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Staff at Charlton being relieved of their duties



  • Leuth said:
    Just got an email saying I'm banned from The Valley? 
    From Alex Gilbey I presume? 
    He said email... Not a tweet ;)
  • edited July 2022

  • Some of these job titles 🤣 think someone may have actually woken up to the point of not actually needing half the people in the roles within the club. 
    I think that's not the case. Seems more like they realized instead of paying for the work ad hoc it would be more cost efficient to get someone in full time.
  • As Jamie says, salary negotiation didn’t work out.
    The job is there but the salary wasn’t. 🤷‍♂️

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  • Some fans want it both ways.
    Criticise an owner for running up massive debts and at the same time criticising an owner for trying to reduce costs.
    This applies whether it's to playing or non playing staff.
    As fans many of us have unrealistic expectations and I include myself in that.
    (I'm not talking about how matters are dealt with, just the necessity to do so and I appreciate that not all decisions are correct).
    Or as in this case retaining the role fully time but paying a wage rather than free lance rates which are usually higher per day.
  • TS is a businessman who somewhat misguidedly thought it would be plain sailing to the Premier league ! That’s clearly not the case as we all knew and his pride is hurt so he’s trying everything to correct the model and achieve his goal ! 
    Wish him the best as he saved us and a good guy to boot ( despite that song )
  • edited July 2022
    Scoham said:
    Different situation this one. Football clubs are never going to pay the highest salaries, especially at our level.
  • edited July 2022
    shirty5 said:
    Scoham said:
    Different situation this one. Football clubs are never going to pay the highest salaries, especially at our level.
    Not surprised at that salary, I think the recent first team analyst role was being advertised at about £26k.

    Any idea how it compares to similar clubs in our league?
  • £20k for a 6 day a week job in London. 

  • Don’t think we pay well for any non football roles do we - nor particularly ever have?

    With general cost of living concerns these roles may go unfilled as staff choose a better paid position. 
  • As I said in another thread, I doubt Charlton TV will be as well produced this season. Is it really sustainable to be paying Scott Minto, Steve Brown, Curbs, and another ex player, every week? Can't be.
  • edited July 2022
    Some fans want it both ways.
    Criticise an owner for running up massive debts and at the same time criticising an owner for trying to reduce costs.
    This applies whether it's to playing or non playing staff.
    As fans many of us have unrealistic expectations and I include myself in that.
    (I'm not talking about how matters are dealt with, just the necessity to do so and I appreciate that not all decisions are correct).
    It cuts both ways. Decision makers sometimes have no understanding of workload in specialist areas and are unable to understand the pressure their decisions put on staff.
    It happens under new administrations and it happened to me,  an incoming boss who didn't understand my niche role, nor it's scope, left me to get on with it, not  appreciating the scale of my workload given the limited staffing resources available to me.

    It didn't end well because I walked after 23 years of service and having been denied redundancy (twice). I left in order to preserve my sanity (some on here might argue I failed in that) and because I could. I later learned he left soon after 😂(🐓🐓➡️🛖)

    But I digress. I find it strange that us fans seem to have developed such an interest in the movements of non playing staff, but I understand why in the broader context.
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  • I'm normally quite happy to stay neutral on most things and see how they play out. But that salary is ridiculously low based on the responsibilities and experience wanted in the job description. 
  • johnny73 said:
    I'm normally quite happy to stay neutral on most things and see how they play out. But that salary is ridiculously low based on the responsibilities and experience wanted in the job description. 
    A salary need not keep anybody in the lap of luxury. However anybody who does an honest day’s work should get enough in to afford to pay their way reasonably close to where they work, regardless of the difficulty of the job or experience required or responsibilities assumed.


    £20-£23k seriously. Showed the JD to mate who is a Comms director - he said bare minimum £35k in London for that.
    £20-23k ? They are having a fucking laugh aren't they ?
  • Croydon said:
    Football clubs always take the piss with wages as they know there's fans/interested people willing to work for a club. Mad when you think how overpaid players are in relation 

    They can just be smug money chasing narrow minded idiots.

    These people don't think ahead. 

    Yes, make the required cut backs. It is reasonable and healthy for the club...but don't take the piss.

    If staff are paid well, then they will have increased job satisfaction and they will work harder. 
    They will also speak out more fondly about working for Charlton. 

  • And besides all that, it's something else to moan about.
  • Major said:
    And besides all that, it's something else to moan about.
    Do you know the difference between legitimate concerns and ‘something to moan about’?
    Do you even think the former can exist in relation to Charlton?
  • We are a League One club disguised quite well as a Prem outfit based on the size and quality of our stadium (which our owner does not own). On that basis, I wouldn’t expect the club to be shelling out competitive London rates, but equally they are going to need to compromise on expectation from the individuals filling the roles, as rookie salaries will attract rookie employees. If the latter get sacked quickly for not fulfilling to expectation, only one party will be to blame. You get what you pay for in any business. 

    All that said, not having a go at the club, it has a budget to play with and has to spread it wisely. Just shows what a hill we have to climb.

    If the club were being smart they could probably attract some better calibre employees by having the same basic, a significant bonus in the event we secure promotion and an up front max capped bonus should we a) reach the Championship b) the Premiership. They couldn’t increase the salary for each tier, as more difficult to take away than to give and every risk our fate could head back down in the other direction Prem➡️Champ➡️League One, which would leave the club’s overall finances in a right pickle.
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