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Charlton to boycott Social Media



  • buckshee said:
    This will definitely persuade racist knuckleheads to stop being racist, I can just see them now realising the error of their ways.
    I don't give a shit about racist knuckleheads changing their tiny minds.  I want them to have consequences as a result of their actions.
  • T_C_E said:
    I was late to Twitter, roughly around the start of the pandemic and lockdown when started to use it regularly when someone asked me to send a video of the dogs to residents at a Care home via the platform. I/we now have 600+ followers and all I should imagine have no interest in me at all but follow the dogs and their work, but a small handful took it on theirselves to send us DMs of a abusive nature and bar none all had hidden their ID behind a moody name and sadly two them are “Charlton fans”. I’m not sure what the answer is but the ability to hide behind an alias helps them so maybe that’s a starting point, I’ve witnessed players get abuse on their performance including the skipper, Jason is a regular after a game with a short message and will sometimes mention his own performance in an honest assessment and one particular day was called a “useless **** by a supposed fan, I immediately went to his page to block him and to find out who this individual was. there was not one single reference to who it was male/female etc. I’m sure whatever protocols are put in place these individuals will find away around them but as said elsewhere post a video of a premier league game it’s gone in minutes. I have the ability to mute words so surely Twitter has the ability to do the same with words and a combination of words. 
    Genuinely shocked that you received abuse via DMs. I don’t know much about Twitter but I assumed all the abuse was out there on tweets for all to see. That’s bad enough for starters but I didn’t realise people got abusive DMs without any way of stopping the perpetrators.
  • Well you can change your settings so you can only get DMs from people that you follow, and there's a setting to block "low quality" messages, but I've no idea how they decide the quality level of something. And you can block people from interacting with you completely if you choose, although they can still see your tweets when they're logged out unless you make your account private.
  • Huskaris said:
    Huskaris said:
    This whole campaign is a classic example of doing fuck all about a serious topic. "Something must be done, but nothing too serious." 

    Not pointing the finger of Charlton, but if anyone thinks that a single internet scumbag will change their mind because a football team have stopped tweeting for a few days, they are living on a different planet. 

    I have thought about this long and hard, and the only solution is to remove internet anonymity.

    Anonymity turns people into scumbags, just look at protests in a huge crowd. Anonymity turns mentally fragile people into complete arseholes, because they hate their life and want you to hate yours too. 
    Thanks for the lol Chizz, fancy a pint?
    Will you buy anyone a pint if they lol?
  • Does this mean they won’t be putting the team on Twitter at 2pm on Saturday? It’s the only time I use the clubs Twitter feed. I don’t use social media if I can help it. I will use WhatsApp with friends and use Charlton life for my Charlton info. 

    I don’t understand people who post everything about their lives online and I certainly don’t understand how people can post abuse and get away with it. If you said it in the street you would be arrested so why not online? 

  • does that include CL ?
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  • edited April 2021
    I have to echo what @TCE said (except the comment on me, LOL), as you all know Mrs RM and I have 5 GSD's at home which we bred, and Mrs RM trains them to a very high level (you may know one of them starred in 2 Hollywood films) but, much the same as @TCE, we get abuse on the street because they are German Shepherds, yet we have to put up with smaller dogs having a go at ours, but like @TCE's dogs, they are trained not to react. Then we get comments on social media, most of them very nice, but always some nasty ones. Yet they won't say it to our faces when with the dogs, I wonder why!!!! They are chicken shit keyboard warriors that  deserve to be banned completely and forever from all social media. 
    These same types of people wouldn't dare say to Pearce's face what they type!
    Fuck them I say and if they want to argue please come and knock on my door, I'll let them explain their thoughts directly to the dogs!!
  • I have to echo what @TCE said (except the comment on me, LOL), as you all know Mrs RM and I have 5 GSD's at home which we bred, and Mrs RM trains them to a very high level (you may know one of them starred in 2 Hollywood films) but, much the same as @TCE, we get abuse on the street because they are German Shepherds, yet we have to put up with smaller dogs having a go at ours, but like @TCE's dogs, they are trained not to react. Then we get comments on social media, most of them very nice, but always some nasty ones. Yet they won't say it to our faces when with the dogs, I wonder why!!!! They are chicken shit keyboard warriors that  deserve to be banned completely and forever from all social media. 
    These same types of people wouldn't dare say to Pearce's face what they type!
    Fuck them I say and if they want to argue please come and knock on my door, I'll let them explain their thoughts directly to the dogs!!
    It was going so well and then.....😉

    Now you’ve gone and done it @Redmidland you fecking idiot, 🤷‍♂️ Get back on the ward, before matron finds you’re out of bed!😉
  • edited April 2021
    colthe3rd said:
    DiscoCAFC said:
    I don't think that's going to acheive anything and in fact I think it will just prolong the situation even more.

