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Staff at Charlton being relieved of their duties



  • mendonca said:
    supaclive said:
    We've been told enough times of "inside" rumours of unrest and strange goings on at the club
    Many senior management have been hired and fired (or walked out) 
    We've let 14 players leave by hook or by crook
    We've signed 3 freebies
    We're on to manager number 4
    Staff have been let go in what appears cost cutting measures

    @Airman Brown spelt out actually all what has been going on

    Can we still turn it all around?  Yes.

    Will the Owner, who has admitted he is a stubborn man, bite the bullet and hire a proper footballing CEO.

    I doubt it.

    I was slightly more positive with the signings last week but I'm still in the needing to be convinced phase of my Charlton supporting life. 

    Spoke to an ex player other day who said the manager is good but we should be worried about the man upstairs who he likened to David Brent 
    Wouldn't have expected the ex player to have an overlap with the new Manager?
    Johnny Williams would, as an example.
  • edited June 2022
    cabbles said:
    Scoham said:
    Let’s just go back to the Matt southall and co days shall we? 

    No let's not.  Why does it have to be so binary.  

    I've given two examples of normal chairmen who run their clubs sensibly and successfully above in Berylson and Parish.

    It doesn't have to be a choice between scum like ESI and the other circuses that have got their hands on our club over the past decade and what would pass as normal owners.
    Agree it doesn’t have to be so binary, but it’s also not a choice. If TS sells we have no control
    over who replaces him as owner. Without being about to sell the stadium and training ground we’re not going to be as attractive as we could have been under RD (and he’s not going to sell them while they’re valued at £50m+).

    It feels like we’re getting closer to the point where as a fan base we want to roll the dice again in the hope that we get the right owner. A bad start to the season could push many somewhere in the middle closer to supporting that.

    What we as a fan base seem to be after is a wealthy ambitious owner who cares about success on the pitch, identifies and appoints the right football people and doesn’t get too involved, they can then sit back and watch the wins roll in. I struggle to see that happening, with the losses clubs make you need someone willing to risk millions, and with that wealth they’ll likely have an equally big ego. You have to don’t you to think you can make a profit in football? It’s no surprise when new owners come in trying to do things differently rather than throw huge amounts of money at it or let others run the club for them.

    Wigan appear to have got lucky but who knows how long that’ll last. Other big clubs at this level have had takeovers, spent more and are still in L1. Will we eventually get that right owner ourselves? The last decade or so doesn’t suggest we will.

    The sad reality seems to be there are likely more ESI's or utter clown's out there nowdays than Berylson's or Parish's. They do exist of  course but we never seem to attract straight forward ones and seem to be in a perma circus of off the field shennanigans and distractions or on the field mediocrity at a level that many other clubs don't seem to endure with as much regulatory i.e. Millwall / Palace from our immediate local.   

    Although without doing an audit of the 92 it may be just that we know (or seem to want to know) every in and out of Charlton and therefore see all warts n'all that fans of other clubs will not be aware of and the same sort of malarky could be going on at the majority of other clubs but we're oblivious to it as we have no interest.

    Just want us to get a competitive side to compete for promotion and the off the field stuff soap operas not to be an issue for one season.  Surely that's not too much to hope for even in today's football circus.
    Nail on head for me.  Plus football’s changed.  The money is obscene now.  Inflation aside, I’m guessing we spend more money comparatively speaking, on the dross that has made up our League One teams of late, versus what were paying the likes of Kinsella, Robinson & Mendonca in the Championship.

    It’s taking the thread off tangent a bit, but I swear I read on here that the likes of Pearce and JFC have been on 5k a week at some point during their time here.  For me, and for what we get for that, mainly two solid League One players, that’s shocking.  Isn’t Fraser on something like 7k a week.  This is the reason football has pushed out your local businessman/women and backers like we had up until Jiminez came in.  They just can’t afford it.

    TS isn’t super rich, but he’s the sort of owner that we need financially, just to get by now.  Parrish and Berylson are good examples because they have the wealth, but seem to be exceptions to the rule in that they have the long term, sustainability of the club’s interest.  Since Murray and Varney parted ways, no one has had the long term interests of the club in mind, other than us.  

    Average footballers earn too much money for good, moderately wealthy businessmen and women to get involved and an analogy I liken things to are the amount of money it takes to get a spaceship to leave the earth’s atmosphere.  The views and the lure of getting there can be very rewarding, like the Prem, but it’s incredibly costly, things go wrong and you need someone with deep pockets.  We and many others are simply at the mercy of the ESIs, the RDs and TS’ of this world.  

