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Michael Appleton - Sacked 23/1/2024 (p105)



  • wmcf123 said:
    We’ll have at least one more manager this season so we should take it in our stride 
    Mystic Meg, back from the dead 😉
  • JamesSeed said:
    seth plum said:
    thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    I have never communicated with Charlie Methven in any way, nor he me.
    Nor have I commented on the footballing ability of the new boss.
    I remain in the ‘judge them on results’ category that was fashionable not long ago.
    Except the results you want to judge him by are quite frankly ridiculous.
    You have to start somewhere. So let Stevenage be the first indicator.
    Rather than the second indicator? It’s almost like you’d like us to lose so you can be proved ‘right’. 
    Not at all. I want us to win.
  • seth plum said:
    seth plum said:
    seth plum said:
    I have watched his interview, heard what he has to say, and read comments about what he is supposed to be good at.

    One has been good at working with and developing young players.


    Like Elerewe, Mitchell, Chin, Henry, Anderson, Campbell, Asimwe, Maynard Brewer, Leaburn, Ness, Kanu (and others on the way like Bower, Rylah, Laqeretabua etc) have they not been worked with, developed and given their chances already?

    Yeah right.

    In terms of Charlton Athletic’s need, unearthing and deploying our young talent has been going fine thank you very much, what on earth can Appleton add to what’s been going on already?

    I call bollocks on the work with youngsters mantra, unless I am missing something obvious.

    No Appleton, it is not about getting with the project and agreeing with where the opaque ownership want us to go, the so called developing youngsters. 

    No Mr Appleton, your entire raison d’etre at Charlton is to WIN.

    Starting away at Stevenage on Saturday, then Wycombe at home, then Shrewsbury away, then Exeter and your old club Blackpool both at home, then Derby away, Reading at home and another of your old clubs Lincoln City away.

    Appleton you’re not needed to help the development of our youngsters, that is bollocks being thrown around by the Shamocracy salivating about getting our young players to a point of being able to sell them. They might want you to fatten up the cash cows, but we the supporters want you to win matches, over and over again.

    Get those wins and a conversation can start. Lose or draw at Stevenage and in my eyes you will have to have a Rhino hide (which judging by that vapid interview I think you already have) because I will not be the only one wanting you gone.
    so if we don't win at Stevenage you want him gone? Wow. Just wow. You are fast approaching RonnieMoore levels of WUMMING arn't you?
    If we win at Stevenage that will add up to three points from three away games.
    That then leaves the six points dropped at home to make up.
    If we lose at Stevenage that leaves us nine points to make up (in my target for automatic promotion).
    So the best way to shut me up is for Michael Appleton to win at Stevenage.
    I know I am in a minority in my stance, most people want to give this circus a chance which means a longer term tolerance than I feel like giving.
    My tolerance level is short term, so the argument might be where is the breaking point for you and others.
    I have at least marked out my territory, wins and promotion.
    I generally respect your views but this is just irrational.  It's not about giving the circus a chance, it is about recognising that there is no manager in existence that will get this team, as it is, to win eight games on the bounce, and Michael Appleton has no responsibility for where the club has been.  Yes let's judge him by his outcomes, but what you are doing is setting impossible outcomes so that you can justify calling for him to be sacked.

    And "the best way to shut me up" is a bit silly.  No-one that can take action knows or cares and if you want to become like another poster who draws a lot of fire carry on, but that would be a shame.  If we draw or lose at Stevenage, who are currently 3rd with four wins, one draw and one loss from 6 you'll be claiming your position is justified, but that will only be by your own unreasonable parameters, and if we win I suppose you will say the jury is out or some such.

    Also the implication that you are taking some brave position on expectations and that other fans are just happy to bumble along with failure is a misunderstanding of how much your expectations affect the outcomes you want.  All it effects is other posters on this lovely, but probably not that influential internet forum.

