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Who is to blame?

Firstly this isn't a knee jerk reaction, last night was the 4th poor game in a row. Secondly i know the window is still open but as we all know we are miles off where we want (and expected) to be. The season ended in the first week of May, here we are some 14+ weeks later with a woefully thin squad. How can we still have no left back, no creative midfielder and no backup striker? How does a side supposedly intending to challenge for promotion bring on Ben Watson as it's final sub when 2-1 down with 15 minutes to go.

So from the 4 guys who we know are said to need to agree on transfers, who do we think is to blame for what has so far been a bit of shit show?

Sandgaard - has actually spent 1.5m on players this year, more than a lot of clubs have. Has been called tight, but i think that's unfair given the other losses he will take on each year. Schwartz seems to have been his decision and that hasn't worked so far. Can he be blamed for not spending more? For not pushing his team who are more experienced than he is, to make more signings? Or given that he would appear to be a really supportive owner, does the blame lie elsewhere?
Adkins - we know he's a decent manager, did well at Scunthorpe, Southampton and Hull, and with us at the end of last season. But i'm honestly not really seeing any pattern of play this season that is working, or even what we're trying to do in games. Apart from 15 minutes last night we've looked devoid of ideas in all 4 games and the only game plan is 'lump it to Stockley'. Is that on Adkins, or is he simply doing the best he can with a sub par side?
Gallen - worked wonders under Roland on a shoestring budget, so what's happened now? Is he struggling to find players in a more competitive market now that championship sides can't sign as many players from abroad because of Brexit? Is he suggesting names to TS and NA that just aren't being followed up on? I can't work out how with a supportive owner, we are struggling to bring in new signings.
Roddy - i literally have no idea what he does, would love for someone to enlighten me.



  • You say a supportive owner,but are we sure his dealings with us are from his own personal wealth or tied in with other investment @ Sandgaard capital?

    Maybe other members of that group have seen the money he splashed out last year to the likes Duchatelet,Southall,Elliott etc, and tapped him on the shoulder.
  • Seems a more measured approach as far as players are concerned. With Bowyer it was a bit more scattergun and move them on later. We did see a lot of under par players, but we had depth to a point.

    I’d be interested to see NA’s signing patterns at Scunthorpe and Saints. However, managers don’t usually take such a careful approach to recruitment- it’s not their money but it is their job.

    My gut feeling is saying Roddy has been told to invest in players who have sell on value. If so, we might not see anyone coming in over about 26/27 years of age before the window closes. And maybe no loans until later.

    All we can do is speculate. If however, I’m right, I’m still going to back TS if the club is financially stable. The worst thing he’s done is built up expectations (I think ours and Nigel’s) too high with stupid claims about ‘blowing through ‘ the league. I don’t like the bloke and think he’s an utter embarrassment of Simon Jordan/Ron Noades proportions. But I remain grateful and supportive until he starts taking more out than he puts in.

  • It's a sobering fact, that this is the worse start to a season in 92yrs ! (League 1/ Div3) 
    I bought into the TS / NA feelgood factor and renewed my season tkt for 1st time in  a number of years.  Who is to blame? Difficult question, TS maybe for bigging up his 5yr plan of the premiership promised land. NA on the last day of season whilst the opposition are celebrating promotion saying " That will be us next year".
    I certainty bought into this positive vibe, however its one thing promising another delivering. 

    TS, is worth $400-$500M, he's steadied a sinking ship but he will need to spend to get us out of League One. The recruitment policy this summer has clearly gone badly wrong, is it TS lack of investment, Steve Gallen suggesting players which TS or Ged Roddy weren't prepared to buy / loan? What is NA vision for way the team plays, Is it just lump it up to Stockley? We can only speculate as no one knows apart from the Gang of Four?  I'm trying to stay positive, as there is time to bring in loanee and signings before August transfer window closes and definitely time to turn things around, we have 43 games to go, whatever happens it promises to be a long season ahead for all Addicks. 
  • I find it hard to believe Gallen has been responsible for these recent signings. You can’t say he got lucky when he helped build a promotion side with Bowyer. 