    Have you noticed there's been so many reports of racial abuse at black and non-white players ever since the BLM started? I think the real issue is it's in people's minds a lot more and it's getting that way more guilty racist people are going to take to social media to be keyboard warriors.

    Here's my solution:

    1: If someone is guilty of racial abuse on social media punish them even further.

    2: Stop talking about racism!!! Morgan Freeman (one of my favourite actors) is spot on here IMO. He does not want a Black History month and wants to be referred to as Morgan Freeman, not the famous black actor.
    So first off you're accusing people who have been subject to racism that it probably didn't happen and they are imagining it?

    Then you go on to use an example of Morgan Freeman talking about black history month and use that as an analogy that people should stop talking about racism? The clue is in the title of the video, he is talking about black history month. I would imagine he would not have the same feeling about not talking about racist abuse.

    Also tell me do you have this same opinion when talking about other things? Should victims of bullying stop talking about it? What about homophobia? Misogyny? Rape?

    What a very strange post.
    I never said that and really think you need to read my post again. Totally lost how you think I described people who have been subjected to racism have been imagining it? Got no idea where you got that from me!

    I’m saying it’s been in peoples minds a lot more now BLM have been in the limelight and more guilty people have been spouting racist abuse at players. Did my quote of “ it's getting that way more guilty racist people are going to take to social media to be keyboard warriors” not give you a indication what I was on about? 

    Now if you still think I describe people who have been subjected to racism have been imagining it then you need help mate.
  • does that include CL ?
    I didn't know the club had an account on here. 
  • I suppose this thread is about the sporting arena.
    Morgan Freeman a very good actor has said stuff on film, reasonable stuff.
    However Michael Holding, a very good cricketer, has also been filmed saying stuff about race issues and racism.
    Both points of view are valid, they don’t cancel each other out. They both add to the shocking debate...maybe Morgan Freeman will be seen just as Morgan Freeman the rich and successful excellent actor after the problems of widespread racism mentioned by Michael Holding have stopped.
  • seth plum said:
    I suppose this thread is about the sporting arena.
    Morgan Freeman a very good actor has said stuff on film, reasonable stuff.
    However Michael Holding, a very good cricketer, has also been filmed saying stuff about race issues and racism.
    Both points of view are valid, they don’t cancel each other out. They both add to the shocking debate...maybe Morgan Freeman will be seen just as Morgan Freeman the rich and successful excellent actor after the problems of widespread racism mentioned by Michael Holding have stopped.
    I think Morgan Freeman is spot on IMO. 
  • As is Michael Holding.
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  • Nigel Farage reaches or reached a wide audience too.
  • Dazzler21 said:
    Typed out a response, then deleted it several times. Apologies, should be on house of commoners but wanted to put across a response to @seth plum

    I had heard of and had seen what Morgan Freeman had said, I have never heard of Michael Holding and had to google him (probably because I am not a cricket fan). Morgan Freeman's message must therefore be reaching a wider audience. It doesn't make it more valid, but you'll find more people have heard and understood it.

    His message is clear if we all stop talking about race it begins a level of correction by itself, he is no longer described as a black man, he is just a man.  

    It's similar to how children think. Do children care about race? Not until it is nurtured into them to do so. They are just boys and girls. No grey areas. 

    The goal is the same, the journey is different.
    One journey makes people feel guilty for how people of their race have acted over history, a history in which they were not a part of.
    The other draws a line and says from now on there are no races, just people.

    I suppose a question might be as to which achieves the goal sooner? I think it's a combination but it leans heavier towards Freeman's message as it is less antagonistic towards people that are not part of the problem.

    Personally I cannot wait for a world where we don't care about pigmentation or features that relate to differing races, because as cheesy as it is, we all belong to one race, the Human one.
    Excellent post.
  • Dazzler21 said:
    Typed out a response, then deleted it several times. Apologies, should be on house of commoners but wanted to put across a response to @seth plum

    I had heard of and had seen what Morgan Freeman had said, I have never heard of Michael Holding and had to google him (probably because I am not a cricket fan). Morgan Freeman's message must therefore be reaching a wider audience. It doesn't make it more valid, but you'll find more people have heard and understood it.