    You think it was shocking what Pearce and JFC were on !

    When Sunderland dropped down from the Premier to the Championship Lee Catermole was on 50k, and when they dropped again, to the waste lands of League 1 he eventually decided to take a pay cut to 40k a week as the fans were revolting; Not as revolting as Cafc fans when upset.

    Remember Rodwell on 70k as Sunderland dropped quicker than Wilf Zaha on a windy day.

    Good points about Steve Parrish and Berylson. Both clubs over achieving on the field while we.....

  • cabbles said:
    Scoham said:
    Let’s just go back to the Matt southall and co days shall we? 

    No let's not.  Why does it have to be so binary.  

    I've given two examples of normal chairmen who run their clubs sensibly and successfully above in Berylson and Parish.

    It doesn't have to be a choice between scum like ESI and the other circuses that have got their hands on our club over the past decade and what would pass as normal owners.
    Agree it doesn’t have to be so binary, but it’s also not a choice. If TS sells we have no control
    over who replaces him as owner. Without being about to sell the stadium and training ground we’re not going to be as attractive as we could have been under RD (and he’s not going to sell them while they’re valued at £50m+).

    It feels like we’re getting closer to the point where as a fan base we want to roll the dice again in the hope that we get the right owner. A bad start to the season could push many somewhere in the middle closer to supporting that.

    What we as a fan base seem to be after is a wealthy ambitious owner who cares about success on the pitch, identifies and appoints the right football people and doesn’t get too involved, they can then sit back and watch the wins roll in. I struggle to see that happening, with the losses clubs make you need someone willing to risk millions, and with that wealth they’ll likely have an equally big ego. You have to don’t you to think you can make a profit in football? It’s no surprise when new owners come in trying to do things differently rather than throw huge amounts of money at it or let others run the club for them.

    Wigan appear to have got lucky but who knows how long that’ll last. Other big clubs at this level have had takeovers, spent more and are still in L1. Will we eventually get that right owner ourselves? The last decade or so doesn’t suggest we will.

    The sad reality seems to be there are likely more ESI's or utter clown's out there nowdays than Berylson's or Parish's. They do exist of  course but we never seem to attract straight forward ones and seem to be in a perma circus of off the field shennanigans and distractions or on the field mediocrity at a level that many other clubs don't seem to endure with as much regulatory i.e. Millwall / Palace from our immediate local.   

    Although without doing an audit of the 92 it may be just that we know (or seem to want to know) every in and out of Charlton and therefore see all warts n'all that fans of other clubs will not be aware of and the same sort of malarky could be going on at the majority of other clubs but we're oblivious to it as we have no interest.

    Just want us to get a competitive side to compete for promotion and the off the field stuff soap operas not to be an issue for one season.  Surely that's not too much to hope for even in today's football circus.
    Nail on head for me.  Plus football’s changed.  The money is obscene now.  Inflation aside, I’m guessing we spend more money comparatively speaking, on the dross that has made up our League One teams of late, versus what were paying the likes of Kinsella, Robinson & Mendonca in the Championship.

    It’s taking the thread off tangent a bit, but I swear I read on here that the likes of Pearce and JFC have been on 5k a week at some point during their time here.  For me, and for what we get for that, mainly two solid League One players, that’s shocking.  Isn’t Fraser on something like 7k a week.  This is the reason football has pushed out your local businessman/women and backers like we had up until Jiminez came in.  They just can’t afford it.

    TS isn’t super rich, but he’s the sort of owner that we need financially, just to get by now.  Parrish and Berylson are good examples because they have the wealth, but seem to be exceptions to the rule in that they have the long term, sustainability of the club’s interest.  Since Murray and Varney parted ways, no one has had the long term interests of the club in mind, other than us.  

    Average footballers earn too much money for good, moderately wealthy businessmen and women to get involved and an analogy I liken things to are the amount of money it takes to get a spaceship to leave the earth’s atmosphere.  The views and the lure of getting there can be very rewarding, like the Prem, but it’s incredibly costly, things go wrong and you need someone with deep pockets.  We and many others are simply at the mercy of the ESIs, the RDs and TS’ of this world.  

    You think it was shocking what Pearce and JFC were on !

    When Sunderland dropped down from the Premier to the Championship Lee Catermole was on 50k, and when they dropped again, to the waste lands of League 1 he eventually decided to take a pay cut to 40k a week as the fans were revolting; Not as revolting as Cafc fans when upset.