    If we lose at Stevenage (a place I saw us win in the cup last season) I am likely to say ‘Holden could’ve delivered that’.
    And you would have been completely wrong……….
  • seth plum said:
    JamesSeed said:
    seth plum said:
    thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    I have never communicated with Charlie Methven in any way, nor he me.
    Nor have I commented on the footballing ability of the new boss.
    I remain in the ‘judge them on results’ category that was fashionable not long ago.
    Except the results you want to judge him by are quite frankly ridiculous.
    You have to start somewhere. So let Stevenage be the first indicator.
    Rather than the second indicator? It’s almost like you’d like us to lose so you can be proved ‘right’. 
    Not at all. I want us to win.
    It’s a bit like backing the other side to soften the blow of defeat though. 
  • supaclive said:
    Leuth said:
    In the cold light of day I'm feeling less bad about this appointment tbh, he has a record of getting teams punching slightly above their weight, and if our weight is borderline-playoffs then that's a good sign, right? 
    What makes you think our weight is borderline play offs?

    We failed to do that last year 
    We have won two of eight this year

    Anybody saying "he'll do alright"

    Is simply accepting we are a mid table, division three club.  History says we're not.

    I don't want to accept mid table division three.
    I aspire to better than that.

    Well nobody is saying anything remotely like “he’ll do alright” and of course we all want success and out of this league. You aren’t unique or some sort of super fan for wanting that! 
  • edited September 2023

    thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    I have never communicated with Charlie Methven in any way, nor he me.
    Nor have I commented on the footballing ability of the new boss.
    I remain in the ‘judge them on results’ category that was fashionable not long ago.
    Except the results you want to judge him by are quite frankly ridiculous.
    You have to start somewhere. So let Stevenage be the first indicator.
    Okay here's a hypothetical for you. We play Stevenage (who are in good form right now) and (somehow) Appleton has managed to get the team properly organised. The defence are solid, we have more possessions and shots etc. By every measure we are the better side.

    Except the Stevenage keeper has a blinder and manages to keep a clean sheet and then at the end of the game a fluke ricochet hits one of our defenders and goes in. We lose by 1 goal.

    Is that a good result or a bad one?
    That would be a bad result.
    Would you say being played off the park but getting a smash and grab 1-0 win is a good result?
  • edited September 2023
    seth plum said:

    thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    I have never communicated with Charlie Methven in any way, nor he me.
    Nor have I commented on the footballing ability of the new boss.
    I remain in the ‘judge them on results’ category that was fashionable not long ago.
    Except the results you want to judge him by are quite frankly ridiculous.
    You have to start somewhere. So let Stevenage be the first indicator.
    Okay here's a hypothetical for you. We play Stevenage (who are in good form right now) and (somehow) Appleton has managed to get the team properly organised. The defence are solid, we have more possessions and shots etc. By every measure we are the better side.

    Except the Stevenage keeper has a blinder and manages to keep a clean sheet and then at the end of the game a fluke ricochet hits one of our defenders and goes in. We lose by 1 goal.

    Is that a good result or a bad one?
    That would be a bad result.
    Would you say being played off the park but getting a smash and grab 1-0 win is a good result?
    He's asking if it's a sacking using your yardstick, as well you know?

    I'm sure like me you remember when Swindon won at the Valley to end our records breaking run all those years ago when they had one chance after being battered for 90 (you'll remember Willie Carson's smug face) Didn't it hit the post and go in off Kiely's arse? 

    You must surely take account of the circumstances when passing judgement?
  • You are right about me being in a judge them on one result category, but wrong if you suggest I wouldn't be the same with any other manager. 

    I accept it might be unfair in the eyes of most.
    However if in the end we achieve automatic promotion my initial judgement would rightly be viewed as harsh.
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  • seth plum said:
    swordfish said:
    seth plum said:

    thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    I have never communicated with Charlie Methven in any way, nor he me.
    Nor have I commented on the footballing ability of the new boss.
    I remain in the ‘judge them on results’ category that was fashionable not long ago.
    Except the results you want to judge him by are quite frankly ridiculous.
    You have to start somewhere. So let Stevenage be the first indicator.
    Okay here's a hypothetical for you. We play Stevenage (who are in good form right now) and (somehow) Appleton has managed to get the team properly organised. The defence are solid, we have more possessions and shots etc. By every measure we are the better side.

