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Staff at Charlton being relieved of their duties



  • Sounds a pretty low salary, would be interesting to know what other league 1 clubs pay for this role.

    Given TS saying we’re losing 8 million a year, cuts have got to be cut somewhere I guess.
  • You can earn the sum of £31k at Millwall for running the medical ops for the academy there.

    football pays badly, it always has
  • edited July 2022
    Who wouldn't take a pay cut to do their same job at Charlton? I would in an absolute heartbeat. 
  • There are quite a few industries where the kudos of working at a particular place often leads to low wages. Football clubs seem to be one of a few. Media is another example if you have a junior management roll on something like Good Morning Britain  for example the £'s are nothing like what you would expect. But there is an argument that it looks good on a CV and leads to career progression 
  • So today I learned that we have an official cleaning partner. 

    I am interested to know what level of deep clean Pacific Support offer. If I have a gold coin can I arrange a dinner reservation? 

    I can think of at least one that I’d like to invite to dinner and potentially some more. 
    Ermmm ??
  • To be fair, there is always a tendency to ask for the moon on a stick in person specifications for any sort of tech job. I remember a friend complaining about one job he applied for that was asking for 5 years experience in a particular technology which hadn't been released 5 years previously. Combine that with the "we can get away with paying less because loads of people want to work in football" I'm not entirely surprised they're offering stupidly low money. If I was one of the people that'd been sacked recently, the wanging on about us being a family club in the advert would stick in my throat a bit though.
  • They wouldn’t even get a grad for that salary. At my firm grads starting salary is now £28k, we bumped it up from £25k as the market has changed and we won’t get the same quality. The club are in cloud cuckoo land, hopefully they see sense and realise they won’t find another Jamie on the cheap. 
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  • Remember having a dilemma a few months ago and even started a thread on here, about taking a job that paid quite a bit less than I was used to, which also meant living in quite an expensive area, to work for a prestigious company in an industry that I have an interest in.

    From looking, I'm confident I'd get a job paying around 30% more, but from choice I'm enjoying it while it lasts. Maybe it's the same case with "junior" back office employees in football?

  • £20k for a 6 day a week job in London. 

    22 grand job, in the city that all right
  • Uboat said:
    Major said:
    And besides all that, it's something else to moan about.
    Do you know the difference between legitimate concerns and ‘something to moan about’?
    Do you even think the former can exist in relation to Charlton?

    How many years have you held these 'legitimate concerns' about non-football wages?

    How many times have you posted about it?

    Nah. Do me a favour. Just another chance to have a pop at our owner.

    £20-£23k seriously. Showed the JD to mate who is a Comms director - he said bare minimum £35k in London for that.
    £20-23k ? They are having a fucking laugh aren't they ?
    Standard rate for jobs in football. It’s a piss take but I’m sure that’s the rate across all teams not just Charlton.
    It's not just his work load but he has the responsibility of running a small team 23K ? It's disgraceful.
  • shirty5 said:
    £20k for a 6 day a week job in London. 

    22 grand job, in the city that all right
    Bit repetitive but I'd take that over Addicks to Victory  :D

