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Who is to blame?



  • Stig said:
    I don't use Twitter much and I've never followed TS on there. I get the impression from what's posted here though that he doesn't tweet much about the club anymore, is that correct? There was a time when he was tweeting daily (that's conservative) and responding to anyone who messaged him. If that's happening now, it must be very humdrum because the only things I seen posted lately on here where I've seen any enthusiasm from him have been about that song. I really do hope I'm wrong, but I can't help but wonder if he just wanted a bit of short term adulation and is starting to think that the costs of maintaining it are too high.
    I saw he liked a tweet other day that was a response to his during the game against Oxford. Someone saying that TS is getting harsh stick and Rome isn't built in one day 
  • Don’t know do we but the recruitment is inadequate and apart from Stockley and Kirk sub standard. Eight adrift and unless we see a complete reversal of form the season is already slipping away. Seems a crazy thing to say after four games but …..
    it is a crazy thing to say. There is a long, long way to go but something doesn't seem right and it needs sorting out now before it does become too late.

  • One of the two sides is failing. We need to figure out which one. 
    Looking at that surely it would be better if they swapped roles....get Gallen to identify the player and the other bloke deal with the financial side of things.
  • I think were looking to not spend much money and hopefully fluke the play offs.
  • mendonca said:
    I think as the club never hit admin/insolvency/booted out the league, the reality of us being in real trouble just feels like a newspaper headline to many.

    TS could have picked up the Club after this period on the cheap, but that was not the plan. Who would that have helped.

    The current situation with the playing squad is disappointing but lets not turn into entitled fans. The short and mid term reality shows that we are (pains me to say), a bloody League One team and club.
    At the moment we look league 2 or worse. Lets hope this limited squad can improve and become a lower half league 1 side.
    Maybe players returning from injury will change things.
  • Brexit
  • Cloudworm said:
    Seems a more measured approach as far as players are concerned. With Bowyer it was a bit more scattergun and move them on later. We did see a lot of under par players, but we had depth to a point.

    I’d be interested to see NA’s signing patterns at Scunthorpe and Saints. However, managers don’t usually take such a careful approach to recruitment- it’s not their money but it is their job.

    My gut feeling is saying Roddy has been told to invest in players who have sell on value. If so, we might not see anyone coming in over about 26/27 years of age before the window closes. And maybe no loans until later.

    All we can do is speculate. If however, I’m right, I’m still going to back TS if the club is financially stable. The worst thing he’s done is built up expectations (I think ours and Nigel’s) too high with stupid claims about ‘blowing through ‘ the league. I don’t like the bloke and think he’s an utter embarrassment of Simon Jordan/Ron Noades proportions. But I remain grateful and supportive until he starts taking more out than he puts in.

    I don't see the signings of McG, Clare and Dobson fitting into that model though, and not just based on their average performances so far

    Even if they perform brilliantly for the rest of the season, they are only on 2 year contracts, so in a year's time they'll be in the final year of their contract, and we'll be in the usual cycle of flogging them to get some money in (Dillon, Doughty, Karlan etc) or losing them for nothing once their contract runs out (Bauer, Sarr, Taylor, Chuks etc)
  • Am I the only one thinking that Adkins should be identifying the players he wants, a list of say five for each position he wants to fill ranked in order of preference, and then Gallen goes and negotiates with the Club and player within the budget that he has been set. Why the need to even involve Roddy? The current set-up seems to be 'here you go Nigel fit this one into your team'. 
    I don't know the set up but Adkins should be very much involved. It is reasonable that when the player target is agreed that others get on with it. If Roddy is deciding, that is ridiculous, and I don't believe that can be the case without Adkins being part of it.
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  • wmcf123 said:
    I have the same feelings about Adkins as I did about Slade; it’s not going to last

    Adkins is much better then Slade. He's proven it at other clubs.
  • edited August 2021
    good post @Chris_from_Sidcup .. I think the problems have been discussed here under various headings .. for me, too many chefs spoiling the broth, or perhaps too many kitchen porters doing the cooking .. Gallen superceded by Roddy perhaps and Adkins being too subservient to Sandy and/or Roddy ?  Jackson being less influential than I guess he was working with Bowyer ?..