    Are local journos going to ask the questions over who’s responsible for transfers now? 
    Who identifies the players? 
    Has Gallen’s role changed? 
    How much say does Adkins have?
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    My tweets don’t embed anymore on this phone but Cawley says it’s Roddy who identifies the players. That’s according to Adkins. 
     Explains a lot. And possibly why Bowyer left as it was he and Gallen who identified targets previously. Think TS has given Roddy a bit of a carte blanch.

    My tweets don’t embed anymore on this phone but Cawley says it’s Roddy who identifies the players. That’s according to Adkins. 
     Explains a lot. And possibly why Bowyer left as it was he and Gallen who identified targets previously. Think TS has given Roddy a bit of a carte blanch.
    The ice cream?
  • Didn't Ts say that roddy was overseeing the medical side and bits of the academy. TS didn't seem comfortable when he said that and I wonder whether theres a complete confusion from top to bottom about who does what. This is why TS needs to appoint a proper CEO and give him the task, not fancy names like appointing atechnical director, whatever that means. Seems as if Roddy just has a free role. Not good if true 
  • Get Varney in

    My tweets don’t embed anymore on this phone but Cawley says it’s Roddy who identifies the players. That’s according to Adkins. 
    That says 'Roddy and recruitment team'. Aren't TS, Gallen and Adkins part of the recruitment team?
  • I have the same feelings about Adkins as I did about Slade; it’s not going to last

    My tweets don’t embed anymore on this phone but Cawley says it’s Roddy who identifies the players. That’s according to Adkins. 
    That says 'Roddy and recruitment team'. Aren't TS, Gallen and Adkins part of the recruitment team?
    I thought TS said (at the Bromley Q&A) that those 4 are effectively the committee who decides who we sign.  The part of looking at players I'm not sure off but he did mention they have bought software/programme to help in this regard so I assume we have other people presumably reporting into Roddy looking after that part.

    Be interesting to see the set up of the other 23 teams in Division 3
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  • But we don't know the budget so we don't know who is to blame. We just know that up to now, something isn't right.
  • Don’t know do we but the recruitment is inadequate and apart from Stockley and Kirk sub standard. Eight adrift and unless we see a complete reversal of form the season is already slipping away. Seems a crazy thing to say after four games but …..
  • I very much doubt it's as simple as being one person's fault. Which isn't to say it's not going badly - it obviously is. But I don't think you can point the finger at any one person and say "this is down to them specifically."

    The four person recruitment system seems over-elaborate and I suspect there is a bit of confusion/friction about exactly who does what and where lines are drawn.

    As others have said, appointing a proper CEO to do the actual running of the club and provide a proper direction has to be a priority. Sandgaard's aspirations are admirable but football is not like other businesses.
  • If its a policy "issue" Thomas.

    If its an execution problem either Gallen and or Roddy.  I don't think NA has a say in it.

    If its a funding issue I wouldn't say anyone is to blame but I would a like to be told, even in a round about way, and b it wouldn't explain paying for a player like Clare when there are so many frees available.

    If Thomas thinks he can build a club by adding 2 or 3 quality players per window, which to be fair he has, he is in for a massive shock. 
  • edited August 2021
    Don’t know do we but the recruitment is inadequate and apart from Stockley and Kirk sub standard. Eight adrift and unless we see a complete reversal of form the season is already slipping away. Seems a crazy thing to say after four games but …..

    Yes, so far we know the recruitment has definitely not been good but that could be due to lack of funds. I don't know. We may have had no chance of keeping Aneke or again it may be we lost him due to lack of funds. I don't know who to blame.
  • edited August 2021

    Management by committee has its time and place but at some point you need a decision maker, especially if there is an impasse. If a casting vote is needed has that been delegated to Roddy or is it TS himself?

    There’s a lot to be said for “too many cooks spoil the broth” and trusting those with the expertise based on track record which has to be Gallen doesn’t it 🤷‍♂️.

  • edited August 2021

    My tweets don’t embed anymore on this phone but Cawley says it’s Roddy who identifies the players. That’s according to Adkins. 
    That says 'Roddy and recruitment team'. Aren't TS, Gallen and Adkins part of the recruitment team?
    NA, Gallen and TS have all, at different points, reffered to Roddy and "his recruitment team". 
  • I’ve been worried since playing the guitar and writing songs for charlton became his way of communicating with the fans.

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