Philosophical question: at what point to doors stop being early? Is it a specific time or does it vary based on the event? How will we know when we're no longer early doors on this one?
Doors may be opened early at any time of the day - depends when they were scheduled to be opened in the first place!
Frustrating. Big decision for the lad, but two attempts to get this player now and currently appears he hasn't bought into our project on either occasion.
They rejected our bid the first time, nothing to do with him
Obviously nobody knows the finer details other than those directly involved, but if we are being dicked around then we should move on. We need players that want to play for us, that are hungry and buy into the vision etc. Not someone that is uhhmming and ahhhing and waiting for a better offer elsewhere.
Putting two and two together it sounds as though the personal issue might be down to location.
If that was the case would there have been any interest taken in coming south in the first place, it is all down to money and it seems what probably suits the bloody agent rather than the player. We have matched the asking price and I take it we have dealt with Kirk's side of things up to now, so as they say, the rest is out of our hands if the location turns out to be an insurmountable issue.
Early, near the start or beginning. Early; at a time before expected; sooner than usual. When English pubs closed in the afternoon, customers who were waiting or arrived soon after the pub re-opened in the evening were known as 'early doors'.
Want the ITK posts to be true but not surprised at all if we’ve missed out. It’s the way this window has gone.
Very, very few people are actually ITK, they just like their 5 minutes of fame on here when they stir the pot with a bullshit statement and get everyone excited.
I'm always amazed by the number of people who will bite at the smallest thing on Twitter.
If he signs great, as it seems he'll be a good player for us, but if he doesn't because he doesn't want to move south, then actually, great, good for him and good for us not to have a player who can't settle in the south.
Sounds like we are all convincing ourselves that it ain't happening, so at least when the shite hits the fan, we don't get covered in it, what will be will be eh..
I can only assume that Crewe accepted a bid from us only to be told by Kirk that he's not interested in moving south.
We have matched the asking price and I take it we have dealt with Kirk's side of things up to now, so as they say, the rest is out of our hands if the location turns out to be an insurmountable issue.
If you're adamant you want to stay up North, that doesn't "delay" things, you just don't make the move.
He's either waiting for more money elsewhere (Sheffield United) or using them to get a better offer from us (which I think is the most likely case).
This is twice this has happened this year, I'd just call his bluff and walk away.
When English pubs closed in the afternoon, customers who were waiting or arrived soon after the pub re-opened in the evening were known as 'early doors'.
If he signs great, as it seems he'll be a good player for us, but if he doesn't because he doesn't want to move south, then actually, great, good for him and good for us not to have a player who can't settle in the south.
This should give him some comfort re any geographical worries surely?
Just in January on loan from Sheff U.