Ah feck it Malc, what a decision to have to make. Please keep talking to those with experience (thanks Beds x) and those you love the most. Ultimately it’s your choice and those who love you will stand by you all the way.
We’re here for you ♥️
What KBslittlesis posted, RM.
Thinking of you at this very difficult time.
Stay strong & look forward to meeting you at the first home match nxt season. x
Really sorry to hear this Malc. As mentioned by yourself and others, take some time before you make a decision.
Although each individual and case is very different it must feel terribly lonely, however there will be people who are going through and have gone through similar experiences as this. So hopefully there is a support group out there you can lean into for advice.
I have an Irreversible Stoma @Redmidland . You get used to it pretty quickly . It's certainly not that bad that it should stop you having surgery to save your life . If you want to ask me any questions please DM and I'd be happy to answer them.
Hi All, just to let you know I've bitten the bullet and decided to have the operation. It'll take place in early May, providing I pass all the tests they want to put me through. I'm now focusing on surviving the operation and trying to make the 1st home game of next season to be at The Valley. I'm petrified of the operation, 6 to 8 hrs is a long time with a heart condition, but the alternative was not good at all. Thanks Malc
Hi All, just to let you know I've bitten the bullet and decided to have the operation. It'll take place in early May, providing I pass all the tests they want to put me through. I'm now focusing on surviving the operation and trying to make the 1st home game of next season to be at The Valley. I'm petrified of the operation, 6 to 8 hrs is a long time with a heart condition, but the alternative was not good at all. Thanks Malc
Wise choice. I’d be surprised if you are ready to go to football by August as the recovery time for these operations are longer than you think . I was ready to go to football after four or five months after both of my ops and I’m relatively young (55) . You never know . Hopefully you will make a quick recovery but don’t rush it .
I can't really offer any specific advice as such, just to share that I was under for 7 hours for my kidney transplant and it went in a blink of an eye, literally.
A very tough decision to take RM, but seems to me to be the right one. It gives you a fighting chance and you've already proven with your heart condition that you are one hell of a fighter.
Sending all the strength and best wishes in the world.
I think you have made the right choice Malc . I belive it is a win win option Having been told mine in inoperable i would give my right arm to have the choice
I think you have made the right choice Malc . I belive it is a win win option Having been told mine in inoperable i would give my right arm to have the choice
That's a very fair point @DPFC. Im sorry that you've not got a choice, that must be very hard. I wish you well and hope something can be found for you moving forward.
Morning all, I had a meeting with my anesthetist yesterday, sadly the news was a little disappointing. My operation will be in about 6 weeks time, there is a risk of me not making it while on the 'table', however the greatest risk for me, due to my AF, is getting a chest infection, which could then lead to further complications. My stay in hospital will now be longer than anticipated and will be on a high dependency ward. Finally, my recovery to a more normal life is going to be 6 months after I return home, the plan was originally 3 months. Therefore my goal of making it to The Valley in August has, sadly, gone! With the possible demise of CATV, I can only hope I can still listen to the games, or view some on Sky! To say I'm 'gutted' (excuse the terrible pun) is an understatement, so I'll have to say "I'll see you all in early 2025" when I can finally come back to my spiritual home! Let's hope we're pushing for promotion then!! I'll keep you updated on my upcoming progress. Live, Love, Laugh and Be Happy xx Malc #fxxkcancer #DarkerTheShadowBrighterTheLight
Has to be the best choice Malc. It’s two very different things I know, but too have a heart condition (heart attack 2013, 5 stents, ongoing medication) and I was under for about 19 hours when I had my failed leg bypass ops 3 years ago so the old tickers can be more resilient than you think! All the very best with it. Jim
Thinking of you at this very difficult time.
Stay strong & look forward to meeting you at the first home match nxt season. x
Although each individual and case is very different it must feel terribly lonely, however there will be people who are going through and have gone through similar experiences as this. So hopefully there is a support group out there you can lean into for advice.
All the best mate.
Here for you ♥️
All the best mate 💪
Sending all the strength and best wishes in the world.
Therefore my goal of making it to The Valley in August has, sadly, gone! With the possible demise of CATV, I can only hope I can still listen to the games, or view some on Sky!
To say I'm 'gutted' (excuse the terrible pun) is an understatement, so I'll have to say "I'll see you all in early 2025" when I can finally come back to my spiritual home! Let's hope we're pushing for promotion then!!
I'll keep you updated on my upcoming progress.
Live, Love, Laugh and Be Happy xx