    Remember Rodwell on 70k as Sunderland dropped quicker than Wilf Zaha on a windy day.

    Good points about Steve Parrish and Berylson. Both clubs over achieving on the field while we.....

    Not to mention what Barry Bannan and Adian Mcgeady have been on in recent league 1 seasons.
  • mendonca said:
    supaclive said:
    We've been told enough times of "inside" rumours of unrest and strange goings on at the club
    Many senior management have been hired and fired (or walked out) 
    We've let 14 players leave by hook or by crook
    We've signed 3 freebies
    We're on to manager number 4
    Staff have been let go in what appears cost cutting measures

    @Airman Brown spelt out actually all what has been going on

    Can we still turn it all around?  Yes.

    Will the Owner, who has admitted he is a stubborn man, bite the bullet and hire a proper footballing CEO.

    I doubt it.

    I was slightly more positive with the signings last week but I'm still in the needing to be convinced phase of my Charlton supporting life. 

    Spoke to an ex player other day who said the manager is good but we should be worried about the man upstairs who he likened to David Brent 
    Wouldn't have expected the ex player to have an overlap with the new Manager?
    Probably narrows down who it was then :)
  • edited June 2022
    I don't want Jonny Williams to be the fall guy on Brentgate, unless he's playing for Charlton and we get a penalty.
  • edited June 2022
    This thread has got really dull...
  • mendonca said:
    supaclive said:
    We've been told enough times of "inside" rumours of unrest and strange goings on at the club
    Many senior management have been hired and fired (or walked out) 
    We've let 14 players leave by hook or by crook
    We've signed 3 freebies
    We're on to manager number 4
    Staff have been let go in what appears cost cutting measures

    @Airman Brown spelt out actually all what has been going on

    Can we still turn it all around?  Yes.

    Will the Owner, who has admitted he is a stubborn man, bite the bullet and hire a proper footballing CEO.

    I doubt it.

    I was slightly more positive with the signings last week but I'm still in the needing to be convinced phase of my Charlton supporting life. 

    Spoke to an ex player other day who said the manager is good but we should be worried about the man upstairs who he likened to David Brent 
    Wouldn't have expected the ex player to have an overlap with the new Manager?
    Probably narrows down who it was then :)
    If this ex player actually exists, why not name him? 
  • Could be Pearce?
  • Sponsored links:

  • supaclive said:
    We've been told enough times of "inside" rumours of unrest and strange goings on at the club
    Many senior management have been hired and fired (or walked out) 
    We've let 14 players leave by hook or by crook
    We've signed 3 freebies
    We're on to manager number 4
    Staff have been let go in what appears cost cutting measures

    @Airman Brown spelt out actually all what has been going on

    Can we still turn it all around?  Yes.

    Will the Owner, who has admitted he is a stubborn man, bite the bullet and hire a proper footballing CEO.

    I doubt it.

    I was slightly more positive with the signings last week but I'm still in the needing to be convinced phase of my Charlton supporting life. 

    I just don't see a happy ending to this. He's sacked somebody he's just appointed after telling us he is very experienced in the sports world etc because he told RS to keep her nose out of his business. I don't see him bringing in an experienced football CEO when the sandgaard cooperative seem to be running everything off the field. 
  • edited June 2022
    WSS said:
    Could be Pearce?
    Curbs 16/1
  • Scoham said:
    supaclive said:
    We've been told enough times of "inside" rumours of unrest and strange goings on at the club
    Many senior management have been hired and fired (or walked out) 
    We've let 14 players leave by hook or by crook
    We've signed 3 freebies
    We're on to manager number 4
    Staff have been let go in what appears cost cutting measures

    @Airman Brown spelt out actually all what has been going on

    Can we still turn it all around?  Yes.

    Will the Owner, who has admitted he is a stubborn man, bite the bullet and hire a proper footballing CEO.

    I doubt it.

    I was slightly more positive with the signings last week but I'm still in the needing to be convinced phase of my Charlton supporting life. 

    Spoke to an ex player other day who said the manager is good but we should be worried about the man upstairs who he likened to David Brent 
    Not hard to see why…

  • supaclive said:
    We've been told enough times of "inside" rumours of unrest and strange goings on at the club
    Many senior management have been hired and fired (or walked out) 
    We've let 14 players leave by hook or by crook
    We've signed 3 freebies
    We're on to manager number 4
    Staff have been let go in what appears cost cutting measures

    @Airman Brown spelt out actually all what has been going on

    Can we still turn it all around?  Yes.