    £20-£23k seriously. Showed the JD to mate who is a Comms director - he said bare minimum £35k in London for that.
    £20-23k ? They are having a fucking laugh aren't they ?
    Standard rate for jobs in football. It’s a piss take but I’m sure that’s the rate across all teams not just Charlton.
    It's not just his work load but he has the responsibility of running a small team 23K ? It's disgraceful.
    It's a bit like the music, film and media industries. Definitely seems an employers market. Sure I've heard that even some airline pilots work for pittance to start off with, just to get enough miles under their belts to get into the longer haul, better paid jobs
  • Well holding a full UK driving license potentially breaks the Equality Act for a start. Appreciate the budgetry constraints but having had the public property gig, doesn't matter which league we are in, if we get beaten, you're blamed by default. Been there, have the t-shirt still, to any potential applicants football is one unique industry - and that salary is derisory. 
  • Uboat said:
    Major said:
    And besides all that, it's something else to moan about.
    Do you know the difference between legitimate concerns and ‘something to moan about’?
    Do you even think the former can exist in relation to Charlton?
    You really do have some front accusing me of having a narrative.🤣🙄
  • Leuth said:
    Not judging any of these cases as I know nothing about them. I will say that the wages being offered for new positions do seem a little low. But above all it strikes me that this thread, and the events discussed herein, are an absolute godsend to those whose narrative of suspicion about TS is being rudely interrupted by, not to put too fine a point on it, promising player signings, a new training ground, near-unanimous acclaim for the new kit, a manager who seems to have a vision, improved club communications, the retention of Pearce as a coach, and a seemingly happy bunch of players 
    I’m not sure you’re examples of positives is going to go down well with a select group on here, could you chuck in a negative for balance? Ffs don’t say Gilbey as you will be accused of being mr narrative!!😂, all joking apart a few more good signings and we may have a reason to start to look forward to the season.👍
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  • A negative is that we appear to be cutting costs at the expense of various staff positions! This thread isn't running on supposition alone; there have clearly been some unfortunate individuals. Enough to raise alarms about TS, and RM's role? Strikes me that this depends on your existing view of them.

    I would say that football clubs around the EFL are probably having to tighten budgets for all sorts of reasons. How they do it? A variety of methods. There'd be a good article in it for a football journalist right now.
  • Leuth said:
    A negative is that we appear to be cutting costs at the expense of various staff positions! This thread isn't running on supposition alone; there have clearly been some unfortunate individuals. Enough to raise alarms about TS, and RM's role? Strikes me that this depends on your existing view of them.

    I would say that football clubs around the EFL are probably having to tighten budgets for all sorts of reasons. How they do it? A variety of methods. There'd be a good article in it for a football journalist right now.
    Yes there has obviously been a decision on restructuring, sad for some individuals, but unfortunately something not being limited to just football clubs. The club doesn’t have to come out and explain themselves over every decision, nor even justify it. But there are some that seem to think they are entitled to know everything that goes on. 
  • Leuth said:
    Not judging any of these cases as I know nothing about them. I will say that the wages being offered for new positions do seem a little low. But above all it strikes me that this thread, and the events discussed herein, are an absolute godsend to those whose narrative of suspicion about TS is being rudely interrupted by, not to put too fine a point on it, promising player signings, a new training ground, near-unanimous acclaim for the new kit, a manager who seems to have a vision, improved club communications, the retention of Pearce as a coach, and a seemingly happy bunch of players 
    Much like a year ago then. 
  • I think the player recruitment has been so much more focused so far this season. Proof will be in the pudding. Feels like the moving parts are a bit more coordinated, but that is just a feeling. None of us know how this season will go yet. But I'm absolutely of the belief that it will be better than last season in a footballing sense at least.
  • Leuth said:
    I think the player recruitment has been so much more focused so far this season. Proof will be in the pudding. Feels like the moving parts are a bit more coordinated, but that is just a feeling. None of us know how this season will go yet. But I'm absolutely of the belief that it will be better than last season in a footballing sense at least.
    You’d hope so, but it’s a pretty low bar.
  • I say this as someone who was also quietly impressed with Airman's response to my question a few weeks ago; namely that the whims of a crank have a distressingly large sway over our existential future due to his ownership of our premises. But I cannot see how this is a Sandgaard problem; moreover, I can't see how Sandgaard might be exacerbating the problem; if anything, his improvements to the training ground will help matters. 

    Duchatelet doesn't want us destroyed. Nor, admittedly, is he invested in our survival. He is a man motivated by one thing alone: to be proven right. Our problem is that one thing he is convinced of is his valuation of our facilities.
  • For me the difference between now and a year ago is we have a manager on the way up as opposed to a manager on the way down. However my fear is that it feels a bit like it did when Russell Slade arrived in terms of the footballing outlook. I want it to be a winning season and I am fed up feeling patient.
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