Andy Scott has hardly proven himself in two transfer windows to date.
Whether that's the restrictions he's working under or all his own doing doesn't matter - that's what the new Head Coach will find himself working under.
This is looking more and more like a shit sandwich.
Why did he not buy the club then and show us how it’s done .. instead for the second time run away
Can't believe I'm feeding the troll, with the following based on what (from memory) has been previously posted
A) varney has never been directly involved with an parties interested in buying the club, purely introduced them I think it was airman that said that the parties wanted all assets and couldn't get in front of people selling the assets C) Varneys tweet isn't wrong
I will never understand how an interview is going to help you find the right manager. It just makes the people doing the interviews feel important. Different skills are required to do a good interview and be a good football manager.
Personally I’d invite the final 11 shortlist all down at the same time:
Appleton, Cowley, Bowyer, Big Ron, Mick Harford, Millwall Mick McCarthy, Hoddle, Paul Jewell, Chris Houghton, Frank Lampard and Bobby Gould.
Get em in a big room, hire one of those kids gaming party companies and set up a PlayStation console each. All start the season as Charlton on Football Manager, same squad, same budget and off you go. First one to win the Premier League gets the job.
Couple of the wrinkles might need an intern to do the controller for them, but got to be better than a panel competency based interview.
Saturdays match against fleetwood we knew all about stockley when he played for us he had 2 centre backs marking him 1 in front and 1 behind whenever the ball came to him he was in a wrestling match with the centre backs.
Against us Saturday Anderson was picking him up for the goal and Dobson was marking him at corners.
Where are our centre backs and what are they doing has Pearce said to them what ever you do don’t mark stockley.
I doubt it so what is happening who’s fault players or management. They’re professional footballers and they defend like school boys
And a feeble effort to stop the cross in the first place, when the winger should have been double marked.
Managers can’t perform magic, although some people seem to think they can. They’re not David Copperfield or Harry Potter. They can’t work miracles or sprinkle some magical dust to make players know how to play football.
Spending hours on analysis isn’t very useful. It doesn’t put you in better conditions to win the game. The tactics, the schemes, they’re all bull***t. Of course tactics matter, but players win the game. For 45 minutes at a time, players make their own decisions. Football is a continuous sport in which the coach has barely any influence, less than in any other sport.
Success depends on having top players and top players cost money. It’s impossible to achieve results without spending a lot of money. Where you finish in the league depends on the money you’ve spent. It’s a statistical fact. Clubs can change coaches but if the players are the same, results stay the same.
I will never understand how an interview is going to help you find the right manager. It just makes the people doing the interviews feel important. Different skills are required to do a good interview and be a good football manager.
Personally I’d invite the final 11 shortlist all down at the same time:
Appleton, Cowley, Bowyer, Big Ron, Mick Harford, Millwall Mick McCarthy, Hoddle, Paul Jewell, Chris Houghton, Frank Lampard and Bobby Gould.
Get em in a big room, hire one of those kids gaming party companies and set up a PlayStation console each. All start the season as Charlton on Football Manager, same squad, same budget and off you go. First one to win the Premier League gets the job.
Couple of the wrinkles might need an intern to do the controller for them, but got to be better than a panel competency based interview.
Throw in John Sitton too. According to Wikipedia we turned him down for a youth coach position based on how he was perceived following this documentary.
At the moment we have a team of talented youngsters, bar Dobbo, May and the dodgy Hector. Rather than hire the tired old Cowleys, Appleton or even Bowyer again, I'd give Frank Lampard a short contract to perform a miracle. The players would respect him and he might give them a winning mentality.
Doesn't really matter who the next manager is as we've seen in the past with Holden/Garner/Jackson/Atkins etc. Every season is the same, recruit average L1 and L2 players, top up with loans and academy players and expect to be challenging for top 6. It's just not going to happen.
Can’t quite understand why our defence is such a shambles because without a doubt it is. The red flags were up and Flying V Aberdeen and they’ve remained visible. You’d expect that Hector, Jones and Thomas would be quite capable of marshalling the back four and yet those three are at the core of the issue. I think we progressed Ness too quickly last season before he was ready and now he’s regressed and looks completely without confidence. Edun looks sound and the other new boys are unknown quantities. Something must change soon though. New man has to get to grips with it.
Is John Sitton available, great video of him in charge at Orient!
Had this saved as a draft post and had Sitton in mind when writing it -
Still think that if the right person comes in, who is capable of cracking the whip and once the injuries are back, there's no reason why this squad of players, baring 2 or 3, can't go somewhere
Andy Scott has hardly proven himself in two transfer windows to date.
Whether that's the restrictions he's working under or all his own doing doesn't matter - that's what the new Head Coach will find himself working under.
This is looking more and more like a shit sandwich.
Can’t quite understand why our defence is such a shambles because without a doubt it is. The red flags were up and Flying V Aberdeen and they’ve remained visible. You’d expect that Hector, Jones and Thomas would be quite capable of marshalling the back four and yet those three are at the core of the issue. I think we progressed Ness too quickly last season before he was ready and now he’s regressed and looks completely without confidence. Edun looks sound and the other new boys are unknown quantities. Something must change soon though. New man has to get to grips with it.
Can understand why Holden was chopping and changing the defence on a regular basis trying to find a solution.
Sadly it wasn’t rectified during the close season. Whoever comes in next as a tough job on their hands
If we went down you would paint a rosy picture.
But, hang on, you only post for a reaction.
Experienced with a proven track record of success at this level or higher
Tactically asute
Able to motivate players
Strict with players
Able to win games
Organise a defense
Willing to work under a director of football
Accepts that it's a three window project so we won't get promoted this season.
Happy to see young players sold to cut costs.
Can't see a problem myself
C) Varneys tweet isn't wrong
apart from that, I think you are spot on 😂
Appleton, Cowley, Bowyer, Big Ron, Mick Harford, Millwall Mick McCarthy, Hoddle, Paul Jewell, Chris Houghton, Frank Lampard and Bobby Gould.
Get em in a big room, hire one of those kids gaming party companies and set up a PlayStation console each. All start the season as Charlton on Football Manager, same squad, same budget and off you go. First one to win the Premier League gets the job.
Managers can’t perform magic, although some people seem to think they can. They’re not David Copperfield or Harry Potter. They can’t work miracles or sprinkle some magical dust to make players know how to play football.
Spending hours on analysis isn’t very useful. It doesn’t put you in better conditions to win the game. The tactics, the schemes, they’re all bull***t. Of course tactics matter, but players win the game. For 45 minutes at a time, players make their own decisions. Football is a continuous sport in which the coach has barely any influence, less than in any other sport.
Success depends on having top players and top players cost money. It’s impossible to achieve results without spending a lot of money. Where you finish in the league depends on the money you’ve spent. It’s a statistical fact. Clubs can change coaches but if the players are the same, results stay the same.
Throw in John Sitton too. According to Wikipedia we turned him down for a youth coach position based on how he was perceived following this documentary.
Could be here all day.
Had this saved as a draft post and had Sitton in mind when writing it -
Still think that if the right person comes in, who is capable of cracking the whip and once the injuries are back, there's no reason why this squad of players, baring 2 or 3, can't go somewhere
Des Buckingham's journey to Mumbai City success - via Oxford United and Oceania - BBC Sport