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Players Appearing to Pray After Scoring?



  • If people draw on some kind of inner strength or force to help them to be decent people, and then choose to call it God (even if that God is connected to some kind of religion like Sikhism, or Islam, or Judaism, or Buddhism, or Christianity, or Hinduism, or Shinto or whatever any number of others) then who am I to argue with anybody coming to terms with conscience and morality in that way?
    I think there are some forces that motivate behaviour for the well-being of life, whether that is love, or enlightened self interest, or religion, or God, as long as it helps people to be nice, accepting, and able to share then is it such a problem…inner spirituality I mean?
  • edited April 2023
    seth plum said:
    If people draw on some kind of inner strength or force to help them to be decent people, and then choose to call it God (even if that God is connected to some kind of religion like Sikhism, or Islam, or Judaism, or Buddhism, or Christianity, or Hinduism, or Shinto or whatever any number of others) then who am I to argue with anybody coming to terms with conscience and morality in that way?
    I think there are some forces that motivate behaviour for the well-being of life, whether that is love, or enlightened self interest, or religion, or God, as long as it helps people to be nice, accepting, and able to share then is it such a problem…inner spirituality I mean?
    Well that's what I hope to do
  • MrOneLung said:
    Foxycafc said:
    Foxycafc said:
    Foxycafc said:
    Foxycafc said:
    seth plum said:
    I struggle with ‘thou shalt not kill’ if they’re not vegetarians, however that is an easy way to get rid of Jehovah’s Witnesses wearing leather shoes.
    Sean Clare would have some credibility if he were a Christian.
    Genesis  9:3 

    Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.
    Tell me - how do you decide which bits of the old testament do you decide to live by?

    Exodus 35:2
    For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a day of sabbath rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it is to be put to death.

    how many people have you put to death for working on a Sunday recently?
    The Council At Jerusalem ditched that one around 50AD
    Ahh so you let some other random bunch of people thousands of years ago decide which bits of the bible are relevant to todays society. Gotcha.
    Can't you just let it go? They weren't a "random bunch of people". A quick google would tell you they are some of the most important figures in the whole religion. Why do you have to argue about everything???
    The Council of New Eltham in 2023 have ruled that we should ditch the whole thing as its complete bollocks and has no place in a modern compassionate society. 

    I'm well aware who they are - can guarantee I had this shit beaten into me (sometimes literally) as a child, as much as anyone else on the entire planet. Despite what you might think the apostles were just people. In fact if you look at who they are, their backgrounds etc it would be very reasonable to describe them as a random bunch. But carry on allowing them to pick and choose which bits of the holy word is relevant in 2023. 

    Why should I let it go? you started quoting scripture I just responded and made a counterpoint. Why don't you let it go? As for arguing about everything? that was literally my 3rd post on the thread? hard to see how that's arguing about anything let alone everything. I don't think I've even conversed with you on here before so think that's a bit of an odd comment there fella.
    Are you saying you're pro the bits they took out like circumcision, dietary laws, and being killed for working Sundays?

    I don’t think he is pro any of it mate. 

    What do you stand on gay marriage?
    I don't think a religion and the people who follow it and the places where they worship should be pushed into something when they don't believe in it. Same the other way round.
    Why they want to get married is beyond me anyway.
     Not sure what the Muslims point of view is on gay marriage. 
  • EastStand said:
    I had an imaginary friend when I was little but I never wanted to commit genocide over it. 

    People have the right to believe what they want, but as soon as they use that faith to fling hate and ignorance about it becomes a problem. 
    But it doesn't work the other way? So you can call what I believe in an imaginary friend? But I can't retort?
  • There's 3 things in my old workplace that were banned subjects to talk to guests about




    Because all 3 garner partisan levels of support, with each side not seeing the other side's points, and it just starting arguements and fights. 

    This forum is dedicated to football so, fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you see it, that's a topic that comes up a lot.

    The other two are, in my experience, best left well alone.

    Perhaps there can be a whole different area of the forum for discussions of this nature? Wouldn't that be a grand idea
  • sam3110 said:
    There's 3 things in my old workplace that were banned subjects to talk to guests about




    Because all 3 garner partisan levels of support, with each side not seeing the other side's points, and it just starting arguements and fights. 

    This forum is dedicated to football so, fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you see it, that's a topic that comes up a lot.

    The other two are, in my experience, best left well alone.

    Perhaps there can be a whole different area of the forum for discussions of this nature? Wouldn't that be a grand idea
    It exists, and this discussion should probably be moved over there
  • Foxycafc said:
    EastStand said:
    I had an imaginary friend when I was little but I never wanted to commit genocide over it. 