    Will the Owner, who has admitted he is a stubborn man, bite the bullet and hire a proper footballing CEO.

    I doubt it.

    I was slightly more positive with the signings last week but I'm still in the needing to be convinced phase of my Charlton supporting life. 

    I think there is good reason for all of us to be concerned and it is too early for any of us to be convinced about the season ahead, but on the footballing side, like you, I am feeling more positive after the early signings.
    As for your list above many of us were crying out for a big clear out from top to bottom, and rightly or wrongly that is happening.
    Across social media people were calling for Bowyer, Adkins, Roddy to go, the tide had also turned against JJ and it made sense with a new Manager that Euell should also depart. Each time we got what we asked for (maybe with the exception of JJ) and as for letting 14 players go many believe the clear out isn't enough and want the likes of Gilbey, Innis and maybe Morgan added to the out list.
    Whilst I would agree staff being let go is a cost saving measure and I feel for those who have
    lost their job through no fault of their own, but if they were employed recently by Jokat then with him going a different way of thinking may mean they were surplus to requirements! 
    I also agree that he won't bite the bullet and bring in an experienced CEO, and that is exactly what is needed.
  • edited June 2022
    Clarky said:
    supaclive said:
    We've been told enough times of "inside" rumours of unrest and strange goings on at the club
    Many senior management have been hired and fired (or walked out) 
    We've let 14 players leave by hook or by crook
    We've signed 3 freebies
    We're on to manager number 4
    Staff have been let go in what appears cost cutting measures

    @Airman Brown spelt out actually all what has been going on

    Can we still turn it all around?  Yes.

    Will the Owner, who has admitted he is a stubborn man, bite the bullet and hire a proper footballing CEO.

    I doubt it.

    I was slightly more positive with the signings last week but I'm still in the needing to be convinced phase of my Charlton supporting life. 

    I think there is good reason for all of us to be concerned and it is too early for any of us to be convinced about the season ahead, but on the footballing side, like you, I am feeling more positive after the early signings.
    As for your list above many of us were crying out for a big clear out from top to bottom, and rightly or wrongly that is happening.
    Across social media people were calling for Bowyer, Adkins, Roddy to go, the tide had also turned against JJ and it made sense with a new Manager that Euell should also depart. Each time we got what we asked for (maybe with the exception of JJ) and as for letting 14 players go many believe the clear out isn't enough and want the likes of Gilbey, Innis and maybe Morgan added to the out list.
    Whilst I would agree staff being let go is a cost saving measure and I feel for those who have
    lost their job through no fault of their own, but if they were employed recently by Jokat then with him going a different way of thinking may mean they were surplus to requirements! 
    I also agree that he won't bite the bullet and bring in an experienced CEO, and that is exactly what is needed.
    HR manager, now having resigned, wasn't a recent addition to the staff. 

    Neither was Dan Burke....

    But still TK survives the chop ! 
  • Clarky said:
    supaclive said:
    We've been told enough times of "inside" rumours of unrest and strange goings on at the club
    Many senior management have been hired and fired (or walked out) 
    We've let 14 players leave by hook or by crook
    We've signed 3 freebies
    We're on to manager number 4
    Staff have been let go in what appears cost cutting measures

    @Airman Brown spelt out actually all what has been going on

    Can we still turn it all around?  Yes.

    Will the Owner, who has admitted he is a stubborn man, bite the bullet and hire a proper footballing CEO.

    I doubt it.

    I was slightly more positive with the signings last week but I'm still in the needing to be convinced phase of my Charlton supporting life. 

    I think there is good reason for all of us to be concerned and it is too early for any of us to be convinced about the season ahead, but on the footballing side, like you, I am feeling more positive after the early signings.
    As for your list above many of us were crying out for a big clear out from top to bottom, and rightly or wrongly that is happening.
    Across social media people were calling for Bowyer, Adkins, Roddy to go, the tide had also turned against JJ and it made sense with a new Manager that Euell should also depart. Each time we got what we asked for (maybe with the exception of JJ) and as for letting 14 players go many believe the clear out isn't enough and want the likes of Gilbey, Innis and maybe Morgan added to the out list.
    Whilst I would agree staff being let go is a cost saving measure and I feel for those who have
    lost their job through no fault of their own, but if they were employed recently by Jokat then with him going a different way of thinking may mean they were surplus to requirements! 
    I also agree that he won't bite the bullet and bring in an experienced CEO, and that is exactly what is needed.
    HR manager, now having resigned, wasn't a recent addition to the staff. 

