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Rumours of Unpaid Rent



  • cafcfan said:
    Off_it said:
    Maybe the bloke doesn't realise that commercial rents are generally paid quarterly?
    Exactly the quarter days are 25 March (Lady Day*), 24 June (Midsummer Day), 29 September (Michaelmas) and 25 December (you know what this is).  So the rent wouldn't have been paid for three months.

    * Used to be called Woman Day but Thomas insisted it was changed.

    The 25 December thing is why so many retail outfits go bust just before Christmas when trading hasn't been as good as expected and they can't afford the rent.
    Is this a thing ?  Never knew that. Woupd live to know why. Anyone know the history behind it.

    As they say....every day is a school day. 
    Yes, Golfie it is. It dates back to the medieval period. The Kings used to send round their tax collectors on the holy days. So commercial rents followed suit and they are the days traditionally used for settling debts.

    (I suspect for many of the poor Christmas Day was anything but fun. Cough up all your money to the Government and your Landlord on Xmas Day and then pop down the church and chuck what you had left in the priest's offertory box.)
  • cafcfan said:
    Off_it said:
    Maybe the bloke doesn't realise that commercial rents are generally paid quarterly?
    Exactly the quarter days are 25 March (Lady Day*), 24 June (Midsummer Day), 29 September (Michaelmas) and 25 December (you know what this is).  So the rent wouldn't have been paid for three months.

    * Used to be called Woman Day but Thomas insisted it was changed.

    The 25 December thing is why so many retail outfits go bust just before Christmas when trading hasn't been as good as expected and they can't afford the rent.
    Is this a thing ?  Never knew that. Woupd live to know why. Anyone know the history behind it.

    As they say....every day is a school day. 
    It's very historic (Middle Ages) and were usually the days when school started, rents were due and servants were employed.

    When I worked for the Woolwich in their insurance division people with mortgages who took their insurance with The Woolwich had one of 4 renewal dates, 25/3, 24/6, 29/9 and 25/12.

    They are known as the Quarter days and tie in with four broadly religious festivals.

    I've a feeling someone said to me once that other than December it relates to the number of letters in the month;

    March has 5 so 25th
    June has 4 so 24th
    September has 9 so 29th
  • I noticed the person who originally posted the rumour has since said no bills other than wages have been paid for two months. Two months ago Jokat was appointed…
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  • Is this a story that we haven't paid rent to Roland for three months? Good, fuck Roland.
    The last time someone didn't  pay the rent this club came within 5 minutes of extinction, maybe less.  That owner was Mark Hulyer who bought the club and separated it from the ground leaving Michael Glikstein as landlord in a similar way to RD now.
    It isn't any good say "Fuck Roland, good" because he could fuck the club in that case. 

    I am not saying or even believing that TS hasn't paid the rent. 

    I am just recounting that we nearly died and spent 7 years on resuscitation at Sellout Park and Upton Park.  
    Who told you that was the last time we didn't pay the rent?

    Was it one of these players you know who doesn't want to join us? Or is this just more old pony?
  • Is this a story that we haven't paid rent to Roland for three months? Good, fuck Roland.
    The last time someone didn't  pay the rent this club came within 5 minutes of extinction, maybe less.  That owner was Mark Hulyer who bought the club and separated it from the ground leaving Michael Glikstein as landlord in a similar way to RD now.
    It isn't any good say "Fuck Roland, good" because he could fuck the club in that case. 

    I am not saying or even believing that TS hasn't paid the rent. 

    I am just recounting that we nearly died and spent 7 years on resuscitation at Sellout Park and Upton Park.  

    Indeed. I don't know what it achieves.

    It's a contract agreement. Not paying rent won't affect Roland for the long term.

  • Forget the rent story, are we still signing Marquis?
    Yes. As the new COO
  • Scoham said:
    I noticed the person who originally posted the rumour has since said no bills other than wages have been paid for two months. Two months ago Jokat was appointed…
    So Brian Jokat has got the heave-ho because he hasn't paid a bill in two months, which was presumably the job of someone in Finance anyway?

    What's the FD doing in this story? In what business does a COO run day to day operating expenditure?

    There could at least be some degree of effort put into this stuff.
    Been implied on the thread on twitter that Jokat has left because we didn't pay the rent, not been sacked because he was at fault for not paying. No proof of anything yet of course 
  • edited June 2022
    Off_it said:
    Is this a story that we haven't paid rent to Roland for three months? Good, fuck Roland.
    The last time someone didn't  pay the rent this club came within 5 minutes of extinction, maybe less.  That owner was Mark Hulyer who bought the club and separated it from the ground leaving Michael Glikstein as landlord in a similar way to RD now.
    It isn't any good say "Fuck Roland, good" because he could fuck the club in that case. 

    I am not saying or even believing that TS hasn't paid the rent. 

    I am just recounting that we nearly died and spent 7 years on resuscitation at Sellout Park and Upton Park.  
    Who told you that was the last time we didn't pay the rent?

    Was it one of these players you know who doesn't want to join us? Or is this just more old pony?
     Go and check the fucking history...

    The rent was paid at Sellout and John Humphrey a full back of considerable note for CAFC was used to pay some of it owed when the club left there. 

    We left Upton owing nothing and until Thomas arrived, from 1992 the club owner also owned the ground and training ground.

    By the way I never claimed to know anyone who didn't want to join Charlton.  I said he had , in your vernacular, dissed the club on line. He clearly  did want to join because  he did.

    Unless you know of any instance I have missed shut up .

    Stick that up the back orifice you seem to talk out off.
    Lol, you're a right angry one.

    So, in summary, you DO know it wasn't the last time we didn't pay the rent on time then, because you've said yourself Humphrey was sold to pay the rent owed at Selhurst. And that's before we even consider the ESI jokers!

    Carry on.
  • It’s a smelly pile of BS.
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  • Croydon said:
    Scoham said:
    I noticed the person who originally posted the rumour has since said no bills other than wages have been paid for two months. Two months ago Jokat was appointed…
    So Brian Jokat has got the heave-ho because he hasn't paid a bill in two months, which was presumably the job of someone in Finance anyway?

    What's the FD doing in this story? In what business does a COO run day to day operating expenditure?

    There could at least be some degree of effort put into this stuff.
    Been implied on the thread on twitter that Jokat has left because we didn't pay the rent, not been sacked because he was at fault for not paying. No proof of anything yet of course 
    Surely we’d have a new fangled standing order set up?
  • Whether true or not, social media makes it easy to make up any old rubbish and put it out there to pedal a particular narrative.

    To those using this unsubstantiated claim to try and discredit TS, I say produce the hard evidence now rather than spreading hearsay if you expect to be believed.

    Either put up or shut up!
  • We aren't in arrears on the rent. No idea on the other 'nothing paid for 2 months' 
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