    People have the right to believe what they want, but as soon as they use that faith to fling hate and ignorance about it becomes a problem. 
    But it doesn't work the other way? So you can call what I believe in an imaginary friend? But I can't retort?
    You can but you’d be wrong.
  • edited April 2023
    Why do people have so much hate for Christianity but shy away when it comes to criticising Islam/Judaism/Sikhism/Buddhism/Hinduism etc?

    Edited: Don't answer that. Not really sure I want an argument of that scale.
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  • Foxycafc said:
    Why do people have so much hate for Christianity but shy away when it comes to criticising Islam/Judaism/Sikhism/Buddhism/Hinduism etc?

    Edited: Don't answer that. Not really sure I want an argument of that scale.
    I think they all have their positives and negatives. We in the 'west' are more likely to know more about Christianity so it's more of an easier target. 
  • Trust the Charlton players are reading this and start a new trend.

    Just put one arm up and walk back to the center circle. 
  • Foxycafc said:
    Why do people have so much hate for Christianity but shy away when it comes to criticising Islam/Judaism/Sikhism/Buddhism/Hinduism etc?

    Edited: Don't answer that. Not really sure I want an argument of that scale.
    I think they all have their positives and negatives. We in the 'west' are more likely to know more about Christianity so it's more of an easier target. 
    Also, we in the West (and I appreciate that this is a big generalisation) are more likely to be better educated than in places where those religions are dominant. So there’s less excuse to, in the face of all the science and overwhelming evidence, believe that there’s a magic man in the sky who controls everything.
  • edited April 2023
    Foxycafc said:
    Why do people have so much hate for Christianity but shy away when it comes to criticising Islam/Judaism/Sikhism/Buddhism/Hinduism etc?

    Edited: Don't answer that. Not really sure I want an argument of that scale.
    It can all get in the bin.

    I have 3 muslims in my team and they're currently abiding by Ramadan. They're all tired, lack motivation and productivity is down. I can't (and wouldnt) discriminate against them, so i just suck it up and work harder myself. Its mental to me.
  • Foxycafc said:
    Foxycafc said:
    Foxycafc said:
    Foxycafc said:
    seth plum said:
    I struggle with ‘thou shalt not kill’ if they’re not vegetarians, however that is an easy way to get rid of Jehovah’s Witnesses wearing leather shoes.
    Sean Clare would have some credibility if he were a Christian.
    Genesis  9:3 

    Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.
    Tell me - how do you decide which bits of the old testament do you decide to live by?

    Exodus 35:2
    For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a day of sabbath rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it is to be put to death.

    how many people have you put to death for working on a Sunday recently?
    The Council At Jerusalem ditched that one around 50AD
    Ahh so you let some other random bunch of people thousands of years ago decide which bits of the bible are relevant to todays society. Gotcha.
    Can't you just let it go? They weren't a "random bunch of people". A quick google would tell you they are some of the most important figures in the whole religion. Why do you have to argue about everything???
    The Council of New Eltham in 2023 have ruled that we should ditch the whole thing as its complete bollocks and has no place in a modern compassionate society. 

    I'm well aware who they are - can guarantee I had this shit beaten into me (sometimes literally) as a child, as much as anyone else on the entire planet. Despite what you might think the apostles were just people. In fact if you look at who they are, their backgrounds etc it would be very reasonable to describe them as a random bunch. But carry on allowing them to pick and choose which bits of the holy word is relevant in 2023. 

    Why should I let it go? you started quoting scripture I just responded and made a counterpoint. Why don't you let it go? As for arguing about everything? that was literally my 3rd post on the thread? hard to see how that's arguing about anything let alone everything. I don't think I've even conversed with you on here before so think that's a bit of an odd comment there fella.
    Are you saying you're pro the bits they took out like circumcision, dietary laws, and being killed for working Sundays?

    I'm anti it all. 

    I'm saying if you're gonna base your entire life on a historical text and live by its rules then why are you picking and choosing which rules you live by. Either it applies to modern life or it doesn't. The picking and choosing is pure hypocrisy. 
  • edited April 2023
    Foxycafc said:
    Why do people have so much hate for Christianity but shy away when it comes to criticising Islam/Judaism/Sikhism/Buddhism/Hinduism etc?

    Edited: Don't answer that. Not really sure I want an argument of that scale.