    Except the Stevenage keeper has a blinder and manages to keep a clean sheet and then at the end of the game a fluke ricochet hits one of our defenders and goes in. We lose by 1 goal.

    Is that a good result or a bad one?
    That would be a bad result.
    Would you say being played off the park but getting a smash and grab 1-0 win is a good result?
    He's asking if it's a sacking using your yardstick, as well you know?

    I'm sure like me you remember when Swindon won at the Valley to end our records breaking run all those years ago when they had one chance after being battered for 90 (you'll remember Willie Carson's smug face) Didn't it hit the post and go in off Kiely's arse? 

    You must surely take account of the circumstances when passing judgement?
    Yes I remember. The goal Swindon scored was at the covered end, and beat Kiely diving not that well at his near left hand post.
    At the time Swindon were in a relegation battle that they eventually lost. Furthermore at half time Charlton generously gave Swindon a gift of money to help with a youth team expense or something, and Willie Carson came onto the pitch to accept the money on behalf of Swindon.
    Willie made a little thank you speech and finished off by saying '...and thanks for the three points'. We were 0-1 down at half time still with half the game to play, it was a bad result for us because we did not react in the second half and a good result for Swindon as Willie Carson acknowledged in advance.
    I also remember a game at Selhurst Park where we battered Plymouth, but they had I believe their third choice goalkeeper, a blimmin farmer, playing, and he kept us out and they won I believe.
    Good result for Plymouth, a bad one for us.
    Actually, didn't Fleetwood outplay us for very long periods of the match last Saturday, but still lost, and guess what they then sacked their manager.

    Well remembered Seth! Better than my memory, but, yes you're right, it was a first half goal, my mistake. Remember it in front of us low down to the left, me laughing at it at the time thinking we'd easily do a 'golfie' in the second half. Not that it was known as that then!

    Scott Brown wasn't dismissed for having lost one game though. Straw that broke the camel's back I suspect. 
  • I do wonder, and I don’t have a thought on this either way, and it was an age ago, but Appleton’s move from Pompey to Blackpool, then with a couple of months go to Blackburn (a local rivals of sort), and for it to fail so quickly, has that just haunted him (for want of a better word ever since).  

    Some people have career defining moments, and it definitely didn’t look good, nor did it end good.  Maybe, if he had go on to be a success at Blackburn, it wouldn’t have mattered.  But it’s the nature of how it happened and the subsequent failure that I think has just been a bit of mark on him ever since 
  • edited September 2023
    I'll keep open mind. He's the Charlton Head Coach and until there's reason to do otherwise he should have our support.  The image we have has been the character mocked in our threads so did some googling to see how well it is justified. There's an interesting 2021 interview in The Athletic on his career and the negative baggage he's had to carry

    Googled the local papers for Oxford and Lincoln when he left and they were positive:

    Quote Oxford Fans

    “We had an identity and a way of playing football. I’m completely disappointed, really gutted to be honest, that it’s happened the way it has.

    “He was an absolute gentlemen, a lovely bloke to talk to and a lot of people respected him.”

    Lincoln Local paper

    "Supported by the club’s recruitment team, Appleton made some outstanding signings, producing the best City side in 40 years, which didn’t just win regularly, but did so in style."

    "On a personal level, Appleton has been a pleasure to deal with, always open and honest with the media. He’s clearly a talented manager and coach, and after a well-earned break to recharge his batteries, it would be no surprise to see him back in the game very soon, possibly on the coaching staff at a higher-level club."

    No guarantees with us but seems the pre-conceived perceptions from may not be entirely justified.  However, seems "basket case" clubs where he's bombed attract him.

    with respect to them, what Lincoln and Oxford fans expect from a manager should be VERY different things. 

