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Things you’ve noticed/ newly appreciated since the lockdown



  • 2 totally different set of responses on this thread, one for people with toddlers (and kids) and one for those without.

    having toddlers/kids in this situation and trying to WFH is in the main, totally stressful and sh*t (it can't be much fun for them either - mine are missing school and their friends)

    At the moment I long to go back to the office.....1 (maybe 2) days a week at home is more than enough to work.
  • E_cafc said:
    Going to Lidl - seems a lot less busy than the big stores.
    Yes,  Lidl at Upper Wickham Lane was really good when I went last Thursday.  Got there at around 4pm and the queue was 10 minutes to get in and they had loads of stock in there. 

    I am going again this Thursday!
    will be full of 'lifers' now and no stock ;)
  • iaitch said:
    the withdrawal symptoms from a total lack of live and TV football .. not nearly so bad as I feared they would be .. ((:>) 
    Been thinking about giving up Sky/BT for a while, seem to watch out of habit rather than interest.

    May cancel it all together when my contract runs out.
    me too .. I've been counting up the hours I spend watching sports of all kinds and concluded that's it's far too many .. I might go for one of the deals that allows you to buy what you want to watch on a game by game basis .. I definitely watch too much for the sake of it and the fact that I want to get my money's worth !!
    Tight c***!
  • E_cafc said:
    Going to Lidl - seems a lot less busy than the big stores.
    Yes,  Lidl at Upper Wickham Lane was really good when I went last Thursday.  Got there at around 4pm and the queue was 10 minutes to get in and they had loads of stock in there. 

    I am going again this Thursday!
    will be full of 'lifers' now and no stock ;)
    Charlton Lidl was a breeze - no queues unlike Asda and Sainsburys...
  • Haircuts.
    The decision about using clippers or going for a pony tail is not going to be an easy one.
    Do both - shave the front and have mullet at the back

    Well it might look bigger at the front, but a mullet at the back will be ripe for cling ons.

  • Driving around the M25, (i am designated an essential worker) Bliss, most of the muppets are off the roads, and only the professional drivers are driving. BIG UP FOR THE TRUCKERS! 

     We all know the NHS are doing a fantastic job, and perhaps when this is over we can have a match day with free admission to the NHS staff.
  • I’ve always thought I was a bit odd now I know it.
    i work from home anyway so no change there 
    but now I’ve got kids about so rather than go and eat shit from the fridge to kill a bit of time I go and wind them up , play some footy or cricket with them and then slide back in to the office, similar to school holidays ....
    I love the fact our weekly military operation of trying to arrange getting 4 kids to and from school/ clubs/football throughout the week which fills up my diary is now over and I don’t have to think .
    Ive never been a people’s person and could get by with this life forever .

    i realise it’s unhealthy for them to not be socialising properly so when normality returns I’ll be a bit gutted and just go back to grumpy me , socially lazy, pretending that I enjoy mixing with people ! 

    Also noticed I’m hardly getting any Spam email reckon it’s down 90% ! 

    I really like being at home, always have done. So being told to stay at home doesn’t feel that difficult for me but it clearly is for some people. My wife hates being cooped up at home for instance. Possibly because it’s with me 😉👍🏻 there are 4 kids here as well, but they are coping with the lockdown mostly reasonably well.
    It’s a gilded cage here for now, but for some I can understand how significantly more demanding this is for them. A friend with medical complications is finding the isolation really difficult meanwhile, but he needs to stay isolated for his own safety.
    We have wondered how we will all feel when this eventually lifts. Seeing people in close proximity on programmes on tv has actually felt a little odd and uncomfortable to us at times, and we’re still only at the start of all this. So when we do all start mixing again, I suspect it might all feel a little anxious initially.

  • Whilst I miss 'seeing' friends and family, I have been in contact with them more  during this via phones etc.
    I have got to know and see more people in my village to wave or briefly chat from a distance, on a daily basis.
    Seeing the wild flowers in the woods and all the buds bursting forth on trees, reminds me of the power of nature and its force to continue. (Apologies as, I know I am very lucky to have green open spaces to go out into.)
    I have some reasonable open space near me but am REALLY missing the ones further away, that require a "non essential" train ride or drive to get to...

    Ivinghoe Beacon, Coombe Hill, Epping Forest, Farthing Downs etc
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  • My concept of time has changed.
  • On Paternity as well as lockdown.

    I miss my lunch breaks for running and I miss the Mrs being out of the house when I WFH.