     I am guessing of course and only those officers on the bridge of Good Ship CAFC know what is going on or not going on that should be going on .. whatever, it needs sorting tout de suite 
  • If we snuck in the playoffs last season and won promotion, then it's safe to say we would be sitting bottom of the championship after 3 games with a -25 goal difference.

    It appears we are now an "established league one club" and it's starting to gradually become the club's new unfortunate unexpected home.

    In terms of who's to blame.

    The answer is, everyone at the club is to blame. (Obviously not ticket officers etc)

    Something hasn't clicked and something is missing.
    Likely to be a lot of fueds going on.

    Sandgaurd...if you want your money back, which you hopefully do. If you want to make fans happy and boost your credible image, then sign loads of fresh faces before it's too late.

    Maybe also open up on mistakes. 
  • Dave2l said:
    If we snuck in the playoffs last season and won promotion, then it's safe to say we would be sitting bottom of the championship after 3 games with a -25 goal difference.

    It appears we are now an "established league one club" and it's starting to gradually become the club's new unfortunate unexpected home.

    In terms of who's to blame.

    The answer is, everyone at the club is to blame. (Obviously not ticket officers etc)

    Something hasn't clicked and something is missing.
    Likely to be a lot of fueds going on.

    Sandgaurd...if you want your money back, which you hopefully do. If you want to make fans happy and boost your credible image, then sign loads of fresh faces before it's too late.

    Maybe also open up on mistakes. 
    IF that had happened, I dare say Sandy would have invested more money into buying players and we would have attracted  players of far better quality than we have so far signed back down in L1
  • edited August 2021
    My understanding was that Roddy and his team of analysts (Driesen type computer jobs) identify the players.
    I doubt Roddy does personally, so it's more likely a team of computer analysts.
    If SG, NA & TS agree, then SG negotiates the signings.
  • At least Slade picked up 1-1 draws rather than 2-1 defeats...
  • My understanding was that Roddy and his team of analysts (Driesen type computer jobs) identify the players.
    I doubt Roddy does personally, so it's more likely a team of computer analysts.
    If SG, NA & TS agree, then SG negotiates the signings.
    Christ on a bike.
  • Dave2l said:
    wmcf123 said:
    I have the same feelings about Adkins as I did about Slade; it’s not going to last

    Adkins is much better then Slade. He's proven it at other clubs.
    It’s shouldn’t even be up for debate. Slade was an absolute joke.
  • Cloudworm said:
    Seems a more measured approach as far as players are concerned. With Bowyer it was a bit more scattergun and move them on later. We did see a lot of under par players, but we had depth to a point.

    I’d be interested to see NA’s signing patterns at Scunthorpe and Saints. However, managers don’t usually take such a careful approach to recruitment- it’s not their money but it is their job.

    My gut feeling is saying Roddy has been told to invest in players who have sell on value. If so, we might not see anyone coming in over about 26/27 years of age before the window closes. And maybe no loans until later.

    All we can do is speculate. If however, I’m right, I’m still going to back TS if the club is financially stable. The worst thing he’s done is built up expectations (I think ours and Nigel’s) too high with stupid claims about ‘blowing through ‘ the league. I don’t like the bloke and think he’s an utter embarrassment of Simon Jordan/Ron Noades proportions. But I remain grateful and supportive until he starts taking more out than he puts in.

    I don't see the signings of McG, Clare and Dobson fitting into that model though, and not just based on their average performances so far

    Even if they perform brilliantly for the rest of the season, they are only on 2 year contracts, so in a year's time they'll be in the final year of their contract, and we'll be in the usual cycle of flogging them to get some money in (Dillon, Doughty, Karlan etc) or losing them for nothing once their contract runs out (Bauer, Sarr, Taylor, Chuks etc)
    Yes, I thought about that and it’s a good point, but TS could be taking a low risk approach with Clare and Dobson and just seeing how they perform in their first seasons.

     If they set the world alight (!) he still makes a bit on them and we’ve benefitted from their service. If they continue to show, what they have clearly seen as potential, they get them in longer contracts and make some more serious money down the line. If they’re shite (looking most likely) he’s only got them for one more year and could even pay them off.

