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Match Thread: Oxford United v Charlton Athletic | Thursday 29 December 2022 7:45pm



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    edited December 2022
    PopIcon said:
    How's Clare getting on? Apparently, he's one of our best players.
    PopIcon said:
    How's Clare getting on? Apparently, he's one of our best players.
    He is shite
    You can say that again.
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    What are Pearce and Brownie saying if anyone can summarise please?
    Brown said the only positive is that they are only 2-0 down.
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    Triple sub. JRS CBT and Inniss on.
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    Three subs at HT
    The deckchairs will look lovely a few inches to the right
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    Triple sub. JRS CBT and Inniss on.
    Thomas, Lavelle and Kanu off
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    Chunes said:
    cs1986 said:
    Can’t Brownie dress it up nicely cos too many poor lickle Charlton fans have never liked hearing the truth about what a shitshow we have been for years and continually somehow manage to get worse .
    shit complete shit 
    This is spot on for me. We have way too many happy clappers.
    The amount of people who still convince themselves the players are really trying...
    Does my nut in. Can't say players are shit cause they are Charlton players fuck that! Saw at least 10 people clapping them off when we lost 1 nil to Cheltenham the other week. Made me angry as.
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    Thomas, Kanu, Lavelle off
    JRS, CBT, and Inniss on
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    Triple sub. JRS CBT and Inniss on.
    Backing Inniss to get red carded tonight . 
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    This segment about new best friends on Charlton tv is as bad as the football 
    Awful. And the guy from the US is really Man U!
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    JRS down the right, goes down but ref not interested
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    Asking far too much if our young players. Chin is not naturally a full back, plus he’s right footed, but we keep asking him to play left back. Even worse we put a right footed centre back who is making his fit appearance for 6 weeks next to him.

    I’d say he’s not ready yet anyway, but he looked decent vs Brighton, but that was at right back and with a midfield setup to protect that back 4. 

    Chin’s not ready, Kanu isn’t ready, Ness and Henry are closer but aren’t really there yet either. AMB and Leaburn are the only U21s we should be considering starting at the moment. 

    I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that his hands were somewhat tied by injuries/illness but very worrying that Holden thought this was the right personnel and formation. 
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    cs1986 said:
    Chunes said:
    cs1986 said:
    Can’t Brownie dress it up nicely cos too many poor lickle Charlton fans have never liked hearing the truth about what a shitshow we have been for years and continually somehow manage to get worse .
    shit complete shit 
    This is spot on for me. We have way too many happy clappers.
    The amount of people who still convince themselves the players are really trying...
    Does my nut in. Can't say players are shit cause they are Charlton players fuck that! Saw at least 10 people clapping them off when we lost 1 nil to Cheltenham the other week. Made me angry as.
    They shouldn't be getting f**king clapped at all right now
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    Inniss, CBT and JRS all coming on at the break

    Kanu, Thomas and Lavelle make way.
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    edited December 2022
    We can't even trap a simple ball. We can't pass. We lose every challenge. 

    We can't run - our players are all puffed out - physically weak and mentally dead.

    We have an attacking throw-in, and no-one moves.

    I have been watching Charlton for 55 years. This squad is the most talentless, brainless, shower of shyte.    
    Worst Charlton team I’ve ever seen. I’ll just be delighted if this overpaid shower of shite squad stay up this season.

    Based on current form I can’t see there being 4 worse teams.
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    edited December 2022
    PopIcon said:
    PopIcon said:
    How's Clare getting on? Apparently, he's one of our best players.
    PopIcon said:
    How's Clare getting on? Apparently, he's one of our best players.
    He is shite
    You can say that again.
    And you can say that you can say that again again
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    Why is Payne still on the pitch?
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    Stockley heads on but Payne can't get to it. It's very scrappy in midfield at the mo.
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    Chunes said:
    cs1986 said:
    Can’t Brownie dress it up nicely cos too many poor lickle Charlton fans have never liked hearing the truth about what a shitshow we have been for years and continually somehow manage to get worse .
    shit complete shit 
    This is spot on for me. We have way too many happy clappers.
    The amount of people who still convince themselves the players are really trying...
    They're very trying.
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    Chin done easily. Lucky escape
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    Oh gawd, Oxford down our left, beats Chin all ends up, cross evades the defence, ball comes back but spooned over the bar.
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    Chin hopelessly exposed. Again.
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    Why is Payne still on the pitch?
    Can only make five subs
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    We can't even trap a simple ball. We can't pass. We lose every challenge. 

    We can't run - our players are all puffed out - physically weak and mentally dead.

    We have an attacking throw-in, and no-one moves.

    I have been watching Charlton for 55 years. This squad is the most talentless, brainless, shower of shyte.    
    Worst Charlton team I’ve ever seen. I’ll just be delighted if this overpaid shower of shite team stay up this season.

    Based on current form I can’t see there being 4 worse teams.
    We're the worst team based on recent form in L1 at present...
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    DDOUBLEE said:
    cs1986 said:
    Chunes said:
    cs1986 said:
    Can’t Brownie dress it up nicely cos too many poor lickle Charlton fans have never liked hearing the truth about what a shitshow we have been for years and continually somehow manage to get worse .
    shit complete shit 
    This is spot on for me. We have way too many happy clappers.
    The amount of people who still convince themselves the players are really trying...
    Does my nut in. Can't say players are shit cause they are Charlton players fuck that! Saw at least 10 people clapping them off when we lost 1 nil to Cheltenham the other week. Made me angry as.
    They shouldn't be getting f**king clapped at all right now
    Exactly mate. 
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    edited December 2022
    Oh well, normal service second half, should have been 3-0, no challenge in the box again
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    Southbank said:
    Dreadful line up gives worst half performance of the year surprise surprise. I really fucking hate 5 at the back it’s just absolute shit.
    It worked against Brighton
    We didn’t play 3-5-2 in that match.
    Er, yes we did
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    The youngsters getting game time = higher sell on value?
This discussion has been closed.

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