quelle surprise nothing so far has made me think different 
    and worse case scenario is Roland’s sort of gone and someone else will pick up the pieces (I hope) if ESI flop  
    best case these new guys are just pretending to be a bit confused about ownership and the shock of a January transfer window not being a gimme and will blow us out of the park with some decent signings to steer the good ship Charlton away from the rocky waters of relegation 

    not long now we’ll find out the colour of their money with the signings who will be from the optimists “a great player who’ll help in next years push to the Premiership .... have you seen the brilliant YouTube video what a player  ..... my mate who supports them really rates him .... if he’s good enough for bowyer and Gallen he’s good enough for me “

    the pessimists will “ I’ve never heard of him .... he’s never played in the Championship, we’re preparing for league one already .... my mate who supports them says he has an attitude problem and only turns up 1 in 5 ......3 goals in 20 games is hardly prolific ... he’s cheap that’s why we’ve got him “ 

    as long as we stay up all the other waffle will keep us busy talking shit as time goes by .

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    I just hope HE isn't reading all this .

    If he is he might be wondering what happened to all those marvellous Charlton supporters, that were desperate for a buyer.

    Some said (many) that anyone is better than RD.

    Sorry HE you were given two days and you didn't deliver.

    I wonder if he's having second thoughts ?
    I certainly wasn't one of them. I wanted RD out of course, but not for anyone hence my pleasure that the Aussies never managed to buy us as I lost faith in them a year ago. After all our problems as a club, and the big decline didn't start with Roland. 

    I don't know who's fault it was, but the Bowyer contract situation concerns me as the message from Matt and Lee keeps changing

    Lee's (and Lyle's) contracts are our top priority
    Lee's contract can wait until after the window
    Lee's contract has to be done now as it's affecting our transfer business
    A week later - Lee will sign once Jack and Marshall are signed up

    We've got to the 21st January without him signed up yet, and no players signed up either
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    Every single statement of intent has not been delivered. That's my concern for now. 
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    Well I wouldn’t buy a second hand car from him, as good a salesman as he is.
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    Rob7Lee said:
    @cabbles time will tell.

    I think the Valley ownership has concerned many (partly at least as ESI stated they owned the Valley). But that may be semantics. The holding company owned/owns the freehold land upon which the valley itself is built, so if they have say been given a 100 year lease then much like flat ownership you'd say you r it. In hindsight and knowing the importance of the Valley especially to those of us of a certain age they could have been clearer but I don't think they would have potentially tried to mislead supporters.

    I'll be more comfortable when filing has happened at Companies house as currently it still shows as RD/Staprix owning the lot (Baton, FC & Holdings). Ditto when the freehold has been bought.

    The footballing side will take longer to play out, there's no way they've bought us to be relegated, but equally I don't think there is a pot of gold to throw around. Let's just hope contracts are signed soon for the management, a few players come in through the door and our injury lists shortens. With 5/6 key players back and a couple in i think we'll be fine. All assuming no one of importance leaves of course!

    We may hopefully also hear more after Fridays meet and greet with supporters groups.

    We should be cautious, but also optimistic, after 5 years of RD/KM it's hard to get out of that suspicious mindset, but as they say times a good healer.

    Up the addicks! 
    The comparison with the lease of a flat doesn’t work for me. If you entered into such a lease the consideration would be comparable to the freehold  cost - so there is no reason you would do it unless, as is the case with flats, you can’t easily buy the freehold. It certainly would not stand up the “due diligence” explanation.

    More to the point the ex-directors’ charges prevent the granting of new leases without their permission. That hasn’t happened so my assumption is that the pre-existing lease remains in place.

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    these are facts not hysterical ignorance

    ESi has been involved in the take-over since August 2019 - this means that they should know quite a lot about how the club is run and what is needed even if they couldn't actually do anything until after the takeover

    ESi originally stated that they had purchased the Valley only for us to ascertain later that the Valley and Sparrow Lane are still owned by RD

    ESi stated at takeover that a priority was to conclude  a new contract for LB- this has not been completed

    It is not fair to mention player purchases or loans as the window is still open but the above inconsistencies do seriously concern me. With RD's inability to communicate the PR efforts by ESi seem to be a breath of fresh air, or is it just hot air?

    Great post.

    Supporters questioning fans' criticism of ESI cannot argue it has not been a good start and they have made mistakes.

    We need to hope that we stay up, Bowyer starts next season at The Valley, ESI meet their "obligation" and own The Valley and Sparrows Lane outright by June.  Only time will tell.

    We need to be patient, let's see where we are in December this year.
    Fudge that. Let's see where we are on 1st July.
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Roland Out Forever!