    The Christian schism:
    For those who were/are Church of England, the major issue remains that it only came about because of Henry VIII wanting a son and even though he had been with Katherine of Aragon for 23 years (only  daughter Mary) and with plenty of sex on the side* this and possibly a sexual disease or the drugs from falling off his horse turned Henry from an artistic, athletic half-decent elitist man into a fat middle aged misogynistic, Tyrannical Turd who made up incest charges to chop off the heads of Anne and her brother George plus 3 other men who where friends of the Boleyn's.
    Catherine Howard went to the block as well as 57k men and women during the reign of the obese ogre.

    HenryVIII was the head of the Church of England and the biggest serial killer in English history. At least he saved (some of us)from being Catholic and going to confession after the Protestant reformation.

    * Other positions are available.
  • There are a lot of believers who are perfectly nice people, for whom their god is personal. They don't preach, or even mention their faith for the most part, they would not dream of forcing anyone else to follow their doctrine or prevent them from doing anything they want to in the name of an old book. I have no problem with them, Foxy strikes me as pretty much one of those - though I think he is fighting his corner here, as it were.

    As always, it's the extremists who are the ones that capture the headlines, of course. I am not just talking about murderous muslims, but the batty folk that all religions seem to attract, those who would take the bible, koran, the ramblings of Joseph Smith e.t.c. literally. I think for most of us, they are the problem? 

    My missus had a mate who was a rock bottom alcoholic, he found god and it changed his life, so it can be a force for good. And all the "churchy" folk I know are decent, genuinely kind people, but being honest, somehow, deep inside, I always think a little less of them, intellectually when they do believe in a higher being.       
  • Foxycafc said:
    Why do people have so much hate for Christianity but shy away when it comes to criticising Islam/Judaism/Sikhism/Buddhism/Hinduism etc?

    Edited: Don't answer that. Not really sure I want an argument of that scale.

    The Christian schism:
    For those who were/are Church of England, the major issue remains that it only came about because of Henry VIII wanting a son and even though he had been with Katherine of Aragon for 23 years (only  daughter Mary) and with plenty of sex on the side* this and possibly a sexual disease or the drugs from falling off his horse turned Henry from an artistic, athletic half-decent elitist man into a fat middle aged misogynistic, Tyrannical Turd who made up incest charges to chop off the heads of Anne and her brother George plus 3 other men who where friends of the Boleyn's.
    Catherine Howard went to the block as well as 57k men and women during the reign of the obese ogre.

    HenryVIII was the head of the Church of England and the biggest serial killer in English history. At least he saved (some of us)from being Catholic and going to confession after the Protestant reformation.

    * Other positions are available.
    One of the elements I kind of like about the Catholic church is confession. It seems it could be therapeutic. 

  • There’s a big difference between religion, which is controlling, and ‘Spirituality’ (for want of a better word), which isn’t. One is driven mainly by fear and guilt whereas the other isn’t. And ‘Spirituality’ comes in many forms. Let’s face it, no one really knows until we die what is going to happen. 
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  • Foxycafc said:
    Why do people have so much hate for Christianity but shy away when it comes to criticising Islam/Judaism/Sikhism/Buddhism/Hinduism etc?

    Edited: Don't answer that. Not really sure I want an argument of that scale.

    The Christian schism:
    For those who were/are Church of England, the major issue remains that it only came about because of Henry VIII wanting a son and even though he had been with Katherine of Aragon for 23 years (only  daughter Mary) and with plenty of sex on the side* this and possibly a sexual disease or the drugs from falling off his horse turned Henry from an artistic, athletic half-decent elitist man into a fat middle aged misogynistic, Tyrannical Turd who made up incest charges to chop off the heads of Anne and her brother George plus 3 other men who where friends of the Boleyn's.
    Catherine Howard went to the block as well as 57k men and women during the reign of the obese ogre.

    HenryVIII was the head of the Church of England and the biggest serial killer in English history. At least he saved (some of us)from being Catholic and going to confession after the Protestant reformation.

    * Other positions are available.
    One of the elements I kind of like about the Catholic church is confession. It seems it could be therapeutic. 

    Depends who you are confessing too ?
    I don't like the idea of confessing through a vent to as man in a black dress who is supposed to be a Virgin and belongs in the Holmesdale road stand !
  • There are a lot of believers who are perfectly nice people, for whom their god is personal. They don't preach, or even mention their faith for the most part, they would not dream of forcing anyone else to follow their doctrine or prevent them from doing anything they want to in the name of an old book. I have no problem with them, Foxy strikes me as pretty much one of those - though I think he is fighting his corner here, as it were.

