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Staff at Charlton being relieved of their duties



  • His wife holds all the aces. If she approves then Thomas acts, if she doesn't then you know the rest.
  • IAgree said:
    So basically anyone who pisses of his wife is toast…..

    Is this why Cawley's not getting the scoops any more 🤔
  • IAgree said:
    So basically anyone who pisses of his wife is toast…..

    Is this why Cawley's not getting the scoops any more 🤔
    I think he changed his diet
  • shirty5 said:
    Good news for Dan. 
  • IdleHans said:
    I expect we'll be losing at home to pacific_support in a couple of seasons time
    Feels like half our fans already support them
  • IAgree said:
    So basically anyone who pisses of his wife is toast…..
    We can but hope that a certain ex COO forgets his Uriah Heep act & is finally exposed for what he really is ( allegedly).

    The million dollar question has to be how is it possible that he survives the cut .....

    And on a slightly different tack, have we heard how our Cat 1 application is faring, with Teflon Tony apparently playing more than a bit part in it ? 
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  • edited June 2022
    Good guy Dan. Always very helpful. He has been very involved with the international groups I believe. 
    Maybe the penny has dropped with TS and he's realised that chasing international support and supporters from outside our core base doesn't work in L1.

    Purely as a hypothetical, if the club is spending £250K pa on these staff wages and the net result so far was 50 new S/Ts, he's realising it won't work.

    Please don't jump on the above it is only a very very rough for example.
    Let me change that to:

    Maybe the penny has dropped with TS and he's realised that chasing international support with a stream that has to be refreshed 3-4 times a match whilst doubling the price (in two years) of an international season ticket, doesn't work in L1.
  • DubaiCAFC said:
    Good news for Dan, very pleased for him.

    Pacific Services are one of the club's sponsors so they probably already knew Dan already.

    He isn't the first person to leave Charlton to work for them in the last couple of months either.
    Another sponsor that has taken on someone who has been let go by Charlton - clearly they must have been good at there job for them to be taken on, which makes the sacking even stranger!
    Not really strange, Charlton decided they didn’t want / need him, pacific decided they did want/ need him, that’s life and business, when pacific decide he is no longer of any use they will also get rid. Maybe Charlton will have him back!!😂🤷🏻‍♂️
  • Thing I don’t understand is, if he’s skint, wants to sell, massaging his ego etc etc etc

    Why is he bothering attending all the CACT stuff? And actually looking like he’s enjoying it?
    What benefit does he get from that? 

    I keep going from thinking there’s clearly something amiss here to I’m sick of being completely paranoid about my club so let him get on with it 😩

    Maybe he’s a narcissist, wants the kudos of owning a London football club but that same ego wants the praise for doing the right thing- suppose it can be a force for the positive sometimes provided it gets the desired results.
  • Rob7Lee said:
    cabbles said:
    Thing I don’t understand is, if he’s skint, wants to sell, massaging his ego etc etc etc

    Why is he bothering attending all the CACT stuff? And actually looking like he’s enjoying it?
    What benefit does he get from that? 

    I keep going from thinking there’s clearly something amiss here to I’m sick of being completely paranoid about my club so let him get on with it 😩

    I think he does want to make it work and not massaging his ego, but he’s badly miscalculated what needs to be done to deliver.  To be fair, he inherited a mess, but 2 years on, if not a mess, it still seems a little chaotic.  There have been good moves, but there have been questionable moves.  I hope he/we get it right this season, but I remain unconvinced.  I’ve changed my opinion to that regard.  At the start of last season I recall a thread and I posted something along the lines of ‘I wish people would stop looking for/questioning his approach re: things like the non footballing side.’

    I can’t quite remember exactly, but seem to remember a response to my post from @airmanbrown where he highlighted his stance was that there were actions taken by TS that should be questioned/criticized and I was a bit like, ‘can’t we get off his back’ - I’m now more in airman’s way of thinking along with Fanny’s/Rob7Lee’s as to the viability and sustainability and long term success of it under the current approach.

    Something just seems a bit off re: decision making.

    I do think getting rid of Jackson was the correct decision, and I know that might not be shared by others, and I think there’s probably some truth in the rumor TS never wanted him in the first place, but I am not sure about this style of play or what TS’ aspirations are for the type of football he wants and overall commercial vision 

    I didn't feel Jackson under TS was going to be a success. Not that he won't go on to be a decent manager, but it just wouldn't work under TS. My concern is, next to no one will, much like RD when he was interfering. I didn't agree with how it was done, but that's football I guess, JJ can certainly walk away with his head held very high and he'll always get an amazing reception if he ever returns in the away dugout.

    I hope I'm wrong and that our new manager manages to hit the ground running, but you just feel history repeating itself, mid to low end table by October/November and he gets sacked and off we go again. We're a month away from the start of the season and the squad feels no stronger/better than last year. Time for that to change, but will it........ you look at the squad page and it looks very light in a number of positions.

    The latest removal of staff is TS down to a T, I've seen people like him before, and worked for them, he knows best, but when he gets it wrong (which he will more than he gets it right) others are the fall guys.

    He might get it right at some point, but I've seen no sign of a sea change that makes that look likely. 
    Not edging you’re bets there at all!!🤔
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  • Who's TK?
  • Who's TK?
    Tony Keohane
  • paulfox said:
    Redrobo said:
    There has been a lot of criticism of the Club over the season. 
    Late information going out and the arrangements for getting fans back to the Valley stick out in my mind. It didn’t bother me, but much was made of it even on this site.

    It may not be that surprising that the owners then do something about things? They have shown that they are aware of what is said on this site and also get the feedback at the fans forums.

    Just a thought.
    If you’re suggesting that was the background to Dan Burke’s departure I think that’s completely off-beam. I do think there’s a lack of understanding between tickets and comms (about how fans need and use details) which means that information isn’t always presented in a timely or optimum way, but that is a matter for the relevant management. My take on his role is that it was to deal with individual fans.

    I don’t know Dan, but I know people who do and it appears that his removal was handled abysmally and with no justification provided, at least at the time. It’s great news he’s got another job but if there’s any explanation beyond cost cutting it’s not been shared, so let’s not make stuff up.
    So basically, you haven’t spoken 1st hand, got a one sided story, and put to everyone something abysmal may have happened, people read this and because of you’re reputation take it as fact, maybe the other side of the story needs to heard before adding fuel to the fire?.  The fella got sacked, he got a new job,, move on. , just playing devils advocate here, and get a few lols cheaply added, for daring to question you.👍
    If you're given Dan's email address, perhaps you 'd happily contact him for his side of the story ? 
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