     Rushing in with a 4 year deal for these two would have been very risky, but they do have potential. They have good touch, but are still learning the game defensively.

    i don’t’s conjecture...
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  • clb74 said:
    I think were looking to not spend much money and hopefully fluke the play offs.
    This is my take on it. I firmly believe TS was hoping NA would carry on with his run of form from the back end of last season with the players we have. Lot's of posters on here were indicating we would do the same i.e. hit the ground running this season.

    Clearly we haven't and the new manager bounce is a thing of the past.
  • RedChaser said:

    Management by committee has its time and place but at some point you need a decision maker, especially if there is an impasse. If a casting vote is needed has that been delegated to Roddy or is it TS himself?

    There’s a lot to be said for “too many cooks spoil the broth” and trusting those with the expertise based on track record which has to be Gallen doesn’t it 🤷‍♂️.

    Spot on, RC.

    My thoughts entirely.

    I believe that I commented weeks ago that TS/WM appear to be huge fans of committees & I feel that too many have been created of late.

    Didn't we learn that the Early Bird benefits was a decision made by committee ? 

    NO-ONE is taking full responsibility for any major decisions at our club which inevitably means a lack of leadership both on & off the pitch.

    Maybe this works in the US but not here or indeed in football in general but who is there in  SE7 to question this policy ? 

    I understand that Gladys, the tea lady has been effectively gagged.....

    Good post Fanny; in sport you need a chain of command and clear decision making with no ambiguity.

    I heard that Gladys the tea Lady was given a sweetner to keep quiet after she complained about how pour we were in the Cup
    If we lose against Wigan, trouble is brewing.
    its been Oolong since we had a competitive team and we need an infusion of new talent so we can blend. Trevor Kettle would have shown a red card to Inniss last night for the hand ball when on a yellow and you don't need to be gypsy Rosie Lee to know that. 
  • Cloudworm said:
    Cloudworm said:
    Seems a more measured approach as far as players are concerned. With Bowyer it was a bit more scattergun and move them on later. We did see a lot of under par players, but we had depth to a point.

    I’d be interested to see NA’s signing patterns at Scunthorpe and Saints. However, managers don’t usually take such a careful approach to recruitment- it’s not their money but it is their job.

    My gut feeling is saying Roddy has been told to invest in players who have sell on value. If so, we might not see anyone coming in over about 26/27 years of age before the window closes. And maybe no loans until later.

    All we can do is speculate. If however, I’m right, I’m still going to back TS if the club is financially stable. The worst thing he’s done is built up expectations (I think ours and Nigel’s) too high with stupid claims about ‘blowing through ‘ the league. I don’t like the bloke and think he’s an utter embarrassment of Simon Jordan/Ron Noades proportions. But I remain grateful and supportive until he starts taking more out than he puts in.

    I don't see the signings of McG, Clare and Dobson fitting into that model though, and not just based on their average performances so far

    Even if they perform brilliantly for the rest of the season, they are only on 2 year contracts, so in a year's time they'll be in the final year of their contract, and we'll be in the usual cycle of flogging them to get some money in (Dillon, Doughty, Karlan etc) or losing them for nothing once their contract runs out (Bauer, Sarr, Taylor, Chuks etc)
    Yes, I thought about that and it’s a good point, but TS could be taking a low risk approach with Clare and Dobson and just seeing how they perform in their first seasons.

     If they set the world alight (!) he still makes a bit on them and we’ve benefitted from their service. If they continue to show, what they have clearly seen as potential, they get them in longer contracts and make some more serious money down the line. If they’re shite (looking most likely) he’s only got them for one more year and could even pay them off.

     Rushing in with a 4 year deal for these two would have been very risky, but they do have potential. They have good touch, but are still learning the game defensively.

    i don’t’s conjecture...
    Can’t properly judge them yet but they appear to be average L1 players at best to me.

    On signing them it looks like someone is having a go at trying to spot undervalued players in the market.

    That would be fine if a they came in as squad players to see how they developed, but it looks like at least one of them is here to be a regular.