    As always, it's the extremists who are the ones that capture the headlines, of course. I am not just talking about murderous muslims, but the batty folk that all religions seem to attract, those who would take the bible, koran, the ramblings of Joseph Smith e.t.c. literally. I think for most of us, they are the problem? 

    My missus had a mate who was a rock bottom alcoholic, he found god and it changed his life, so it can be a force for good. And all the "churchy" folk I know are decent, genuinely kind people, but being honest, somehow, deep inside, I always think a little less of them, intellectually when they do believe in a higher being.       
    Thanks for this :)

    I do try to keep it to myself and only express it when it's suitable

    As for this thread, I only got involved because I don't like the nasty things that get thrown about when talking about it

    In fact, I'm not even a proper Christian! I didn't really know what I was for quite a while, and even now my views and beliefs change just like anyone else

    And lastly, no, I haven't memorised the Bible, I haven't read most of it, I don't even go to church! If you want to critique Christianity, at least don't ask questions that can be answered with, in my case, a quick google and/or phone a friend
  • Foxycafc said:
    Why do people have so much hate for Christianity but shy away when it comes to criticising Islam/Judaism/Sikhism/Buddhism/Hinduism etc?

    Edited: Don't answer that. Not really sure I want an argument of that scale.

    The Christian schism:
    For those who were/are Church of England, the major issue remains that it only came about because of Henry VIII wanting a son and even though he had been with Katherine of Aragon for 23 years (only  daughter Mary) and with plenty of sex on the side* this and possibly a sexual disease or the drugs from falling off his horse turned Henry from an artistic, athletic half-decent elitist man into a fat middle aged misogynistic, Tyrannical Turd who made up incest charges to chop off the heads of Anne and her brother George plus 3 other men who where friends of the Boleyn's.
    Catherine Howard went to the block as well as 57k men and women during the reign of the obese ogre.

    HenryVIII was the head of the Church of England and the biggest serial killer in English history. At least he saved (some of us)from being Catholic and going to confession after the Protestant reformation.

    * Other positions are available.
    One of the elements I kind of like about the Catholic church is confession. It seems it could be therapeutic. 

    Depends who you are confessing too ?
    I don't like the idea of confessing through a vent to as man in a black dress who is supposed to be a Virgin and belongs in the Holmesdale road stand !
    I've spoken to the Samaritans in the past on the phone, no idea what they were wearing though I did repeatedly ask. 
  • Any chance of getting this thread back on topic? 

    No, I’ll get me 🧥.
  • Any chance of getting this thread back on topic? 

    No, I’ll get me 🧥.
  • Any chance of getting this thread back on topic? 

    No, I’ll get me 🧥.
    Not a chance lol
  • Foxycafc said:
    Why do people have so much hate for Christianity but shy away when it comes to criticising Islam/Judaism/Sikhism/Buddhism/Hinduism etc?

    Edited: Don't answer that. Not really sure I want an argument of that scale.

    The Christian schism:
    For those who were/are Church of England, the major issue remains that it only came about because of Henry VIII wanting a son and even though he had been with Katherine of Aragon for 23 years (only  daughter Mary) and with plenty of sex on the side* this and possibly a sexual disease or the drugs from falling off his horse turned Henry from an artistic, athletic half-decent elitist man into a fat middle aged misogynistic, Tyrannical Turd who made up incest charges to chop off the heads of Anne and her brother George plus 3 other men who where friends of the Boleyn's.
    Catherine Howard went to the block as well as 57k men and women during the reign of the obese ogre.

    HenryVIII was the head of the Church of England and the biggest serial killer in English history. At least he saved (some of us)from being Catholic and going to confession after the Protestant reformation.

    * Other positions are available.
    One of the elements I kind of like about the Catholic church is confession. It seems it could be therapeutic. 

    Depends who you are confessing too ?
    I don't like the idea of confessing through a vent to as man in a black dress who is supposed to be a Virgin and belongs in the Holmesdale road stand !
    I've spoken to the Samaritans in the past on the phone, no idea what they were wearing though I did repeatedly ask. 

    That could've been embarrassing if you got a wrong number !

  • Any chance of getting this thread back on topic? 

    No, I’ll get me 🧥.

    Tangents "R"Us.
  • Foxycafc said:
    Why do people have so much hate for Christianity but shy away when it comes to criticising Islam/Judaism/Sikhism/Buddhism/Hinduism etc?

    Edited: Don't answer that. Not really sure I want an argument of that scale.
    I don't believe that any religion has a place in a modern compassionate society. 
    Amen that.
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