    His message is clear if we all stop talking about race it begins a level of correction by itself, he is no longer described as a black man, he is just a man.  

    It's similar to how children think. Do children care about race? Not until it is nurtured into them to do so. They are just boys and girls. No grey areas. 

    The goal is the same, the journey is different.
    One journey makes people feel guilty for how people of their race have acted over history, a history in which they were not a part of.
    The other draws a line and says from now on there are no races, just people.

    I suppose a question might be as to which achieves the goal sooner? I think it's a combination but it leans heavier towards Freeman's message as it is less antagonistic towards people that are not part of the problem.

    Personally I cannot wait for a world where we don't care about pigmentation or features that relate to differing races, because as cheesy as it is, we all belong to one race, the Human one.
    I agree with the aspiration.
    People are individuals, but have an equal shared ownership of the human race, and all subject to a simple accident of birth.
    I also agree that children are far more interested in the quality of a playmate than the pigmentation of their skin.
    Sadly stuff is downloaded by adults onto children.
    My son is mixed race and as far as I am concerned he is, and always has been an individual person. I love him with all my heart.
    However as he has progressed through life it is external forces that want to make his racial profile significant, to his and my distress. History has shaped society today, and as nice as drawing a line and starting again would be, I doubt it can happen. My perception is that a large number of people don’t want a fresh start anyway and glory in the tropes of the past.

    I had better say no more about this on this thread.
    You won’t find me on the House of Commoners thread because I am banned from there.
  • There's a lot of interesting posts on this thread with arguments and ideas new to me.

    However, there's one thing I've always hated about Twitter and that is the limit of 140 characters. It's impossible to make a reasoned argument with such a limit. Therefore only those who refuse to substantiate an argument use Twitter to push their ideas. All possible debate gets reduced to a slanging match. Potential intelligent posts go elsewhere leaving idiots to benefit with no-one to question their nonsense.

    It should be no surprise that it has become what it is. If you want to clean it up, simply remove the character limit.
  • There's a lot of interesting posts on this thread with arguments and ideas new to me.

    However, there's one thing I've always hated about Twitter and that is the limit of 140 characters. It's impossible to make a reasoned argument with such a limit. Therefore only those who refuse to substantiate an argument use Twitter to push their ideas. All possible debate gets reduced to a slanging match. Potential intelligent posts go elsewhere leaving idiots to benefit with no-one to question their nonsense.

    It should be no surprise that it has become what it is. If you want to clean it up, simply remove the character limit.
    The way to get racists to express fewer racist views is to give them more space in which to express them?  That's a strange view. 

    (By the way, the character limit has been increased to 280). 
  • There's a lot of interesting posts on this thread with arguments and ideas new to me.

    However, there's one thing I've always hated about Twitter and that is the limit of 140 characters. It's impossible to make a reasoned argument with such a limit. Therefore only those who refuse to substantiate an argument use Twitter to push their ideas. All possible debate gets reduced to a slanging match. Potential intelligent posts go elsewhere leaving idiots to benefit with no-one to question their nonsense.

    It should be no surprise that it has become what it is. If you want to clean it up, simply remove the character limit.
    character limit has been 280 for over three years now
  • I have to echo what @TCE said (except the comment on me, LOL), as you all know Mrs RM and I have 5 GSD's at home which we bred, and Mrs RM trains them to a very high level (you may know one of them starred in 2 Hollywood films) but, much the same as @TCE, we get abuse on the street because they are German Shepherds, yet we have to put up with smaller dogs having a go at ours, but like @TCE's dogs, they are trained not to react. Then we get comments on social media, most of them very nice, but always some nasty ones. Yet they won't say it to our faces when with the dogs, I wonder why!!!! They are chicken shit keyboard warriors that  deserve to be banned completely and forever from all social media. 
    These same types of people wouldn't dare say to Pearce's face what they type!
    Fuck them I say and if they want to argue please come and knock on my door, I'll let them explain their thoughts directly to the dogs!!
    Well, I wouldn't shout and swear at you but if you are on the same pavement as me with one of those potentially vicious animals I'd cross the road. 

    You may not like how a lot of people feel about your dogs but it's simple. They are fearful of them. You may not understand this but given that they do not know you or your animals, it makes sense to avoid you.

    Perhaps the people who've shouted and sworn at you weren't able to avoid you and your dog's barked at them. In fear all people, in fact all species, will react violently. 

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