    Bit hard not to sound like a "massive" with a comment liike like this I grant you. Perhaps I just need to readjust my expectations down a division - just be happy being in and around league 1 play offs instead.
  • Im hoping we can secure Hayden Mullins and Darren Purse as coaches just to nip all 3 jokes in the bud at once 

    Hayden Mullins had been out of work since January 2022 when he was sacked as head coach by League Two Colchester (apart from a stint doing a Bowyer at Turks and Caicos Islands earlier this year). I reckon he'd be up for an assistant job in League One.
    Darren Purse coaches the U23s at Cardiff. I make first-team coach at a League One side a promotion.
    Let's make the dream happen.

  • I think focusing on results is the wrong strategy. Whether you want the gold medal or not does not decide who wins it. Stick with Appleton for a year and we will be challenging. 
    Lincoln are tiny and he built a good team. Even mcshambles was brilliant.

  • Why the delay in naming who Appleton's assistants are? 
  • I think focusing on results is the wrong strategy. Whether you want the gold medal or not does not decide who wins it. Stick with Appleton for a year and we will be challenging. 
    Lincoln are tiny and he built a good team. Even mcshambles was brilliant.

    isn't McScandalous injured for like 3 months though?
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  • seth plum said:
    swordfish said:
    seth plum said:

    thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    I have never communicated with Charlie Methven in any way, nor he me.
    Nor have I commented on the footballing ability of the new boss.
    I remain in the ‘judge them on results’ category that was fashionable not long ago.
    Except the results you want to judge him by are quite frankly ridiculous.
    You have to start somewhere. So let Stevenage be the first indicator.
    Okay here's a hypothetical for you. We play Stevenage (who are in good form right now) and (somehow) Appleton has managed to get the team properly organised. The defence are solid, we have more possessions and shots etc. By every measure we are the better side.

    Except the Stevenage keeper has a blinder and manages to keep a clean sheet and then at the end of the game a fluke ricochet hits one of our defenders and goes in. We lose by 1 goal.

    Is that a good result or a bad one?
    That would be a bad result.
    Would you say being played off the park but getting a smash and grab 1-0 win is a good result?
    He's asking if it's a sacking using your yardstick, as well you know?

    I'm sure like me you remember when Swindon won at the Valley to end our records breaking run all those years ago when they had one chance after being battered for 90 (you'll remember Willie Carson's smug face) Didn't it hit the post and go in off Kiely's arse? 

    You must surely take account of the circumstances when passing judgement?
    Yes I remember. The goal Swindon scored was at the covered end, and beat Kiely diving not that well at his near left hand post.
    At the time Swindon were in a relegation battle that they eventually lost. Furthermore at half time Charlton generously gave Swindon a gift of money to help with a youth team expense or something, and Willie Carson came onto the pitch to accept the money on behalf of Swindon.
    Willie made a little thank you speech and finished off by saying '...and thanks for the three points'. We were 0-1 down at half time still with half the game to play, it was a bad result for us because we did not react in the second half and a good result for Swindon as Willie Carson acknowledged in advance.
    I also remember a game at Selhurst Park where we battered Plymouth, but they had I believe their third choice goalkeeper, a blimmin farmer, playing, and he kept us out and they won I believe.
    Good result for Plymouth, a bad one for us.
    Actually, didn't Fleetwood outplay us for very long periods of the match last Saturday, but still lost, and guess what they then sacked their manager.

    Wasn’t it Michael Carrick who hit that shot for Swindon?
  • Two comments from another club's forum about Appleton's appointment. It seems the rest of the world view us as we view ourselves and Appleton.

