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Chris Parkes (Retired p5, some unique donations to the museum p11)

edited September 2022 in General Charlton
Being reported on another site that Chris Parkes has been suspended by Matt Southall


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    How long's Southall got?
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    What is Parkes' actual role anyway? If he's the one that looks after the books, he's probably seen some anomalies, brought it up and is now suspended to try and keep him schtum?
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    edited March 2020
    ads said:
    sam3110 said:
    What is Parkes' actual role anyway? If he's the one that looks after the books, he's probably seen some anomalies, brought it up and is now suspended to try and keep him schtum?
    hes the secretary isnt he? so he types the letters, makes the tea and flutters his eye lashes
    At the risk of a woosshh

    He is the football secretary and deals with player registration, fixtures etc 
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    Maybe Southall's just trying to keep the catering budget for the hospitality on a matchday down. Without Sue there they'll be able to dramatically reduce it.

    If true Southall is a desperate man, I don't see Chris doing anything that he doesn't believe are in the best interests of the club.
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    Southall is panicking. Wait until he sees his exhorbitant Conultancy fees and expenses have been posted. There will be no-one left at the club.
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    Southall be gone by sundown I tele.

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    Think we should keep the jokes out of this thread. Whatever Your views out someone within the charlton family is facing losing their job. 
    I dont think that will happen, its far more likely Southall will get the boot very very soon. 
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    CAFCOlly said:
    Southall has lost the plot. 
    No. He’s been caught.
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    Not sure I understand exactly what Rick is saying there. Is Southall suggesting that Chris Parkes was at fault for the missing paperwork not being submitted, or is it that Parkes was going to the EFL on Nimer's behalf behind Southall's back?
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    aliwibble said:
    Not sure I understand exactly what Rick is saying there. Is Southall suggesting that Chris Parkes was at fault for the missing paperwork not being submitted, or is it that Parkes was going to the EFL on Nimer's behalf behind Southall's back?
    Parkes going to EFL on Nimer's behalf.
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    Sounds like Southall is trying to deflect blame.
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    aliwibble said:
    Not sure I understand exactly what Rick is saying there. Is Southall suggesting that Chris Parkes was at fault for the missing paperwork not being submitted, or is it that Parkes was going to the EFL on Nimer's behalf behind Southall's back?
    Southall got the hump because Chris acted on "orders" from Nimer, thus going above his head, by the sounds of it
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    aliwibble said:
    Not sure I understand exactly what Rick is saying there. Is Southall suggesting that Chris Parkes was at fault for the missing paperwork not being submitted, or is it that Parkes was going to the EFL on Nimer's behalf behind Southall's back?
    My bet would be the second option.
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    CAFCOlly said:
    Southall has lost the plot. 
    I expect to turn on the tv later & see a live feed of his car being chased down the A2 by a posse of police cars ala OJ.........
    Honestly please self isolate. You are a dick of the highest order 
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    edited March 2020
    For once I'm interested in what Sue Parkes has to say on this.
    It might be best she keeps quiet. It seems Chris has acted in the best interests of the club and I'm sure it won't be to his long term detriment. We will learn more of his involvement later i'm sure.

    I got the impression that Southall was a billy big bollocks chancer from the outside looking in. It must come as no surprise that those inside the club would have developed a much clearer picture and Airman has already suggested that was the case.
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