    The two year contracts don’t suggest we’ve got complete confidence in them compared to Kirk getting 4 and Stockley 3 (latter being older so understandable).
  • Scoham said:
    Cloudworm said:
    Cloudworm said:
    Seems a more measured approach as far as players are concerned. With Bowyer it was a bit more scattergun and move them on later. We did see a lot of under par players, but we had depth to a point.

    I’d be interested to see NA’s signing patterns at Scunthorpe and Saints. However, managers don’t usually take such a careful approach to recruitment- it’s not their money but it is their job.

    My gut feeling is saying Roddy has been told to invest in players who have sell on value. If so, we might not see anyone coming in over about 26/27 years of age before the window closes. And maybe no loans until later.

    All we can do is speculate. If however, I’m right, I’m still going to back TS if the club is financially stable. The worst thing he’s done is built up expectations (I think ours and Nigel’s) too high with stupid claims about ‘blowing through ‘ the league. I don’t like the bloke and think he’s an utter embarrassment of Simon Jordan/Ron Noades proportions. But I remain grateful and supportive until he starts taking more out than he puts in.

    I don't see the signings of McG, Clare and Dobson fitting into that model though, and not just based on their average performances so far

    Even if they perform brilliantly for the rest of the season, they are only on 2 year contracts, so in a year's time they'll be in the final year of their contract, and we'll be in the usual cycle of flogging them to get some money in (Dillon, Doughty, Karlan etc) or losing them for nothing once their contract runs out (Bauer, Sarr, Taylor, Chuks etc)
    Yes, I thought about that and it’s a good point, but TS could be taking a low risk approach with Clare and Dobson and just seeing how they perform in their first seasons.

     If they set the world alight (!) he still makes a bit on them and we’ve benefitted from their service. If they continue to show, what they have clearly seen as potential, they get them in longer contracts and make some more serious money down the line. If they’re shite (looking most likely) he’s only got them for one more year and could even pay them off.

     Rushing in with a 4 year deal for these two would have been very risky, but they do have potential. They have good touch, but are still learning the game defensively.

    i don’t’s conjecture...
    Can’t properly judge them yet but they appear to be average L1 players at best to me.

    On signing them it looks like someone is having a go at trying to spot undervalued players in the market.

    That would be fine if a they came in as squad players to see how they developed, but it looks like at least one of them is here to be a regular.

    The two year contracts don’t suggest we’ve got complete confidence in them compared to Kirk getting 4 and Stockley 3 (latter being older so understandable).
    This.  I think they were both undervalued by their previous clubs, it's by how much is the issue. 
  • Question:
    If Thomas Sandgaard had said we have a 5 year plan to be in Millwall position (11th in 20/21 Champ) under John Berylson, the American Businessman, would that have been better than the 5 year plan that always seemed very ambitious without being owned by an Oil family or a Putin arse licker.

    Ok say Preston if emulating Millwall is too painful.
    Preston finished 12th, 16 points about the drop and 18 points below the playoff's.

    Has the Hyperbole from Thomas Sandgaard, even though said in good spirit created the polarization of great expectations and Bleak House ?

