Just walked past the McDonalds heading towards Charlton.
The Police were using one of their new high tech speed cameras that has video that can be used in court. Tickets to anyone speeding are sent out automatically.
The Mayor paid for the new cameras.
Worth remembering that much of the road in the area has a 20mph speed limited.
All of which kind of demonstrates that all the mayor is really interested in is making money from motorists.
I think it's about making money.
- How many Mayors have London had before he came into office?
- Is he performing better than the previous Mayors eg crime rates, TFL, etc etc ?
- How many of these Mayors tried to clean up the air?
I know he has had covid and Crossrail to deal with, but I do think spends money recklessly = the new London Assembly for instance and the many cycle lanes that get rarely used (Molesworth St in Lewisham a prime example where he converted a lane of traffic into a cycle lane despite that road already having two cycle lanes)As to cleaning up the air:
Long queues of vehicles now in single-file gridlock next to empty (out of peak-hours) cycle lanes: Tower Hill - Westminster, Blackfriars Bridge etc all stuck in queues idling.
Never-ending rows of Taxis waiting around Victoria exempt from any charge all with their engines on spewing out diesel.
Vehicles in 20mph areas having to put on more revs in lower gears, hence more pollution and congestion as mentioned earlier.
Cleaner air indeed...
He's better in every respect than everyone else who has ever done the job. That is not controversial. But neither is it a definitive lauding of his achievements.
He's by far the best of a very, very bad group of London Mayors.
I honestly thought that Sadiq would be a breath of fresh air but for me, he has just been the same as the previous versions - rubbish.
For the record - the new London Assembly Building has still yet to be finished and there is no date set either, which means that is eating in to his £60m+ savings over five years claim. He never says that though?
If cars enter the new section of road with an average distance of 10 metres between them and slow down to 20mph there will still be an average of 10 metres between each car.
If there is an average distance of 10 metres between each car it doesn't matter how fast they are travelling. You've got exactly the same number of cars!
The number of cars will in the section would only increase cars are forced to stop or constantly vary their speed for some reason.
You'll see from the map that there seems to have been one KSI (a death) on Woolwich Road since 2017. There have been no KSIs on the Woolwich Road since 2018. It would be easy to assume that the lower London-wide figures for 2020 and 2021 would indicate that the madness of 20mph areas is having a positive impact. But the truth would be the fewer number of pedestrians and indeed, vehicles, because of lockdown.
There's an interesting thing about speed cameras too. A section of road is used happily with very low KSIs. Then there's a bad one or two accidents that prompt the installation of a camera. The following year the accident rate goes down again and the speed camera partnerships hail the camera(s) a success. In fact all that has happened is that there has been a regression towards the mean.
This is also an interesting read debunking 20mph limits. https://www.abd.org.uk/factual-background-on-20mph-limits/ I know they have a bias, but even so.
I understand many of the issues related to the hemorrhaging of money, aren't down to him but he is certainly pricing people out of London, finding any way possible to nick money out of people's pockets.
In which case, perhaps the OP mistook this for one such?
Anyway I don't care really, the traffic seems happy enough, another lovely day in Charlton, unless of course you need to find things to complain about