    Neither was Dan Burke....

    But still TK survives the chop ! 
    Agree, and as I said it was a cost saving measure and then gave a reason why some of them may have been let go.
    I think TK still being there remains a mystery to us all!
  • Clarky said:
    Clarky said:
    supaclive said:
    We've been told enough times of "inside" rumours of unrest and strange goings on at the club
    Many senior management have been hired and fired (or walked out) 
    We've let 14 players leave by hook or by crook
    We've signed 3 freebies
    We're on to manager number 4
    Staff have been let go in what appears cost cutting measures

    @Airman Brown spelt out actually all what has been going on

    Can we still turn it all around?  Yes.

    Will the Owner, who has admitted he is a stubborn man, bite the bullet and hire a proper footballing CEO.

    I doubt it.

    I was slightly more positive with the signings last week but I'm still in the needing to be convinced phase of my Charlton supporting life. 

    I think there is good reason for all of us to be concerned and it is too early for any of us to be convinced about the season ahead, but on the footballing side, like you, I am feeling more positive after the early signings.
    As for your list above many of us were crying out for a big clear out from top to bottom, and rightly or wrongly that is happening.
    Across social media people were calling for Bowyer, Adkins, Roddy to go, the tide had also turned against JJ and it made sense with a new Manager that Euell should also depart. Each time we got what we asked for (maybe with the exception of JJ) and as for letting 14 players go many believe the clear out isn't enough and want the likes of Gilbey, Innis and maybe Morgan added to the out list.
    Whilst I would agree staff being let go is a cost saving measure and I feel for those who have
    lost their job through no fault of their own, but if they were employed recently by Jokat then with him going a different way of thinking may mean they were surplus to requirements! 
    I also agree that he won't bite the bullet and bring in an experienced CEO, and that is exactly what is needed.
    HR manager, now having resigned, wasn't a recent addition to the staff. 

    Neither was Dan Burke....

    But still TK survives the chop ! 
    Agree, and as I said it was a cost saving measure and then gave a reason why some of them may have been let go.
    I think TK still being there remains a mystery to us all!
    It makes me bloody angry that he’s still here. TBH keeping him is one of the reasons I have my doubts about TS.
    I thought it had been bottomed out that he is still here at the behest of Douchbag (on the landlords payroll).
    Or is that just guess work? 🤔
  • Sponsored links:

  • Clarky said:
    Clarky said:
    supaclive said:
    We've been told enough times of "inside" rumours of unrest and strange goings on at the club
    Many senior management have been hired and fired (or walked out) 
    We've let 14 players leave by hook or by crook
    We've signed 3 freebies
    We're on to manager number 4
    Staff have been let go in what appears cost cutting measures

    @Airman Brown spelt out actually all what has been going on

    Can we still turn it all around?  Yes.

    Will the Owner, who has admitted he is a stubborn man, bite the bullet and hire a proper footballing CEO.

    I doubt it.

    I was slightly more positive with the signings last week but I'm still in the needing to be convinced phase of my Charlton supporting life. 

    I think there is good reason for all of us to be concerned and it is too early for any of us to be convinced about the season ahead, but on the footballing side, like you, I am feeling more positive after the early signings.
    As for your list above many of us were crying out for a big clear out from top to bottom, and rightly or wrongly that is happening.
    Across social media people were calling for Bowyer, Adkins, Roddy to go, the tide had also turned against JJ and it made sense with a new Manager that Euell should also depart. Each time we got what we asked for (maybe with the exception of JJ) and as for letting 14 players go many believe the clear out isn't enough and want the likes of Gilbey, Innis and maybe Morgan added to the out list.
    Whilst I would agree staff being let go is a cost saving measure and I feel for those who have
    lost their job through no fault of their own, but if they were employed recently by Jokat then with him going a different way of thinking may mean they were surplus to requirements! 
    I also agree that he won't bite the bullet and bring in an experienced CEO, and that is exactly what is needed.
    HR manager, now having resigned, wasn't a recent addition to the staff. 

    Neither was Dan Burke....

    But still TK survives the chop ! 
    Agree, and as I said it was a cost saving measure and then gave a reason why some of them may have been let go.
    I think TK still being there remains a mystery to us all!
    It makes me bloody angry that he’s still here. TBH keeping him is one of the reasons I have my doubts about TS.
    I thought it had been bottomed out that he is still here at the behest of Douchbag (on the landlords payroll).
    Or is that just guess work? 🤔
    Has not & presumably will not be confirmed one way or the other by the club/TS. 