    You can say "what the Dickens" but would prefer an answer to see if we can have a reset before toxic words spoil this new dawn.
  • I blame Curbs. All was fine until his name appeared on top of the stand..............
  • Can't find his words but my understanding from Rich Cawley was that Roddy identifies the players, Gallen and Adkins negotiate the terms and Adkins fits them into the team. If that's the case, we look to have lost Gallen's eye for a player which is a retrograde step. Seems odd that a role involved in the structure and development of the club eg the women's team, the Academy, the authorities etc would also include selection of new players especially when Roddy never played or managed professionally.
    If that's the case how long will SG hang around ?
  • Don’t know do we but the recruitment is inadequate and apart from Stockley and Kirk sub standard. Eight adrift and unless we see a complete reversal of form the season is already slipping away. Seems a crazy thing to say after four games but …..
    it is a crazy thing to say. There is a long, long way to go but something doesn't seem right and it needs sorting out now before it does become too late.
    They've had 3 months to sign some players capable of firing us to a promotion challenge, I don't see much improving over the next couple of weeks. Loans ? I see more Levitt & Matt Smith(s) than a Cullen or Bielik. Too late ? Always a possibility that the goalie could find some form, the team could suddenly click or Adkins could come up with a formation that works. Personally I think in a years time we'll be preparing for another season in Division 3. Whether Gallen or Adkins will still be here only time will tell, I have my doubts. 
  • Don’t know do we but the recruitment is inadequate and apart from Stockley and Kirk sub standard. Eight adrift and unless we see a complete reversal of form the season is already slipping away. Seems a crazy thing to say after four games but …..
    it is a crazy thing to say. There is a long, long way to go but something doesn't seem right and it needs sorting out now before it does become too late.
    They've had 3 months to sign some players capable of firing us to a promotion challenge, I don't see much improving over the next couple of weeks. Loans ? I see more Levitt & Matt Smith(s) than a Cullen or Bielik. Too late ? Always a possibility that the goalie could find some form, the team could suddenly click or Adkins could come up with a formation that works. Personally I think in a years time we'll be preparing for another season in Division 3. Whether Gallen or Adkins will still be here only time will tell, I have my doubts. 
    To be honest, if we carry on not winning any games at all, I think Adkins will be gone sooner rather than later. Something is not right and once the window has closed the only option available if we're winless by the end of September is to change manager.
    I think it's too early to say that will happen, and I expect us to improve, but if I was doing Ooh-Aah type percentages, the "carry on as we are where our best results are 0-0 draws" option is about 30% which is way too high.
  • Scoham said:
    Cloudworm said:
    Cloudworm said:
    Seems a more measured approach as far as players are concerned. With Bowyer it was a bit more scattergun and move them on later. We did see a lot of under par players, but we had depth to a point.

    I’d be interested to see NA’s signing patterns at Scunthorpe and Saints. However, managers don’t usually take such a careful approach to recruitment- it’s not their money but it is their job.

    My gut feeling is saying Roddy has been told to invest in players who have sell on value. If so, we might not see anyone coming in over about 26/27 years of age before the window closes. And maybe no loans until later.

    All we can do is speculate. If however, I’m right, I’m still going to back TS if the club is financially stable. The worst thing he’s done is built up expectations (I think ours and Nigel’s) too high with stupid claims about ‘blowing through ‘ the league. I don’t like the bloke and think he’s an utter embarrassment of Simon Jordan/Ron Noades proportions. But I remain grateful and supportive until he starts taking more out than he puts in.

    I don't see the signings of McG, Clare and Dobson fitting into that model though, and not just based on their average performances so far

    Even if they perform brilliantly for the rest of the season, they are only on 2 year contracts, so in a year's time they'll be in the final year of their contract, and we'll be in the usual cycle of flogging them to get some money in (Dillon, Doughty, Karlan etc) or losing them for nothing once their contract runs out (Bauer, Sarr, Taylor, Chuks etc)
    Yes, I thought about that and it’s a good point, but TS could be taking a low risk approach with Clare and Dobson and just seeing how they perform in their first seasons.

     If they set the world alight (!) he still makes a bit on them and we’ve benefitted from their service. If they continue to show, what they have clearly seen as potential, they get them in longer contracts and make some more serious money down the line. If they’re shite (looking most likely) he’s only got them for one more year and could even pay them off.

     Rushing in with a 4 year deal for these two would have been very risky, but they do have potential. They have good touch, but are still learning the game defensively.

    i don’t’s conjecture...
    Can’t properly judge them yet but they appear to be average L1 players at best to me.

    On signing them it looks like someone is having a go at trying to spot undervalued players in the market.

    That would be fine if a they came in as squad players to see how they developed, but it looks like at least one of them is here to be a regular.

    The two year contracts don’t suggest we’ve got complete confidence in them compared to Kirk getting 4 and Stockley 3 (latter being older so understandable).
    Yes, basically Roddy is David Dickensen shopping in the bargain basement looking to make a tidy profit on something someone has discarded a bit prematurely.

    I don’t think either of the midfielders are good enough yet. Certainly not to play both of them together. However, they both  have technical qualities- a nice touch- and both can pass, especially Clare. The stuff that lets them down, the tracking back, positioning, committing themselves, giving fouls away etc. is stuff that can be coached and/comes with experience. In this sense, they could be good investments for the as chips!
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