    Running really supports my mental well being.
  • I've noticed that:

    My older son works hard at his schoolwork
    My younger son figits, yawns and generally has trouble concentrating
    My daughter is not just cute but is developing quite a jokey side
    I don't have anymore time on my hands to do anything (except gardening) because the children are loud and unruly. 
    My wife is going to work as normal but putting her and all our health on the line.

    ............................................and there still wasn't any bloody soap in the men's toilet at Carrefour supermarket (and I told them so.......again)

  • the bog standard issue EE router is a cheap as chips piss poor piece of crap
    wifi is puny
    are they taking calls about providing smthn fit for purpose?
    are they balls "we're so busy doing stuff cos of the situation" translates as 'we're so busy counting the gazillions we've conned out of you mugs,  you can all quietly get stuffed,  we've got your money so just go away, it's not our fault you've got any other electrical items in your house at all, they're always the problem, honest guv'
  • Dazzler21 said:
    On Paternity as well as lockdown.

    I miss my lunch breaks for running and I miss the Mrs being out of the house when I WFH.

    Running really supports my mental well being.
    Exercise is permitted although I appreciate your hands are full just now.

    15 minutes to half an hour is better than nowt.
  • Driving around the M25, (i am designated an essential worker) Bliss, most of the muppets are off the roads, and only the professional drivers are driving. BIG UP FOR THE TRUCKERS! 

     We all know the NHS are doing a fantastic job, and perhaps when this is over we can have a match day with free admission to the NHS staff.
    Are you sure you’re really usetobunkin?
  • edited March 2020
    How brilliant the Madagascar sequence of cartoons actually is, and not crap at all as I mistakenly believed previously. It gets better and better each time I watch it.
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  • edited March 2020
    How well we all get far. Slight issue when I commented on a goal my son conceded to Welsh Addick Jr on FIFA but I made a quick retreat. 
  • Taking the dogs out a lot more and seeing more countryside but what I noticed today unfortunately is the fly tipping has started!🤬
    Close  the tips but keep the off licences open 
    Priorities boris 

  • Before all this lark, my main aim was to be able to one day not work/be at home etc.
    I started to think I was wrong and wouldn’t like that, but being cooped up is the main problem. 
    I can find a lot of things to do, but ah DIY shops are shut, no sport, can’t visit people, can’t get different supplies to do anything. 
    I’m running everyday but drinking more. I’m worried about the long term effects of all this. Not just for me, but for  society and economically. 
  • Shopping.......or should I say the lack of certain foods & essentials.

    I have done the shopping (for me as a single/divorced person or for a family) for the past 30 years. Never have I not been able to buy toilet rolls, hand soap, chicken, mince, spaghetti or baked beans. I even went shopping the other day at 9am (had to rightly give NHS workers first dibs)........stood in a queue for 30 mins & when I finally got in the store there was hardly any of the above left. 

    Must be what Russia was like 40 years ago.
    I don't think it was like that. It was probably like E. Germany before the wall came down which I visited. All the stuff you mentioned would have been available but all wrapped in brown paper with prices written on in pencil, and not brought in from long distances.
    Much better for the environment and what we should be aiming to do anyway.
  • I work from home anyway, however self isolated in my room the 11 days up to last Thursday, I couldn't work because I share the office with my stepdad and literally had my sofa/PS4/TV/Netflix whatever, you don't realise how boring that can be. At least now I can go for a walk round the block, yesterday went on a dog walk with my stepdad for an hour and really enjoyed just getting out the house.

    Saturday I had to pick up a prescription, the roads were so nice and empty!

    Now that I am back working this week, I appreciate work a bit more and it gives me something to do which is not just sitting in front of the TV. Don't get me wrong I did used to have a routine and keep focused but sometimes would be in the 'cant be bothered' wish I could be doing this, where as now the time goes quick and I crack on.

    Family/Friends is a massive one, I played a home game of poker with my friends (online) we set up a conference call so we could make it feel like a home game, I really enjoyed it. I miss the simple things like just popping out to play pool/ go for a drink. My nephews I saw when I was in the car the other day (across the road) that really hurt, I was picking something up outside there house and although it was nice to see them, I was a bit upset afterwards I couldn't go in for a cuddle and a cuppa. On that note my Grandad is very ill and I really want to go see him, but I cant and I just hope we make the other side so that I can spend a bit of time with him, now that's really hard.

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