    Make of this what you will. 
  • I heard that sandwich man is the club's leading environmentalist.
    He had an electric car charging point installed in the Valley car park for his exclusive use.
  • Clarky said:
    Clarky said:
    supaclive said:
    We've been told enough times of "inside" rumours of unrest and strange goings on at the club
    Many senior management have been hired and fired (or walked out) 
    We've let 14 players leave by hook or by crook
    We've signed 3 freebies
    We're on to manager number 4
    Staff have been let go in what appears cost cutting measures

    @Airman Brown spelt out actually all what has been going on

    Can we still turn it all around?  Yes.

    Will the Owner, who has admitted he is a stubborn man, bite the bullet and hire a proper footballing CEO.

    I doubt it.

    I was slightly more positive with the signings last week but I'm still in the needing to be convinced phase of my Charlton supporting life. 

    I think there is good reason for all of us to be concerned and it is too early for any of us to be convinced about the season ahead, but on the footballing side, like you, I am feeling more positive after the early signings.
    As for your list above many of us were crying out for a big clear out from top to bottom, and rightly or wrongly that is happening.
    Across social media people were calling for Bowyer, Adkins, Roddy to go, the tide had also turned against JJ and it made sense with a new Manager that Euell should also depart. Each time we got what we asked for (maybe with the exception of JJ) and as for letting 14 players go many believe the clear out isn't enough and want the likes of Gilbey, Innis and maybe Morgan added to the out list.
    Whilst I would agree staff being let go is a cost saving measure and I feel for those who have
    lost their job through no fault of their own, but if they were employed recently by Jokat then with him going a different way of thinking may mean they were surplus to requirements! 
    I also agree that he won't bite the bullet and bring in an experienced CEO, and that is exactly what is needed.
    HR manager, now having resigned, wasn't a recent addition to the staff. 

    Neither was Dan Burke....

    But still TK survives the chop ! 
    Agree, and as I said it was a cost saving measure and then gave a reason why some of them may have been let go.
    I think TK still being there remains a mystery to us all!
    It makes me bloody angry that he’s still here. TBH keeping him is one of the reasons I have my doubts about TS.
    I thought it had been bottomed out that he is still here at the behest of Douchbag (on the landlords payroll).
    Or is that just guess work? 🤔
    Has not & presumably will not be confirmed one way or the other by the club/TS. 

    Make of this what you will. 
    would it not be in the accounts?
  • Very strange...this and rent arrears rumours. Perhaps our season tickets will be converted to Swindon in the Don Rogers stand !
    Rent was total made up rubbish.. 
    Ah bollocks. I didn't believe it, but now you've posted that, chances are it is true. 
  • So basically anyone who pisses of his wife is toast…..
  • edited June 2022
    The question as to whether Garner will get the time or not is the crux of why I favoured keeping JJ and then when he was sacked, why I favoured appointing Euell. If Garner has a poor start and the fans understandably go against him, he does not have the mitigation of being a Charlton man. It is why IMO, it is better for a manager to take over something that is failing rather than something that is suceeding and at least he has that.

    When I say time, it could be as early as 10 games if the start is poor.  I look at history. Would Powell have been given the chance to build for the next season with his poor first half season? Bowyer hit the ground running. Where is the manager who started poorly and turned it round? Everybody usually points to Fergie at Man U and that was in the 80s. It is going to be very important for Garner that we don't fart about with transfers and we have an acceptable start at least.

    I think we have created a higher risk and no interview that Sandgaard could do would inform him that Garner is the man. But, the thing the interview won't tell anybody. Something JJ or Jason might have and Garner might too is that inward ability to shine. I hope it is there and indeed, it could well be. If it is, Sandgaard may have got lucky but that is probably what most clubs rely on unless they can go out and bring in a Guardiola.

    Ultimately, if it was about your genius in finding the right man. Well that is a load of crap and Sandgaard has shown he hasn't got the gift with his appointments to date. If it was was, everybody would be doing it. Garner may be the right man, but he will need support and backing and the coming weeks will show us to what extent that will happen. I go back to Bowyer, who was appointed because Roland couldn't be bothered and he hit the ground running and kept running. But he had that fire in his belly to succeed along with, of course, the ability and maybe that fire in his belly got in his way when things went pear shaped (which wasn't his fault) but it worked brilliantly well for us in the beginning.
  • IAgree said:
    So basically anyone who pisses of his wife is toast…..
    And definitely don’t piss on her toast. 
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