    Amazing how he keeps getting appointments despite not achieving anything except the sack at everywhere he goes except for one good season with Oxford United. I swear that sometimes the managerial round about believes it's own PR at times

    He’s chosen his clubs very unwisely, almost everywhere he’s been bar Oxford has been a basket case. He did well at Lincoln too initially.
  • Leuth said:
    I didn’t realise what a big bastard he was. Always thought he was a scrawny bloke. At least he has a presence. I think the first thing he should do is knock out Charlie Kirk. Put a marker down to the rest of the squad!
    Yes, nothing says 'respect my authority' more than knocking out the weediest bloke in the room. Although that said, who do we have who's a hard nut? Lloyd Jones is probably the hardest bastard we've got atm. Appleton should still be able to lay him out cold before downing a pint of pig's blood to establish total dominance 

  • edited September 2023

    Two comments from another club's forum about Appleton's appointment. It seems the rest of the world view us as we view ourselves and Appleton.

    Amazing how he keeps getting appointments despite not achieving anything except the sack at everywhere he goes except for one good season with Oxford United. I swear that sometimes the managerial round about believes it's own PR at times

    He’s chosen his clubs very unwisely, almost everywhere he’s been bar Oxford has been a basket case. He did well at Lincoln too initially.
    The first is factually incorrect of course, which doesn't really add to the credibility of the posters opinion of him in my view.
  • Why the delay in naming who Appleton's assistants are? 
    Owners are still going through 15 years of Charlton Life memes.
    So who’s on the list of candidates? Who have I missed?

    Darren Purse
    Hayden Mullins
    Julian Gray
    Alan McOxo McCormack
    Callum Harriotts
    Igor Ventokele
    Roger F****** Johnson
    Kenneth Williams

  • seth plum said:
    swordfish said:
    seth plum said:

    thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    I have never communicated with Charlie Methven in any way, nor he me.
    Nor have I commented on the footballing ability of the new boss.
    I remain in the ‘judge them on results’ category that was fashionable not long ago.
    Except the results you want to judge him by are quite frankly ridiculous.
    You have to start somewhere. So let Stevenage be the first indicator.
    Okay here's a hypothetical for you. We play Stevenage (who are in good form right now) and (somehow) Appleton has managed to get the team properly organised. The defence are solid, we have more possessions and shots etc. By every measure we are the better side.

    Except the Stevenage keeper has a blinder and manages to keep a clean sheet and then at the end of the game a fluke ricochet hits one of our defenders and goes in. We lose by 1 goal.

    Is that a good result or a bad one?
    That would be a bad result.
    Would you say being played off the park but getting a smash and grab 1-0 win is a good result?
    He's asking if it's a sacking using your yardstick, as well you know?

    I'm sure like me you remember when Swindon won at the Valley to end our records breaking run all those years ago when they had one chance after being battered for 90 (you'll remember Willie Carson's smug face) Didn't it hit the post and go in off Kiely's arse? 

    You must surely take account of the circumstances when passing judgement?
    Yes I remember. The goal Swindon scored was at the covered end, and beat Kiely diving not that well at his near left hand post.
    At the time Swindon were in a relegation battle that they eventually lost. Furthermore at half time Charlton generously gave Swindon a gift of money to help with a youth team expense or something, and Willie Carson came onto the pitch to accept the money on behalf of Swindon.
    Willie made a little thank you speech and finished off by saying '...and thanks for the three points'. We were 0-1 down at half time still with half the game to play, it was a bad result for us because we did not react in the second half and a good result for Swindon as Willie Carson acknowledged in advance.
    I also remember a game at Selhurst Park where we battered Plymouth, but they had I believe their third choice goalkeeper, a blimmin farmer, playing, and he kept us out and they won I believe.
    Good result for Plymouth, a bad one for us.
    Actually, didn't Fleetwood outplay us for very long periods of the match last Saturday, but still lost, and guess what they then sacked their manager.

    Wasn’t it Michael Carrick who hit that shot for Swindon?
    My memory says it wasn't even a shot - it was a cross from the right wing, on the ground along the 6-yard box, that Deano dived on to cut out ... but saw it squirm underneath him and in for an OG with about 10 mins played.
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